
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : Newport Smithy,  Boat Road

Historic Property ImageStreet View Image

Photo / old map:

= Property demolished or site redeveloped

Notes:      Originally the Sea Mills (corn mills).


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.437794,-2.943555

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   (former public lavatories, 5, Boat Road)   former Post Office, 8, Boat Road   (formerly store, 12, Boat Road)   14 Boat Road   showroom, 16, Boat Road   18 Boat Road   (formerly garage, 20, Boat Road)   (formerly workshop, 10, Boat Road)   (Seamills Dairy & Stables, Boat Road)   (former Mission Hall, Boat Road)   house above former post office, Boat Road   saloon, part of 16, Boat Road   (part of motor works, Boat Road)   (former store near Post Office, Boat Road)   Tayfield North Lodge, High Road   (4 High Road)   Seamills Cottage [east half], 6, High Road   Seamills Cottage [west half], High Road   (Seamills Farm Cottage / Bothy, High Road)   (Cycle Store, High Road)   house, High Road  


1854 Ordnance Survey Name Book Entry    (originals at ScotlandsPlaces)     (more information on the O.S. Name Books page)

List of names to be corrected if necessaryOrthography, as recommended to be used in the new plansOther modes of spelling the nameAuthorities for these other modes of spelling when knownSituationDescriptive remarks or other general observations which may be considered of interestSource
Sea Mills (Meal, Barley)Sea Mills (Corn)Sea Mills; Sea Mills; Sea MillsAlexander Dingwall, occupier; John Just, Clarville; James Shepherd, Newport Pier.Near the centre of village of Newport.In these mills are prepared meal and barley; the machinery is driven by water. The buildings east of the mills are dairy and dwelling house, having the same name. Under them is a store room. The tenant is Mr. Alexander Dingwall, the proprietor John Berry Esq. Tayfield House.OS1/13/34/7
Sea Mills [cancelled - see page 8]Sea MillsJohn Berry Esq, Tayfield; Mr Smith, Factor, Chapelhouse; Property DocumentsA small mill (oat, barley and saw mill) with residence of a miller attached, all in good repair. Tenanted by Alexander Dingwall. The property of John Berry Esq of Tayfield.OS1/13/34/5


Information and Photographs on Other Sites (open in a new window)

Boat Road Smithy     source: Newport History Group
Sea Mills     source: The Place-Names of Fife, by Simon Taylor with Gilbert Markus, University of Glasgow     (see a map of all the placenames in Forgan parish.)


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)




House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Sea Mills
Seamills Smithy
Newport Smithy to early 1940s



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 145 entries

1942-43 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1942-43 dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths
1942-43 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1941-42 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1941-42 dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths.
1941-42 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church officer, St Thomas Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1940-41 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1940-41 dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths.
1940-41 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1939-40 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1939-40 dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths.
1939-40 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1938-39 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1938-39 dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths.
1938-39 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1937-38 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1937-38 dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths.
1937-38 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1936-37 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1936-37 dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths.
1936-37 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1935-36 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1935-36 dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths.
1935-36 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1934-35 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1934-35 dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths.
1934-35 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1933-34 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1933-34 dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths.
1933-34 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1932-33 dirDon, John J., Pierhead, E. Newport : Blacksmiths.
1932-33 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1931-32 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1931-32 dirDon, John J., Pierhead, E. Newport : Blacksmiths.
1931-32 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1930-31 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1930-31 dirDon, John J., Pierhead, E. Newport : Blacksmiths.
1930-31 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, St Thomas' Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1929-30 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1929-30 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, Newport Parish Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1929-30 dirDon, John J., Pierhead, E. Newport : Blacksmiths.
1928-29 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1928-29 dirDon, John J., Pierhead, E. Newport : Blacksmiths.
1928-29 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, Newport Parish Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1928 Kelly dirDon John, blacksmith, Pierhead, E [under Commercial]
1927-28 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1927-28 dirDon, John J., Pierhead, E. Newport : Blacksmiths.
1927-28 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, Newport Parish Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1926-27 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1926-27 dirDon, John J., Pierhead, E. Newport : Blacksmiths.
1926-27 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, Newport Parish Church ; h. Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1925-26 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1925-26 dirDon, John J., Pierhead, E. Newport : Blacksmiths.
1925-26 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; church-officer, Newport Parish Church ; Seamills, East Newportlocation 2
1924-25 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1923-24 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1923-24 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. James square, William streetlocation 2
1923-24 dirDon, John J., Pierhead, E. Newport : Blacksmiths.
1922-23 dirDon, John J., blacksmith. Pierhead ; h. James square. East Newportlocation 2
1921-22 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1921 Slater dirDon John, blacksmith, Pierhead, E [under Commercial]
1920-21 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. James square, East Newportlocation 2
1919-20 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Newport Smithy : Blacksmiths
1918-19 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Sea Mills, Pierhead : Blacksmiths
1918-19 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. James square, East Newportlocation 2
1917-18 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Sea Mills : Blacksmiths
1916-17 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Sea Mills : Blacksmiths
1915-16 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Sea Mills : Blacksmiths
1915-16 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. James square, East Newportlocation 2
1915 Slater dirDon John, blacksmith. Pierhead, E [under Commercial]
1914-15 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Sea Mills : Blacksmiths
1914-15 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. James squarelocation 2
1913-14 MacDonald dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths
1913-14 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. James squarelocation 2
1912-13 MacDonald dirDon, John J., Pierhead : Blacksmiths
1912-13 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. James squarelocation 2
1911-12 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Sea Mills : Blacksmiths
1911-12 dirDon, John J., blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. James squarelocation 2
1910-11 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Sea Mills : Blacksmiths
1910-11 dirDon, John J., blacksmith. Pierhead ; h. James squarelocation 2
1909-10 MacDonald dirDon, John James, Sea Mills : Blacksmiths
1909-10 dirDon, John J, blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. James squarelocation 2
1908-09 MacDonald dirYoung, Wm., Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1908-09 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Seamills houselocation 2
1908 Tayside AnnualDon, John J., blacksmith, Victoria Street and Seamills; h., James Square.location 2
1908 Tayside AnnualYoung, Wm., blacksmith, Seamills.location 2
1907-08 MacDonald dirYoung, Wm., Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1907-08 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith. Pierhead ; h. Seamills houselocation 2
1907 Tayside AnnualYoung, Wm., blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea mills.location 2
1907 Slater dirYoung William, blacksmith, Sea mills, E [under Commercial]
1906-07 MacDonald dirYoung, Wm., Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1906-07 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Seamills houselocation 2
1905-06 MacDonald dirYoung, Wm., Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1905-06 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Seamills houselocation 2
1904-05 MacDonald dirYoung, Wm., Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1904-05 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Seamills houselocation 2
1903-04 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1903 Slater dirYoung Wm. blacksmith, Sea mills, E Newport (Commercial)
1902-03 MacDonald dirYoung, Wm., Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1902-03 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith. Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1901-02 MacDonald dirYoung, Wm., Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1901-02 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1900-01 MacDonald dirYoung, Wm., Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1900-01 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1899-00 MacDonald dirYoung, Wm., Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1899-00 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith. Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1899 Slater dirYoung Wm. blacksmith, Sea mills, E [under Commercial]
1898-99 MacDonald dirYoung, Wm., Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1898-99 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1897-98 MacDonald dirYoung, Wm., Sea Mills : Blacksmiths
1897-98 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith. Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1896-97 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1896 Slater dirYoung Wm. blacksmith, Sea mills [under Commercial]
1895-96 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith. Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1894-95 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith. Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1893-94 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1893 Slater dirYoung William, Sea Mills : Blacksmiths.
1892-93 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1891-92 MacDonald dirYoung, William, Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1891-92 Lamburn dirYoung, Wm., Pierhead : Black And Shoeing Smiths.
1891-92 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1890-91 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1889-90 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1889 Slater dirYoung William, Sea Mills : Blacksmiths.
1888-89 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith. Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1887-88 dirYoung, William, general blacksmith, Pierhead ; h. Sea Mills houselocation 2
1886 Slater dirYoung William, blacksmith, Sea Mills
1885 MacDonald dirYoung, William, Sea mills : Blacksmiths
1885 Clark dirYoung, Wm., Sea Mills : Blacksmiths.
1884 MacDonald dirYoung, William, Sea mills : Blacksmiths.
1882-83 dirYoung, William, blacksmith, Pierhead
1882 Slater dirYoung William, Sea Mills : Blacksmiths.
1880-81 dirYoung, William, blacksmith. Pierhead
1878-79 dirYoung, William, blacksmith, Seamills
1878 Slater dirYoung William, Sea Mills : Blacksmiths.
1877 Worrall dirYoung William, Newport : Blacksmiths.
1876-77 dirYoung, William, blacksmith, Union street, East Newport [* ms. alteration - 'Union street' deleted]location 2
1874-75 dirYoung, William, blacksmith, Sea Mills ; h. Union streetlocation 2
1873 Slater dirYoung William, Newport : Blacksmiths.
1871-72 dirYoung, William, blacksmith, Seamills; h. Union Street, East Newportlocation 2
1869-70 dirYoung, William, blacksmith, Sea Mills ; h. Union Street, East Newportlocation 2
1867-68 dirMelville, John, lettercarrier ; and blacksmith, Sea Mills ; h. William Street, East Newportlocation 2
1867 Slater dirMelville John, Newport : Blacksmiths
1866 Fife dirMelville, John, blacksmith, E Newport
1862 Fife dirMelville, John, blacksmith, E Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1879-1880 Voters Young, William blacksmith Newport
1878-1879 Voters Young, William blacksmith Newport


Census records



Valuation Roll entries      There are 34 entries

1937-38850Smithy John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cres, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith 18View details
1935-36819Smithy John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cres, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith 18View details
1932-33792Smithy William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cres, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith 18View details
1930-31791Smithy William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cres, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith 18View details
1927-28783Smith's Yard William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cres, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith 1View details
1927-28782Smithy William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cres, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith 18View details
1925-26763Smith's Yard William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith same 1View details
1925-26762Smithy William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith same 18View details
1922-23734Smithy William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith same 20View details
1922-23735Smith's Yard William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith same 1View details
1920-21715Smith's Yard William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith same 1View details
1920-21714Smithy William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith same 17View details
1917-18712Smithy William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith same 17View details
1915-16708Smithy William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith same 17View details
1912-13688Smithy William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh John Don, blacksmith same 17View details
1907-08668Smithy William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1905-06650Smithy William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1903-04642Smithy William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1901-02431Smithy William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1900-01418Smithy William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1899-00389Smithy William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1897-98340Smithy William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1896-97318Smithy William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1895-96292Smithy William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1894-95128Smithy and Houses William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1893-94121Smithy and Houses William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1892-93125Smithy and Houses William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1891-92123Smithy and Houses William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1890-91118Smithy and Houses William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1889-90114Smithy and Houses William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1885-86106Smithy and Houses William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, Edinburgh William Young, blacksmith same 17View details
1881-8255Smithy and Houses William Berry Esq. (a minor), per J D Hannan, factor same William Young, blacksmith 17View details
1878-7962Smithy and Houses William Berry Esq. (a minor) same William Young, blacksmith 17View details
1875-7662Workshop or smithy John Berry Esq. same William Young, blacksmith 4View details



Railway Map References:

PlanYearRefDescriptionOwner or reputed ownerOccupier[Comments]
RHP85261 (E & N)184573Barley mill, meal mill, area & private roadWilliam BerryJohn Just (lessee & occupier)[Seamills]
RHP85254 (G & D J)184552Mills, mill-houses & leads, outbuildings, court & access roadsWilliam BerryJohn Just (lessee & occupier)[Seamills]


Other Sightings:

1825 Building shown on map: Sea Mill National Library of Scotland, Plan of the coast from Newport to Craighead, 1824-25, John Steedman
1821 Group of buildings shown on map: Ref. 6 - house, offices, mills & garden, owner William Berry, occupier John Adam No image available. University of Dundee Archives, report & plans for new ferry harbours, 1821, Telford.
1817 Building shown on map: 'Mill' National Library of Scotland, Survey of the Harbour of Newport, Stevenson, 1817


Early Sasines:



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