
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 32  King Street

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.442068,-2.938237

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   11 King Street   15 King Street   17 King Street   19 King Street   21 King Street   22 King Street   23 King Street   24 King Street   25 King Street   26 King Street   27 King Street   28 King Street   29 King Street   30 King Street   (Garage, formerly 31, King Street)   34 King Street   36 King Street   38 King Street   40 King Street   42 King Street   44 King Street   11a, King Street   (Bowling Green, King Street)   (former coal shed, King Street)   19 Queen Street   27 Robert Street   29 Robert Street   31 Robert Street   33 Robert Street   35 Robert Street   36 Robert Street   37 Robert Street   38 Robert Street   39 Robert Street   (former workshop, 40, Robert Street)   41 Robert Street   (former slater's yard, 42, Robert Street)  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Meldrum Square
2 Meldrum Square 1861



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 80 entries

1963 dirHardie, Robert, Meldrum square, King street
1962 dirHardie, Robert, Meldrum square, King street
1961 dirHardie, Robert, Meldrum square, King street
1960 dirHardie, Robert, Meldrum square, King street
1958-59 dirHardy, Robert, Meldrum square, Robert street
1958-59 dirHardie, Robert, Meldrum square, King street
1957-58 dirHardy, Robert, Meldrum square, Robert street
1957-58 dirHardie, Robert, Meldrum square, King street
1956-57 dirHardy, Robert, Meldrum square, Robert street
1955-56 dirHardy, Robert, Meldrum square, Robert street, East Newport
1954-55 dirHardy, Miss, Meldrum square, Robert street, East Newport
1953-54 dirHardy, Miss, Meldrum square, Robert street, East Newport
1952-53 dirHardy, Miss, Meldrum square, Robert street, East Newport
1951-52 dirHardy, Miss, Meldrum square, Robert street, East Newport
1950-51 dirHardy, Miss, Meldrum square, Robert street, East Newport
1949-50 dirHardie, Miss J., Meldrum square, King street
1948-49 dirHardie, Miss J., Meldrum square, King street
1947-48 dirHardie, Miss J., Meldrum square, King street
1946-47 dirHardie, Miss J., Meldrum square, King street
1942-43 dirHardie, Miss J., Meldrum square, King street
1941-42 dirHardie, Miss J., Meldrum square, King street
1940-41 dirHardie, Mrs Alexander A., Meldrum square, King street
1939-40 dirHardie, Mrs Alexander A., Meldrum square, King street
1938-39 dirHardie, Mrs Alexander A., Meldrum square, King street
1937-38 dirHardie, Alexander A., Meldrum square, King street
1936-37 dirHardie, Alexander A., Meldrum square, King street
1935-36 dirHardie, Alexander A., Meldrum square, King street
1934-35 dirHardie, Alexander A., Meldrum square, King street, East Newport
1933-34 dirHardie, Alexander A., Meldrum square, King street, East Newport
1932-33 dirHardie, Alexander A., Meldrum square, King street, East Newport
1931-32 dirHardie, Alexander A., Meldrum square, King street, East Newport
1930-31 dirHardie, Alexander A., Meldrum square, King street, East Newport
1929-30 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newportlocation 2
1928-29 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newport.location 2
1927-28 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newportlocation 2
1926-27 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newportlocation 2
1925-26 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newportlocation 2
1923-24 dirHardie, Alexander A., piermaster, Meldrum sq., King st., East Newportlocation 2
1922-23 dirHardie, Alexander, piermaster, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1920-21 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1920-21 dirHardie, Alex., Meldrum sq., East Newport; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport Quoiting Club]location 2
1918-19 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1918-19 dirHardie, Alex., Meldrum square, East Newport; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport Quoiting Club]location 2
1915-16 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1915-16 dirHardie, Alex., Meldrum square, East Newport; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport Quoiting Club]location 2
1914-15 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1914-15 dirHardie, Alex., Meldrum square, East Newport; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport Quoiting Club]location 2
1913-14 dirHardie, Alex., Meldrum square, E. Newport. Grounds, Cupar road; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport Quoiting Club]location 2
1913-14 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1912-13 dirHardie, Alex., Meldrum sq., E. Newport; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport Quoiting Club, Grounds, Cupar Road.]location 2
1912-13 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1911-12 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1911-12 dirHardie, Alex., Meldrum square, East Newport; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport Quoiting Club, Grounds, Cupar Road]location 2
1910-11 dirHardie, Alex., Meldrum square. East Newport; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport Quoiting Club, Grounds, Cupar Road.]location 2
1910-11 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square. East Newportlocation 2
1909-10 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square, East Newportlocation 2
1909-10 dirHardie, Alex., Meldrum square, East Newport; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport Quoiting Club, Grounds - Cupar Road.]location 2
1908-09 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square. East Newportlocation 2
1908-09 dirHardie, Alex., Meldrum square. East Newport; Secy. and Treasurer, [under Newport Quoiting Club; Grounds, Cupar Road.]location 2
1908 Tayside AnnualHardie, Alex., Meldrum Square; Secretary, [under Newport Quoiting Club. Grounds, Cupar Road.]location 2
1908 Tayside AnnualHardie, Alex., labourer, Meldrum's Square.
1907-08 dirHardie, Alexander, Meldrum square, East Newport; Secretary, [under Newport Quoiting Club; Grounds, Cupar Road.]location 2
1907-08 dirHardie, Alexander, pier porter, Meldrum square. East Newportlocation 2
1907 Tayside AnnualHardie, Alex., Meldrum Square; Secretary, [under Newport Quoiting Club. Grounds, Cupar Road.]location 2
1907 Tayside AnnualHardie, Alex., Labourer, Meldrum's Square.
1906-07 dirHardie, Alexander, Meldrum square, East Newport; Secretary, [under Newport Quoiting Club, Grounds, Cupar Road.]location 2
1901-02 dirHardie, Alexander, King street; Match Secretary, [under Newport Quoiting Club. Grounds, Cupar Road.]location 2
1896-97 dirJolly, John, coachman, King street
1895-96 dirJolly, John, coachman, King street
1894-95 dirJolly, John, coachman. King street
1893-94 dirJolly, John, coachman. King street
1892-93 dirJolly, John, coachman, King street
1886 Slater dirFerguson Robert, potato merchant, King St
1885-86 dirFerguson, Robert, coal merchant. East Newport station ; h. King streetlocation 2
1884-85 dirFerguson, Robert, coal merchant, East Newport station ; h. King streetlocation 2
1882-83 dirFerguson, Robert, coal merchant, East Newport station ; h. King streetlocation 2
1878-79 dirLandsman, William, seaman, King street, East Newport
1876-77 dirLandsman, William, seaman, King street; East Newport [* ms. alteration - entry deleted]
1866 Fife dirLandman, Capt William, shipmaster, E Newport
1852 Slater dirKeddie, Alexander, shoemaker, Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Hardie, Alexander Labourer Meldrum Square, Newport Tenant of House Meldrum Square


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 King Street Hardie Alex 3
1911 King Street, Meldrum Square Hardie Alexander 3
1901 King Street Hardie Alexander 3View household
1891 King Street Jolly John 3View household
1881 King Street Uninhabited View household
1871 Meldrum Square Landsman William 2View household
1861 1 Meldrum Square Landsman Ann 3View household
1851 Kiddie Alexander View household[probably this house]



Valuation Roll entries      There are 52 entries

1974-75130700House George J Massie proprietor 61View details
1973-74130700House George J Massie proprietor 61View details
1972-73130700House Robert A Milroy proprietor 45View details
1971-72130700House Mrs May Bishop proprietor 45View details
1969-701307House Robert Francis proprietor 32View details
1968-691307House Robert Francis proprietor 32View details
1967-68242House Robert Hardie proprietor 32View details
1966-67242House Robert Hardie proprietor 32View details
1964-65242House Robert Hardie proprietor 24View details
1961-62632House Robert Hardie proprietor 24View details
1958-59380House Robert Hardie proprietor 16View details
1957-58383House Robert Hardie proprietor 16View details
1952-53354House Trs of Mrs Catherine Mather per Katherine M Mather, Balgonie, Tayport Jean Hardie 16View details
1947-48350House Trs of Mrs Catherine Mather per Katherine M Mather, Balgonie, Tayport Jean Hardie 16View details
1942-43351House Trs of Mrs Catherine Mather per Katherine M Mather, Balgonie, Tayport Jean Hardie 16View details
1940-41349House Trs of Mrs Catherine Mather per A T M Mather, Balgonie, Tayport Alexander Hardie 16View details
1937-38354House Trs of Mrs Catherine Mather per A T M Mather, Balgonie, Tayport Alexander Hardie 16View details
1935-36350House Trs of Mrs Catherine Mather per A T M Mather, Balgonie, Tayport Alexander Hardie 16View details
1932-33330House Trs of Mrs Catherine Mather per John Clement, South Dron, Dairsie Alexander Hardie 12-19-0View details
1930-31325House Trs of Mrs Catherine Mather per John Clement, South Dron, Dairsie Alexander Hardie 12-19-0View details
1927-28322House Trs of Catherine Mather per John Clement, South Dron, Dairsie Alexander Hardie 12-19-0View details
1925-26308House Trs of Catherine Mather per John Clement, South Dron, Dairsie Alexander Hardie same 12-19-0View details
1922-23293House Trs of Catherine Mather per John Clement, South Dron, Dairsie Alexander Hardie same 12-19-0View details
1920-21282House Trs of Catherine Mather per John Clement, South Dron, Dairsie Alexander Hardie same 9View details
1917-18281House & Garden Trs of Catherine Mather per John Clement, South Dron, Dairsie Alexander Hardie same 9View details
1915-16278House & Garden Trs of Catherine Mather per John Clement, South Dron, Dairsie Alexander Hardie same 9View details
1912-13458House & Garden Trs of Catherine Mather per John Clement, South Dron, Dairsie Alexander Hardie same 9View details
1907-08434House James Mather, Tayport Alexander Hardie same 9View details [should be King St]
1905-06421House James Mather, Tayport Alexander Hardie same 9View details [should be King St]
1903-04417House James Mather, Tayport Alexander Hardie same 9View details
1901-021007House James Thrift Meldrum, Burnside, Toronto per Drummond, Johnstone & Grosset, writers, Cupar Alexander Hardie same 9View details
1900-01990House James Thrift Meldrum, Burnside, Toronto per Drummond, Johnstone & Grosset, writers, Cupar Alexander Hardie same 9View details
1899-00956House James Thrift Meldrum, Burnside, Toronto per Drummond, Johnstone & Grosset, writers, Cupar Jeannie Bell same 9View details
1897-98900House and Garden James Thrift Meldrum, Burnside, Toronto per Drummond, Johnstone & Grosset, writers, Cupar Thomas J Crowley, insurance agent same 9View details
1896-97872House and Garden James Thrift Meldrum, Bowside, Toronto per Drummond, Johnstone & Grosset, writers, Cupar Thomas J Crowley, insurance agent same 9View details
1895-96838House and Garden Thomas Bell, farmer, Todhall judicial factor on estate of late Miss Hay Meldrum, Dron per Drummond, Johnstone & Grosset, writers, Cupar John L Sievwright, Craiglea John Jolly, coachman 9View details
1894-95794House and Garden Thomas Bell, farmer, Todhall judicial factor on estate of late Miss Hay Meldrum, Dron per Drummond, Johnstone & Grosset, writers, Cupar John L Sievwright, Craiglea John Jolly, coachman 9View details
1893-94771House and Garden Miss Hay Meldrum, Dron per Drummond, Nicholson & Johnstone, writers, Cupar John L Sievwright, Craiglea John Jolly, coachman 9View details
1892-93755House and Garden Miss Hay Meldrum, Dron per Drummond, Nicholson & Johnstone, writers, Cupar John L Sievwright Esq, Craiglea John Jolly, coachman 9View details
1891-92739House and Garden Miss Hay Meldrum, Dron per Drummond, Nicholson & Johnstone, writers, Cupar John L Sievwright Esq, Craiglea John Jolly, coachman 9View details
1890-91692House and Garden Miss Hay Meldrum, Dron per Drummond, Nicholson & Johnstone, writers, Cupar John L Sievwright Esq, Craiglea John Jolly, coachman 9View details
1889-90668House and Garden Miss Hay Meldrum, Dron per Drummond, Nicholson & Johnstone, writers, Cupar William Nicoll, Vinebank John Jolly, coachman 9View details
1885-86629House and Garden Miss Hay Meldrum, Dron Robert Ferguson, coal merchant same 9View details
1881-82520House and Garden Miss Meldrum, Dron 6-10-0View details
1878-79496House and Garden Reps. of late Mrs Meldrum, Dron same William Landsman, seaman 6-10-0View details
1875-76381House and Garden Mrs Meldrum, Dron same William Landsman, sailor 6-10-0View details
1871-72344House and Garden Mrs Meldrum, Dron William Landsman, sailor 6-10-0View details
1867-68314House and Garden Mrs Meldrum, South Dron William Landsman, sailor 6View details
1865-66290House and Garden Mrs Meldrum, South Dron said William Landsman William Landsman, sailor 6View details
1864-65271House and Garden Mrs Meldrum, Dron William Landsman, sailor 6View details
1860-61226House and Garden Mrs Meldrum, Dron William Landsman, sailor 6View details
1855-56148House and Garden Mrs Meldrum, Dron David Mackie said David Mackie 6View details



Railway Map References:

PlanYearRefDescriptionOwner or reputed ownerOccupier[Comments]
RHP24551 (TB & DU)1864167Dwelling house with small garden in frontMrs Catherine Meldrum, only surviving trustee of Alexander Meldrum (Robert Kidd, factor)William Landsman (lessee & occupier)


Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 261  view details Maryton lots 27 & 28 (different numbering) 1 rood 23 falls 15 ells (Meldrum) Meldrum Square: 30-44 King St, 35-45 Robert St, 23-31 Queen St


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1879.04486Scotscraig to Trs Alexander Meldrum (1833), to Catherine Ogilvie / Meldrum to Hay MeldrumNot instr Hay Meldrum, South Dron, Dairsie, of pieces of ground extending to 1 rood 23 falls 15 ells (lots 27 & 28) of Marytown … on feu 18 Nov 1833 by Tr sequest est Robert Dalgleish, Scotscraig to Trs deceased Alexander Meldrum, tenant in Dron, … to Hay Meldrum as heir of her mother Catherine Oglivy / Meldrum, Dron, widow, the surviving trustee of Alexander Meldrum27 May 1879250, 261
1874.0380827 feus to Balmerino ChurchDisp by Berry, Tayfield to Trs Rev James Campbell, Minister of Balmerino and his successors of the following lands, pts of Tayfield (1) 17.75 pol Marytown; (2) 3 pieces lots 29, 30, 31 Marytown; (3) 2 roods Scots lot 26 Marytown; (4) 1 rood 23 falls 15 ells lots 27 & 28 Marytown; (5) 1 acre 34 falls grnd lot 20 S of Marytown; (6) 34 pol 20.5 yd of Gowrie Hill; (7) 32 pol 5 yd of Gowriehill; (8) 4 pol Gowrie Lane; (9) 72.25 pol lot 27 S of Marytown; (10) 37 pol Gardyne St lot 8; (11) 31 pol 20 yd Gardyne St lot 8; (12) 27.5 pol Gardyne St lot 7; (13) 34 pol 25 yd Gardyne St lot 7; (14) 45 pol 9 yd field of Seacraig; (15) 37 pol field of Seacraig; (16) 45 pol 25 yd field of Seacraig; (17) 36 pol 22 yd field of Seacraig; (18) 35 pol lot 5 E of Newport; (19) 54 pol lot 6 E of Newport; (20) 53 pol 18 yd lot 7 E of Newport; (21) 17 pol 14 yd lot 4b E of Newport; (22) 64 pol lot 21 E of Newport; (23) 52 pol 6 yd lot 8 E of Newport; (24) 53.5 pol lot 9 E of Newport; (25) 18 pol 22 yd lot 4a E of Newport; (26) 73 pol lot 28 S of Marytown; (27) 64 pol of Gowriehill; ... under burden of feu rights9 Nov 1874239, 167, 168, 169, 205, 261, 156, 3, 4, 333, 324, 331, 323, 330, 271, 274, 273, 272, 222, 223, 144, 145, 336, 322, 62, 228, 71, 342

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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