
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

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Searching for G :     There are 78 records.

(any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

House NameOld AddressDatesCurrent address (& if demolished)
Gamskar 19127 Albert CrescentLocation
garage (formerly garage, 20, Boat Road)Location
garage & workshop Garage, 1, Naughton RoadLocation
garages (former house [2], Granary Lane)Location
garages & workshop (formerly garages & workshop, 9, Boat Road)Location
Garland Villa 11 Wellgate StreetLocation
Garland Villa 15 Wellgate StreetLocation
2 Garland Villas 190215 Wellgate StreetLocation
Garoda 4 Shepherds RoadLocation
Garth 10 Kilmany RoadLocation
Gas Office to 1903(Gas Office, High Street)Location
Gas Works (Burgh Yard, formerly 11, Granary Lane)Location
Gas Works (Gas Works)Location
Gas Works Cottage GorvalLocation
Gas Works House Eastfield HouseLocation
Gaskhill 5 Wellgate StreetLocation
Gate Lodge, The Cliffe Chesterhill LodgeLocation
Gateside (Gateside, Old Places)Location
Gilmhor 1952-20 Crosshill TerraceLocation
Gladstone Terrace 18715 Woodmuir TerraceLocation
Gladstone Terrace 18717 Woodmuir TerraceLocation
Glandore 6 Kerr StreetLocation
Glen Shiel 65 Kilmany RoadLocation
Glencairn 16 Birkhill AvenueLocation
Glencairn 10 Tayview TerraceLocation
Glencoe 84 Riverside RoadLocation
Gleniffer 7 Victoria StreetLocation
Glenlora Villa 22 Birkhill AvenueLocation
Glenloy 72 Riverside RoadLocation
Glenorchy 7 Hillpark TerraceLocation
Glen Orchy 7 Hillpark TerraceLocation
Glenvale 191166 Bay RoadLocation
Glintotay 193771 Kilmany RoadLocation
Glucksburg 191739 Riverside RoadLocation
Gorval GorvalLocation
Gowanbank 5 Castle BraeLocation
Gowanbank 13 Wellpark TerraceLocation
Gowanlea 14 Hillpark RoadLocation
Gowrie Bank (formerly 6a, Gowrie Street)Location
Gowrie Bank (formerly 6, Gowrie Street)Location
Graham Place from 1905(Fig Tree [2], West Road)Location
Graham Place from 1905(Fig Tree [3], West Road)Location
Graham Place from 1905(Fig Tree [1], West Road)Location
Graham Place [1] from 1905(Graham Place [1], West Road)Location
Graham Place [2] from 1905(Graham Place [2], West Road)Location
Graham Place [3] from 1905(Graham Place [3], West Road)Location
Graham Place [4] from 1905(Graham Place [4], West Road)Location
Graham Place [5] from 1905(Graham Place [5], West Road)Location
Graham Place [6] from 1905(Graham Place [6], West Road)Location
Graham Place [7] from 1905(Graham Place [7], West Road)Location

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