
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive


Links to other parts of the site

Early Days of the Newport Granary : see Jottings - Surprising Origin of the 'Old Granary', Newport

John Hay, coal merchant, Waterstone, 1840s : see Jottings - Pay Your Coal Bill!

Shipbuilding at Woodhaven, 1847 - 1853 : see Jottings - Shipbuilding at Woodhaven

James Chapman's Tearoom 1850s : see Jottings - A Tayside Tearoom

Woodhaven Farm - potato growing : see Jottings - Woodhaven Farm Grew Good Potatoes

Thomas Roger, grocer: invoices 1903, 1905; with the background story in Jottings - An Edwardian Grocer's

Shareholders of the Wormit Electric Company, 1923 - 1929


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