
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Notes From Newport Town Council Minutes (1887 - 1962, with gaps)

These Minutes are "Minutes of the Burgh of Newport Commissioners' Meetings" (to 1900), then "Minutes of the Town Council of Newport".

These are not full transcripts of the Minutes. They are my own notes, taken for my own research many years ago. They are not comprehensive, indeed they are often highly selective. However, they give a flavour of the matters dealt with by the Town Council. The years covered are given at the foot of the page. The notes are always listed chronologically with occasional dates given at the start of a line to aid reference.

In 1887 Newport became a police burgh under the General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act 1862 (25 & 26 Vict., c.101). Burgh administration was carried out by police commissioners who were responsible for the cleansing, lighting, policing and public health of the burgh. Under the Town Councils (Scotland) Act 1900 (63 & 64 Vict., c.49) the police commissioners were replaced by Newport Town Council in January 1901. The name was changed to Newport-on-Tay in 1955. Newport-on-Tay Town Council was abolished in 1975 under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (c.65). Its powers were assumed by Fife Regional Council and North East Fife District Council. These in turn were replaced by Fife Council in 1996 under the Local Government etc (Scotland) Act 1994 (c.39).

Initially the Burgh only extended as far west as what is now 12 St. Fort Road. In 1902, the Burgh was extended to include Wormit (as far west as Wormit Farm), and in 1952 was again extended, this time to include Kilmany Road. see map

For a few of the early years, newspaper reports have been substituted for missing burgh records. The newspaper reports are, necessarily, limited in their coverage and sometimes in their accuracy. All newspaper reports are taken from the British Newspaper Archive © The British Library Board.

There is also a list of Councillors.


For complete years, select the appropriate link at the foot of the page. To search across the years, use the box below.


   (You can use * or ? wildcards)

and   or  

The original volumes of minutes are held by the Special Collections Dept. of St Andrews University Library, ref. B79/1. A few volumes are also held by Fife Council Archive Centre, Markinch, ref. B/Np.

Quotations are Crown copyright. Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland.

Notes of the following Town Council Minutes are included:

1887-88 (from newspapers) ; 1888-89 (from newspapers) ; 1889-90 (from newspapers) ;
1890-91 (from newspapers) ; 1891-92 (from newspapers) ; 1892-93 (from newspapers) ; 1893-94 (from newspapers) ; 1894-95 (from newspapers) ; 1895-96 (from newspapers) ; 1896-97 (from newspapers) ; 1897-98 ; 1898-99 (from newspapers) ; 1899-1900 ;
1900-01 ; 1901-02 ; 1902-03 ; 1903-04 ; 1904-05 ; 1905-06 ; 1906-07 ; 1907-08 ; 1908-09 ; 1909-10 ;
1910-11 ; 1911-12 ; 1912-13 ; 1913-14 ; 1914-15 ; 1915-16 ; 1916-17 ; 1917-18 ; 1918-19 ; 1919-20 ;
1920-21 ; 1921-22 ; 1922-23 ; 1923-24 ; 1924-25 ; 1925-26 ; 1926-27 ; 1927-28 ; 1928-29 ; 1929-30 ;
1930-31 ; 1931-32 ; 1932-33 ; 1933-34 ; 1934-35 ; 1935-36 ; 1936-37 ; 1937-38 ; 1938-39 ; 1939-40 ;
1940-41 ; 1941-42 ; 1942-43 ; 1943-44 ; 1944-45 ; 1945-46 ; 1946-47 ; 1947-49 ; 1949-50 ;
Gas Statistics (1925-1949) ;
1950-51 ; 1951-52 ; 1952-53 ; 1953-54 ; 1954-55 ; 1955-56 ; 1956-57 ; 1957-58 missing ; 1958-59 missing ; 1959-60 ;
1960-61 ; 1961-62; 1962 - 1975 missing.


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