
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Newport-on-Tay Burgh Boundary

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The original burgh boundary was set when the burgh was created in 1887. It was extended in 1890 to include the land being feued for Linden Avenue; in 1902 to include Wormit; and in 1952 to include parts of Craighead & Norwood, and Newton Park in Wormit.

The original boundary was settled by the Sheriff after local disagreements.

Burgh electoral wards were also created in 1902 and these are indicated on the map. Ward 3 (Wormit) began at Fisher Cottage and the farm track at the west side of the field across the road. It moved 211 yards east in 1964 when the new street names and numbering were introduced, thereby including the whole field in Ward 3 and making the boundary the east side of the field (the west boundary wall of Netherlea). (The only properties affected by this in the Town Council's era were the new police station and houses built in the empty field in 1967.)

There was a further extension in 1972 which covered the area around Flass Road, Ericht Road, Flass Cottage, and possibly more. I have not yet been able to track down details of this extension. see Edinburgh Gazette 1 Feb 1972, p.92.

                original 1887 boundary
                1890 addition - Linden Avenue
                1902 addition - Wormit
                1952 additions - Craighead / Norwood, & Newton Park
                ward boundaries

Ordnance Survey 25 inch Scotland, 1892-1914, at National Library of Scotland Map Images
Dundee Advertiser, 26 Mar 1890, p.5; Dundee Courier, 30 Apr 1890, p.3 at Find My Past
Photocopy of "Cupar 29 April 1890 Plan No. 12 of process in the petition of Alexander Scott & others for revising and extending the boundaries of Newport and referred to in my interlocutor of this date. A... Mackay, Sheriff of Fife", personal paper
Photocopy of "Cupar 8 July 1902. This is the map referred to in my deliverance of this date .... Sheriff Substitute of Fife", personal paper
Edinburgh Gazette, 19 Sep 1952 [noted: mistake of 305 yards instead of 305 feet between points P & R]
Valuation Rolls, Burgh of Newport-on-Tay, 1964 & 1968

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