
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : formerly Ferry Terminal, 1-3,  Boat Road

Street View Image

= Property still standing




Present ferry terminal buildings built c.1878, replacing earlier ones.


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.437815,-2.944369

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   1 Boat Brae   2 Boat Brae   4 Boat Brae   5 Boat Brae   8 Boat Brae   10 Boat Brae   12 Boat Brae   14 Boat Brae   6 Boat Brae   part of 1, Boat Brae   part of 5, Boat Brae   3 Boat Brae   (house and shop on site of 1, Boat Brae)   (Boatshed, Boat Brae)   (Waiting Room & Bothy, Boat Brae)   (shop, Boat Brae)   (later Boatshed, Boat Brae)   4 Boat Road   (former public lavatories, 5, Boat Road)   6 Boat Road   former Post Office, 8, Boat Road   (formerly workshop, 10, Boat Road)   (former shop at pier, Boat Road)   house above former post office, Boat Road   shop, part of 6, Boat Road   (former store near Post Office, Boat Road)   Seamills Cottage [east half], 6, High Road   Seamills Cottage [west half], High Road  


1854 Ordnance Survey Name Book Entry    (originals at ScotlandsPlaces)     (more information on the O.S. Name Books page)

List of names to be corrected if necessaryOrthography, as recommended to be used in the new plansOther modes of spelling the nameAuthorities for these other modes of spelling when knownSituationDescriptive remarks or other general observations which may be considered of interestSource
Newport PierPierNewport Pier; Newport Pier; Newport Pier; PierJames Shepherd, Superintendent; Alexander Dingwall, Sea Mills; Mr. John Just, Clarville; Johnson's Co. Map.On the North side of the village of Newport and margin of the Firth of Tay.This pier was built about 30 years ago, in connexion with the ferry between Newport and Dundee, the neighbouring proprietors and Dundee merchants taking shares in the undertaking. A steamer plys between the two towns every half hour during the day, with passengers and luggage. There are two fixed lights on this pier, by means of which a sand bank is cleared. The offices connected with the pier, are the booking office waiting rooms and stores. The pier and steamer became by purchase the property of the Scottish Central Railway Company. [Added in red ink: ] Pier only to be written as it is adjoining the village pier.OS1/13/34/8


Information and Photographs on Other Sites (open in a new window)

2-14 Boat Brae     source: Canmore
Ferry Terminal & Pier     source: Canmore
Ferry Pier     source: Newport History Group
Ferry Pier And Terminal Including Stone Setts, Boat Road, Newport-On-Tay     source: Listed Building - Historic Environment Scotland


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)




House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Ferry Terminal



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 136 entries

1966 dirShaw, J., pierman, 13 Craighead roadlocation 2
1965 dirShaw, J., pierman, 13 Craighead roadlocation 2
1953-54 dirDuncan, William M., piermaster, 16 Kerr street, East Newportlocation 2
1952-53 dirDuncan, William M., piermaster, 16 Kerr street, East Newport location 2
1951-52 dirAlexander, W., & Sons, Ltd., booking office, The Pier, E. Newport
1951-52 dirDuncan, William M., pierman, 16 Kerr street, East Newportlocation 2
1950-51 dirAlexander, W., & Sons, Ltd., booking office, The Pier, E. Newport
1950-51 dirDuncan, William M., pierman, 16 Kerr street, East Newport location 2
1950-51 dirM'Hardy, William F., piermaster, Poplar place, King street location 2
1949-50 dirAlexander, W. & Sons, Ltd., booking office, The Pier, East Newport
1949-50 dirDuncan, William M., pierman, 16 Kerr street, East Newportlocation 2
1949-50 dirM'Hardy, William F., piermaster, Poplar place, King streetlocation 2
1948-49 dirAlexander, W. & Sons, Ltd., booking office, The Pier, East Newport
1948-49 dirDuncan, William M., pierman, 16 Kerr street, East Newportlocation 2
1948-49 dirM'Hardy, William F., piermaster, Poplar place, King street location 2
1947-48 dirDuncan, William M., pierman, 16 Kerr street, East Newportlocation 2
1947-48 dirGarvie, Charles, pierman, Union place, Union street, East Newportlocation 2
1947-48 dirM'Hardy, William F., piermaster, Poplar place, King streetlocation 2
1946-47 dirGarvie, Charles, pierman, Union place, Union street, East Newportlocation 2
1946-47 dirM'Hardy, William F., piermaster, Poplar place, King streetlocation 2
1942-43 dirGarvie, Charles, pierman, Union place, Union street, East Newportlocation 2
1942-43 dirM'Hardy, William F., piermaster, Poplar place, King streetlocation 2
1941-42 dirGarvie, Charles, pierman, Union place, Union street, East Newportlocation 2
1941-42 dirM'Hardy, William F., piermaster, Poplar place, King streetlocation 2
1940-41 dirGarvie, Charles, pierman, Union place, Union street, East Newportlocation 2
1940-41 dirM'Hardy, William F., piermaster, Poplar place, King streetlocation 2
1939-40 dirGarvie, Charles, pierman, Union place. Union street, East Newportlocation 2
1939-40 dirM'Hardy, William F., piermaster, Poplar place, King streetlocation 2
1938-39 dirGarvie, Charles, pierman, Union place, Union street, East Newportlocation 2
1938-39 dirM'Hardy, William F., piermaster, Poplar place, King streetlocation 2
1937-38 dirM'Hardy, William F., piermaster, Poplar place, King streetlocation 2
1929-30 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newportlocation 2
1929-30 dirRobertson, James, pier porter, Poplar place, King street, East Newportlocation 2
1928-29 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newport.location 2
1928-29 dirRobertson, James, pier porter, Poplar place, King street, East Newport location 2
1927-28 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newportlocation 2
1927-28 dirRobertson, James, pier porter, Poplar place, King street, East Newportlocation 2
1926-27 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newportlocation 2
1926-27 dirRobertson, James, pier porter, Poplar place, King street, East Newportlocation 2
1925-26 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newportlocation 2
1925-26 dirRobertson, James, pier porter, Poplar place, King street, East Newportlocation 2
1923-24 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newportlocation 2
1923-24 dirRobertson, James, pier porter, Poplar place, King street, East Newport location 2
1922-23 dirHardie, Alexander, piermaster, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1922-23 dirRobertson, James, pier porter. Poplar place, King street. East Newportlocation 2
1920-21 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1920-21 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1918-19 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1918-19 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1915-16 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1915-16 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1914-15 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1914-15 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1913-14 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1913-14 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1912-13 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1912-13 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1911-12 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1911-12 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1910-11 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square. East Newportlocation 2
1910-11 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house. East Newportlocation 2
1909-10 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1909-10 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster. Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1908-09 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square. East Newportlocation 2
1908-09 dirM'Millan, Francis J, piermaster. Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1908 Tayside AnnualMcMillan, Frank, piermaster, Robert Street. location 2
1907-08 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square. East Newportlocation 2
1907-08 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster. Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1907 Tayside AnnualM'Millan, Frank, pier-master, Robert Street.location 2
1906-07 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1905-06 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1904-05 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1903-04 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1902-03 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster. Poplar house. East Newportlocation 2
1901-02 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster. Poplar house. East Newportlocation 2
1900-01 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster. Poplar house, East Newportlocation 2
1899-00 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, Poplar house. East Newportlocation 2
1898-99 Telephone dirTay Ferries, Pierhead; tel. no. 52
1898-99 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1897-98 dirM'Millan, Francis J, piermaster, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1896-97 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1895-96 dirM'Millan, Francis J., piermaster, 6 Union terrace. East Newportlocation 2
1894-95 dirM'Millan, Francis J, pier porter, 6 Union terrace. East Newportlocation 2
1894-95 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Japonica cottage, West Newportlocation 2
1893-94 dirM'Millan, Francis J., pier porter, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1893-94 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Japonica cottage. West Newportlocation 2
1893 Slater dirMilne Alexander, pier master, Japonica Cottage. West Newport : Miscellaneous.location 2
1892-93 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Tay Ferries; h. Queen st., East Newportlocation 2
1892-93 dirM'Millan, Francis J., pier porter, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1892-93 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Japonica cottage, West Newportlocation 2
1891-92 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Tay Ferries; h. Queen st., East Newportlocation 2
1891-92 dirM'Millan, Francis J., pier porter, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1891-92 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Japonica cottage. West Newportlocation 2
1890-91 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Tay Ferries; h. Queen st., East Newportlocation 2
1890-91 dirM'Millan, Francis J., pier porter, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1890-91 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Japonica cottage, West Newportlocation 2
1889-90 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Tay Ferries; h. Queen st., East Newportlocation 2
1889-90 dirM'Millan, Francis J., pier porter, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1889-90 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Japonica cottage. West Newportlocation 2
1889 Slater dirMilne Alexander, pier master, Japonica Cottage, West Newport : Miscellaneous.location 2
1888-89 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Tay Ferries; h. Queen st. East Newportlocation 2
1888-89 dirM'Millan, Francis J., pier porter, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1888-89 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Japonica cottage. West Newportlocation 2
1887-88 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Tay Ferries; h. Queen st., East Newportlocation 2
1887-88 dirM'Millan, Francis J., pier porter, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1887-88 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Japonica cottage, West Newportlocation 2
1886-87 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Tay Ferries; h. Queen st., East Newportlocation 2
1886-87 dirM'Millan, Francis J., pier porter, 6 Union terrace. East Newportlocation 2
1886-87 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Japonica cottage, West Newportlocation 2
1886 Slater dirMilne Alexander, pier master, Japonica Cottage, West Newportlocation 2
1885-86 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Tay Ferries; h. Woodside, Queen streetlocation 2
1885-86 dirM'Millan, Francis J., pier porter, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1885 Clark dirJackson, John, Parcel Deliverer : Conveyance By Waterlocation 2
1885 Clark dirMilne, Alex., Pier Master : Conveyance By Water
1884-85 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Tay Ferries ; h. Queen st., East Newportlocation 2
1884-85 dirM'Millan, Francis J., pier porter, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1884-85 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Japonica cottage. West Newportlocation 2
1882-83 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Tay Ferries ; h. Woodside, East Newportlocation 2
1882-83 dirM'Millan, Francis J., pier porter, 6 Union terrace, East Newportlocation 2
1882-83 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Japonica cottage, West Newportlocation 2
1882 Slater dirMilne Alexander, pier master, Newport : Miscellaneous.
1880-81 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Tay Ferries; h. Woodside, E. Newportlocation 2
1880-81 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster ; h. Union street, East Newportlocation 2
1878-79 dirJackson, John, parcel deliverer, Ferries ; h. Woodside, Queen streetlocation 2
1878-79 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, 9 Union street. East Newportlocation 2
1878 Slater dirMilne Alex, pier master, Union st. Newport : Miscellaneous.location 2
1876-77 dirJackson, John, Tay Ferries Parcel Delivery office, Newport pier ; h. Queen street. East Newportlocation 2
1876-77 dirMilne, Alexander, piermaster, Newport pier; h. Union st., East Newportlocation 2
1869-70 dirDavidson, David, superintendent, Newport Pier
1869-70 dirJackson, John, porter, Tay Ferries ; h. Woodside, East Newportlocation 2
1867-68 dirDavidson, D., pier superintendent, Tay Ferries ; h. Newport Pier
1866 Fife dirJackson, John, keeper of Tay Ferries pack house & parcel office, Newportlocation 2
1862 Fife dirBrand, Mrs, keeper of Tay Ferries packhouse & parcel office, Newport
1853-54 dirJackson, John, collector, Tay Ferries; h. Woodside Cottages.location 2
1853-54 dirShepherd, James, master of sailing-boats, Tay Ferries ; h. Woodmuir Feus.location 2
1846-47 Dundee dirHenderson, William, pilot, Tay Ferries, Newport; h. 19 Butcher Row, Dundee



Census records



Valuation Roll entries      There are 52 entries

1974-75206500Research Laboratory The University of Dundee per Finance Officer, Nethergate, Dundee proprietor 630View details
1973-74206500Research Laboratory The University of Dundee per Finance Officer, Nethergate, Dundee proprietor 630View details
1972-73206500Research Laboratory The University of Dundee per Finance Officer, Nethergate, Dundee proprietor 630View details
1971-72206500Research Laboratory The University of Dundee per Finance Officer, Nethergate, Dundee proprietor 700View details
1969-702065Tay Estuary Research Institute The University of Dundee per Finance Officer, Nethergate, Dundee proprietor 500View details
1968-692065Premises (under reconstruction) The University of Dundee per Finance Officer, Nethergate, Dundee empty 250View details
1967-68739Premises Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John B Murray, treasurer, Dundee proprietor 250View details
1966-67739Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John T Murray, treasurer, Dundee proprietor 250View details
1964-65739Tay Ferries Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John T Murray, treasurer, Dundee proprietor View details
1961-622210Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John T Murray, treasurer, Dundee proprietor View details
1958-59912Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John T Murray, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 0View details
1957-58889Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John T Murray, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 0View details
1952-53863Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John T Murray, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 0View details
1947-48837Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 0View details
1942-43823Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 0View details
1940-41824Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 0View details
1937-38835Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 75View details
1935-36806Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 68-10-0View details
1932-33768Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 0View details
1930-31766Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 0View details
1927-28757Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 0View details
1925-26738Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Dundee Harbour Trustees per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 2300View details
1922-23709Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Dundee Harbour Trustees per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 374View details
1920-21687Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Dundee Harbour Trustees per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 447-10-0View details
1917-18685Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Dundee Harbour Trustees per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 16-10-0View details
1915-16681Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Dundee Harbour Trustees per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 527View details
1912-13942Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Dundee Harbour Trustees per John D Panton, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 888-10-0View details
1907-08919Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson, treasurer, Dundee proprietors 831View details
1905-06898Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 823-12-0View details
1903-04885Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 1035-0-8View details
1901-02696Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 981-17-0View details
1900-01684Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 969View details
1899-00653Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 1058-15-0View details
1897-98604Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 570View details
1896-97578Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 914View details
1895-96540Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 585-14-11View details
1894-95498Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 953-7-5View details
1893-94477Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 741-4-2View details
1892-93486Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 622-3-2View details
1891-92453Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 776-17-8View details
1890-91425Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 644-11-8View details
1889-90404Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 642-17-10View details
1885-86375Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer proprietor 1066-18-5View details
1881-82270Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees per James Watson treasurer Said Trustees 1254-8-9View details
1878-79260Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Dundee Harbour Trustees Said Trustees 1700View details
1875-76233Tay Ferries, Pier, &c. The Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee Said Trustees 200View details
1871-72213Tay Ferries, Pier, etc Caledonian Railway Co Caledonian Railway Co 200View details
1867-68196Tay Ferries, Pier, etc. Scottish Central Railway Company Said Company 200View details
1865-66183Tay Ferries, Pier, etc. Scottish Central Railway Company Said Company 200View details
1864-65173Tay Ferries, Pier, etc. Scottish Central Railway Company Said Company 200View details
1860-61156Tay Ferries, Piers etc Scottish Central Railway Co. - 200View details
1855-56209Tay Ferries including piers, etc Trs for Scottish Central Railway Co said Trustees 185-10-0View details



Railway Map References:

PlanYearRefDescriptionOwner or reputed ownerOccupier[Comments]
RHP34382 (Caledonian)18691Pier & breakwaterTay Ferries Trustees; Caledonian RailwayCaledonian Railway
RHP85261 (E & N)184577Passage pier & shedTrustees of the Tay Ferries; or the Scottish Central Railway CoThe Owners & the Public[Ferry Pier]
RHP85254 (G & D J)184538Dwelling house, sheds & outbuildingsH M Commissioners for the Issue of Exchequer Loans, Dundee Banking Co, Scottish Central Railway Co, Trustees for the Erecting Improving Regulating & Maintaining Ferries and Passages across the River Tay in the Counties of Fife & ForfarDundee Banking Co, Scottish Central Railway Co


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