
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 15  Union Street

Street View Image

= Property still standing


Part of a previously single property. Other parts: 13 Union Street     



A simple set of properties which has been complicated by internal divisions and multiple letting. Originally 3 properties: the shop (9) on south; cottage (11) - Smith then McNaughton - in middle; cottage (15) - Gibb - on north. (15) was sometimes let as 2 properties, but from 1896 on it has always been 2. (11) was split into 2 c.1897, initially as 2 houses, but then one of them was used as a store for the shop. All properties were bought by Mackay c.1912 since when it has been impossible to sort out the internal divisions of properties. (13) has been created out of varying parts of (11) and (15). The part used as a store for the shop has reverted to being part of either (11) or (13).


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.441292,-2.939836

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   13 Royal Buildings   14 Royal Buildings   15 Royal Buildings   16 Royal Buildings   17 Royal Buildings   18 Royal Buildings   30 Tay Street   (formerly 25, Union Street)   (formerly 27, Union Street)   (formerly part of 27, Union Street)   (formerly 29, Union Street)   1 Union Street   2 Union Street   3 Union Street   4 Union Street   5 Union Street   (formerly 6, Union Street)   7 Union Street   8 Union Street   9 Union Street   10 Union Street   11 Union Street   12 Union Street   13 Union Street   14 Union Street   16 Union Street   17 Union Street   18 Union Street   19 Union Street   20 Union Street   21 Union Street   23 Union Street   store for shop, Union Street   (house & workshop, Union Street)   (hut addition for telephone exchange, Union Street)   (former slater's yard, Union Street)   (store, formerly 1, William Street)   St Fillans Church Hall, William Street   St Fillans Church Hall (pt), William Street   outbuilding behind 12 Tay Street, William Street  


1909-10 Finance Act - Valuation Office: Field Surveys

Reference no.      71      72


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

8 Union Street1961



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 13 entries

1909-10 dirMinair, [Monair] Mrs, Union street
1908 Tayside AnnualMonair, Margaret R., Union Street.
1907 Tayside AnnualMonair, Margaret R., Union Street.
1895-96 dirM'Intosh, Alexander, mason, Union street
1894-95 dirM'Intosh, Alexander, mason, Union street
1893-94 dirM'Intosh, Alexander, mason, Union street
1892-93 dirM'Intosh, Alexander, mason, Union street
1891-92 MacDonald dirM'Intosh, Alex., Union st. : China And Glass Dealers[? Is this the correct Alex. McIntosh
1886 Slater dirMacintosh Alexander, glass & china dealer, Union St[? is this the same Alex McIntosh]
1876-77 dirYoung, William, blacksmith, Union street, East Newport [* ms. alteration - 'Union street' deleted]location 2
1874-75 dirYoung, William, blacksmith, Sea Mills ; h. Union streetlocation 2
1871-72 dirYoung, William, blacksmith, Seamills; h. Union Street, East Newportlocation 2
1869-70 dirYoung, William, blacksmith, Sea Mills ; h. Union Street, East Newportlocation 2



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Female Voters Monair, Mrs Margaret Rait or Union Street, Newport Tenant of House Union Street


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 9 Union Street Moncur Harry 4
1911 Union Street Moncur Harry 2
1901 Union Street Monair Margaret 3View household
1891 7 Union Street McIntosh Alexander 2View household
1881 Union Street Haggart Mathew 3View household
1871 Union Street Young William 3View household
1861 7 Union Street Farquharson William 1View household
1861 7 Union Street Ogilvie David 1View household
1861 7 Union Street Fowler Margaret 2View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 48 entries

1974-75174200House Agnes Mackay per Lickley Proctor & Burnett, 23 South Tay St, Dundee Francis B McCafferty 33View details
1973-74174200House Agnes Mackay per Lickley Proctor & Burnett, 23 South Tay St, Dundee Francis B McCafferty 33View details
1972-73174200House Agnes Mackay per Lickley Proctor & Burnett, 23 South Tay St, Dundee Harry Bowden 33View details
1971-72174200House Agnes Mackay per Lickley Proctor & Burnett, 23 South Tay St, Dundee Harry Bowden 33View details
1969-701742House Agnes Mackay per Lickley Proctor & Burnett, 23 South Tay St, Dundee Gladys Brown 28View details
1968-691742House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, 18 Tay Street Gladys Brown 28View details
1967-68603House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, 18 Tay St Gladys Brown 28View details
1966-67603House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, 18 Tay St Gladys Brown 28View details
1964-65603House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, 18 Tay St Gladys Brown 23View details
1961-621904House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport Gladys Brown 23View details
1958-59819House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport Gladys Brown 14-5-10View details
1957-58796House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport Gladys Brown 14-5-10View details
1952-53771House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport Gladys Brown 14-5-10View details
1947-48745House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport Mrs Margaret Moncur 14-5-6View details
1942-43730House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport Mrs Harry Moncur 14-5-6View details
1940-41730House William Mackay, painter, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport Mrs Harry Moncur 14-5-6View details
1937-38733House William Mackay, painter, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport Mrs Harry Moncur 14-5-6View details
1935-36704House William Mackay, painter, 21 South Tay St, Dundee Mrs Harry Moncur 14-5-6View details
1932-33680House William Mackay, 21 South Tay St, Dundee Mrs Harry Moncur 14-5-6View details
1930-31675House William Mackay, 21 South Tay St, Dundee Mrs Harry Moncur 14-5-6View details
1927-28666House William Mackay, 21 South Tay St, Dundee Mrs Harry Moncur 14-5-6View details
1925-26650House William Mackay, 21 South Tay St, Dundee Mrs Harry Moncur same 14-5-6View details
1922-23622House William Mackay, 67 Nethergate, Dundee Harry Moncur, vanman same 14-5-6View details
1920-21600House William Mackay, Lorneville, E Newport Harry Moncur, vanman same 10View details
1917-18599House William Mackay, Lorneville Harry Moncur, vanman same 10View details
1915-16594House William Mackay, Lorneville, East Newport Harry Moncur, vanman same 10View details
1912-13289House William Mackay, Lorneville Harry Moncur, vanman same 6View details
1907-08271House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union Street, Newport Mrs Margaret Rait or Monair same 6View details
1905-06259House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport Mrs Margaret Rait or Monair same 6View details
1903-04256House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport Mrs Margaret Rait or Monair same 6View details
1901-02844House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport Mrs Margaret Rait or Monair same 6View details
1900-01828House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport Mrs Margaret Rait or Monair same 6View details
1899-00795House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport Mrs Margaret Rait or Monair same 6View details
1897-98746House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport Mrs Margaret Rait or Monair same 6View details
1896-97720House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport Mrs Monair same 6View details
1895-96687House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport empty 6View details
1894-95641House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport Alexander McIntosh, mason same 14View details
1893-94621House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport Alexander McIntosh, mason same 14View details
1892-93611House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport Alexander McIntosh, mason same 14View details
1891-92595House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport per Jas. Henderson Esq, Downie Mount, Tayport Alexander McIntosh, mason same 14View details
1890-91561House Miss Margaret Gibson Gibb, Union St, Newport per Jas. Henderson Esq, Downie Mount, Tayport Alexander McIntosh, mason same 14View details
1889-90537House William Gibb, rtd. engineer Alexander McIntosh, mason same 14View details
1885-86504House William Gibb, rtd. engineer Alexander McIntosh, mason same 14View details
1881-82397House William Gibb, architect, Dundee same John Deans 8View details
1878-79378House William Gibb, architect, Dundee same William Young, smith 12View details
1875-76319House William Gibb, architect, Dundee same William Young, smith 12View details
1871-72286House William Gibb, architect, Dundee William Young, smith 12View details
1867-68263House William Gibb, architect David Mitchell, mason 8View details [probably this house]



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 57  view details Maryton lot 1 (part) E-most of 3 cottages (Gibb) 13-15 Union St


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1890.07474Margaret Gibson Gibb to TrsNot Inst Margaret Gibson Gibb, E Newport of (1) 42 falls 17 ells grnd & dw ho etc t/on in N-most street of Maryton; & 40 falls 4 ells grnd in middle street, Maryton; (2) the following contiguous subjects - the E-most of 3 cottages & a piece of grnd with the 2 cottages t/on in Maryton, : S by road running E-W through village, pts of 2 roods 4 falls 24 ells lots 1 & 2 of Maryton ... recorded by William Gibb superintendent Edinburgh Water Works, Colinton13 Dec 189097, 151, 57, 59
1849.01944Trs John Croom to William GibbWilliam Gibb of Edinburgh Water Works seised the E-most of 3 cottages & a piece of grnd with the 2 cottages t/on in Maryton on disp by Trs John Croom, Oct 18483 Apr 184957, 59, 160, 163

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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