
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Newport with Steedman 1825 overlay

The overlay is John Steedman's 1825 Plan of the Coast from Newport to Craighead. Original at National Library of Scotland. It has been geo-referenced to enable it to be overlaid on present-day mapping.

Use the Steedman opacity slider on the right to see through it.

Additionally, there are 2 sets of labels shown on other plans (RHP30450 - 'plan of the braes, rocks and sea beach at Newport in dispute between William Berry of Tayfield and Robert Dalgliesh of Scotscraig', and RHP30440 - 'plan of Newport identifying various buildings') which used the Steedman plan as a base. These can be toggled on / off by selecting their check boxes on the right. Thses are best viewed on enlarging the map. Just play around with it!

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