
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 15  Wellgate Street

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.433457,-2.951576

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   4 Hill Street   3 Station Path   2 Wellgate Street   4 Wellgate Street   5 Wellgate Street   7 Wellgate Street   9 Wellgate Street   11 Wellgate Street   17 Wellgate Street   19 Wellgate Street   1 Wellpark Terrace   2 Wellpark Terrace   3 Wellpark Terrace   35 West Road   37 West Road   41 West Road   part of 37, West Road  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

Wellgate Park1917
Cuthbert's Brae1920s



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Garland Villa
2 Garland Villas 1902



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 103 entries

1974 dirPonikowski, Cezary, 15 Wellgate Street
1973 dirPonikowski, Cezary, 15 Wellgate Street
1972 dirPonikowski, Cezary, 15 Wellgate Street
1971 dirPonikowski, Cezary, 15 Wellgate Street
1970 dirPonikowski, Cezary, 15 Wellgate Street
1969 dirPonikowski, Cezary, 15 Wellgate Street
1968 dirPonikowski, Cezary, 15 Wellgate Street
1967 dirPonikowski, Cezary, 15 Wellgate street
1966 dirPonikowski, Cezary, 15 Wellgate street
1965 dirPonikowski, Cezary, 15 Wellgate street
1964 dirBaxter, Mrs B., grocer, Newburgh road; h. Garland Villa, Wellgate streetlocation 2
1964 dirPonikowski, Cezary, Garland villa, Wellgate street
1963 dirBaxter, Mrs B., grocer, Newburgh road; h. Garland Villa, Wellgate streetlocation 2
1963 dirPonikowski, Cezary, Garland villa, Wellgate street
1962 dirBaxter, Mrs B., grocer, Newburgh road; h. Garland Villa, Wellgate streetlocation 2
1962 dirPonikowski, Cezary, Garland villa, Wellgate street
1961 dirBaxter, Mrs B., grocer, Newburgh road; h. Garland Villa, Wellgate streetlocation 2
1961 dirPonikowski, Cezary, Garland villa, Wellgate street
1960 dirPonikowski, Cezary, Garland villa, Wellgate street
1958-59 dirPonikowski, Cezary, Garland villa, Wellgate street
1957-58 dirPonikowski, Cezary, Garland villa, Wellgate street
1955-56 dirMassie, Mrs George, Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1954-55 dirMassie, Mrs George, Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1953-54 dirMassie, Mrs George, Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1952-53 dirMassie, Mrs George. Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1951-52 dirMassie, Mrs George, Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport,
1950-51 dirMassie, Mrs George, Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1949-50 dirMassie, Mrs George, Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1948-49 dirMassie, Mrs George, Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1947-48 dirMassie, Mrs George, Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1946-47 dirMassie, George C., Garland villa, Wellgate street
1942-43 dirMassie, George C., Garland villa, Wellgate street
1941-42 dirMassie, George C., Garland villa, Wellgate street
1940-41 dirMassie, George C., Garland villa, Wellgate street
1939-40 dirBell, Mrs James H., Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1938-39 dirBell, Mrs James H., Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1937-38 dirBell, Mrs James H., Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1934-35 dirGeddes, Miss Helen, Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport[? probably this house]
1932-33 dirGordon, John R., Wellgate street; West Newport : Architects.
1932-33 dirGordon, John R. (architect, Dundee), Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1931-32 dirGordon, John R., Wellgate street, West Newport : Architects.
1931-32 dirGordon, John R. (architect, Dundee), Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1930-31 dirGordon, John R., Wellgate street West Newport : Architects
1930-31 dirGordon, John R. (architect, Dundee), Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport
1929-30 dirGordon, John R. (architect, Dundee), Garland villa, Wellgatepark, West Newport
1929-30 dirGordon, John R, Wellgatepark, W. Newport : Architects.
1928-29 MacDonald dirSoutter, A., Garland Villa, W. N.
1928-29 dirGordon, John R., Wellgatepark, W. Newport : Architects.
1928-29 dirGordon, John R. (architect, Dundee), Garland villa, Wellgatepark, West Newport
1928 Kelly dirGordon Jn. R. archtct. Wellgate pk. W [under Commercial]
1928 Kelly dirGordon John R. Garland villa, W
1927-28 MacDonald dirSoutter, A., Garland Villa, W. N.
1927-28 dirGordon, John R., Wellgatepark, W. Newport : Architects.
1927-28 dirGordon, John R. (architect, Dundee), Garland villa, Wellgatepark, West Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirSoutter, A., Garland Villa, W. N.
1926-27 dirGordon, John R., Wellgate park, W Newport : Architects.
1926-27 dirGordon, John R. (architect, Dundee), Garland villa, Wellgatepark, West Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirSoutter, A., Garland Villa, W. N.
1925-26 dirSoutter, Alexander, Garland villa, Wellgatepark, West Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirSoutter, A., Garland Villa, W. N.
1923-24 MacDonald dirSoutter, A., Garland Villa, W. N.
1923-24 dirSoutter, Alexander, Garland villa, Wellgatepark, West Newport
1922-23 dirSoutter, Alexander, Garland villa, Cuthbert's brae, West Newport
1921-22 MacDonald dirSoutter, A., Garland Villa, W. N.
1920-21 dirSoutter, Alexander, Garland villa, West Newport
1915-16 MacDonald dirMacpherson, D. D., Garland Villa, Wester Newport
1915 Slater dirJustice Thomas. Garland villa, W
1914-15 MacDonald dirMacpherson, D. D., Garland Villa, Wester Newport
1914-15 dirM'Pherson, D. D. (merchant, Dundee), Garland villa, West Newport
1913-14 MacDonald dirMacpherson, D. D., Garland Villa, Wester Newport
1913-14 dirM'Pherson, D. D. (merchant, Dundee), Garland villa, West Newport
1912-13 dirM'Pherson, D. D. (merchant, Dundee), Garland villa, West Newport
1911-12 dirM'Pherson, D. D. (merchant, Dundee), Garland villa, West Newport
1911 Slater dirMacpherson David Davidson, Garland vil., W
1910-11 dirM'Pherson, David Davidson (mercht., Dundee), Garland Villa, W. Newport
1909-10 dirM'Pherson, David Davidson (merchant, Dundee), Garland villa, West Newport
1908 Tayside AnnualMilne, Mrs Euphemia, Garland Villa.
1907-08 dirMilne, Miss E. T., grocer. West Newport ; h. Garland villalocation 2
1907 Tayside AnnualMilne, Mrs Euphemia, Garland Villa.
1907 Slater dirMilne Mrs. Garland villa, W
1902-03 dirMiller, Robert (accountant, Dundee), 2 Garland villas, West Newport
1901-02 dirMiller, Robert (accountant, Dundee), 2 Garland villas, West Newport
1900-01 dirMiller, Robert (accountant, Dundee), 2 Garland villas. West Newport
1898-99 dirTudhope, George (civil engineer, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1897-98 dirTudhope, George (civil engineer, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1896-97 dirTudhope, George (civil engineer, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1896 Slater dirTudhope George, Garland villa, W
1895-96 dirTudhope, George (civil engineer, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1894-95 dirTudhope, George (civil engineer, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1893 Slater dirAllen Mr. Leonard, Garland Villa, W N
1891-92 dirAllen, Leonard (teacher of navigation, Dundee), Garland villa, E. Newport
1890-91 dirAllen, Leonard (teacher of navigation, Dundee), Garland villa, E. Newport
1889-90 dirAllen, Leonard (teacher of navigation, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1889 Slater dirAllen Mr Leonard, Garland Villa, West Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirAllen, Leonard (teacher of navigation, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1887-88 dirAllen, Leonard (teacher of navigation, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1886-87 dirAllen, Leonard (teacher of navigation, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1886 Slater dirAllen Leonard, Garland Villa, W N
1885-86 dirAllen, Leonard (teacher of navigation, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1884-85 dirAllen, Leonard (teacher of navigation, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1882-83 dirAllen, Leonard (teacher of navigation, Dundee), Garland villa, W. Newport
1880-81 dirRobertson, George W., civil engineer, Wellgate park. West Newport
1878-79 dirRobertson, G. W., Wellgate park, West Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1879-1880 Voters Robertson, George W C E Wester Newport


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Garland Villa Soutter Alexander 6
1911 Garland Villa McPherson David 7
1901 Wellgate Park Miller Robert 6View household
1891 Allan Leonard 6View household
1881 Garland Villa Uninhabited View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 48 entries

1974-75240200House C Stefan Ponikowski proprietor 117View details
1973-74240200House C Stefan Ponikowski proprietor 117View details
1972-73240200House C Stefan Ponikowski proprietor 117View details
1971-72240200House C Stefan Ponikowski proprietor 117View details
1969-702402House C Stefan Ponikowski proprietor 78View details
1968-692402House C Stefan Ponikowski proprietor 78View details
1967-68990House C Stefan Ponikowski proprietor 78View details
1966-67990House C Stefan Ponikowski proprietor 78View details
1964-65990House C Stefan Ponikowski per J & J Ogilvie, 13 Albert Sq, Dundee proprietor 73View details
1961-623121House C Stefan Ponikowski per J Armstrong Barry, solicitors, 6 Panmure St, Dundee proprietor 73View details
1958-591230House & Garden C Stefan Ponikowski per J Armstrong Barry, solicitor, 6 Panmure St, Dundee proprietor 40View details
1957-581207House & Garden C Stefan Ponikowski per J Armstrong Barry, solicitors, 6 Panmure St, Dundee proprietor 40View details
1952-531173House & Garden Maisie Fleming, Denburn, Beechwood Terrace George C Massie 40View details
1947-481136House & Garden Maisie Fleming, Denburn, Beechwood Terrace George C Massie 40View details
1942-431115House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming, Denburn, Beechwood Terrace George C Massie 40View details
1940-411114House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming, Denburn, Beechwood Terrace George C Massie 40View details
1937-381135House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming, Denburn, Beechwood Terrace James H Bell 40View details
1935-361098House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth D Fleming, Denburn, Beechwood Terrace Catherine McIntyre 40View details
1932-331053House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming, Denburn, Woodmuir Tce J Gordon, architect 40View details
1930-311050House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming, Denburn, Woodmuir Tce J Gordon, architect 40View details
1927-281040House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming, Denburn, Woodmuir Tce J Gordon, architect 40View details
1925-261019House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming, Denburn, Woodmuir Tce Alexander Soutter same 39View details
1922-23993House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming, Denburn, Woodmuir Tce Alexander Soutter same 39View details
1920-21972House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming per D Thomson, 8 Bank St, Dundee Alexander Soutter same 28View details
1917-18971House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming per D Thomson, 8 Bank St, Dundee Thomas Justice jun, house furnisher same 28View details
1915-16964House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming per D Thomson, 8 Bank St, Dundee Thomas Justice jun, house furnisher same 28View details
1912-13826House & Garden Mrs Elizabeth A Fleming per D Thomson, 8 Bank St, Dundee David D Macpherson, merchant same 28View details
1910-11815House & Garden Mrs Ann Young or Lindberg, Fernbrae, W Newport David D Macpherson, merchant same 28View details
1909-10809House & Garden Mrs Ann Young or Lindberg, Fernbrae, W Newport William Macpherson, clerk same 28View details
1907-08805House & Garden Mrs Ann Young or Lindberg, Fernbrae, W Newport Mrs Euphemia Milne same 28View details
1905-06786House and Garden Mrs Ann Young or Lindberg wife of O M Lindberg empty 30View details
1903-04774House and Garden Mrs Ann Young or Lindberg wife of O M Lindberg empty 30View details
1901-02577House and Garden Mrs Ann Young or Lindberg wife of O M Lindberg Robert Millar, accountant same 30View details
1900-01565House and Garden Mrs Ann Young or Lindberg wife of O M Lindberg Robert Millar, accountant same 30View details
1899-00535House and Garden Mrs Ann Young or Lindberg wife of O M Lindberg empty 28View details
1897-98486House and Garden Mrs Ann Young or Lindberg wife of O M Lindberg George Tudhope, engineer same 28View details
1896-97463House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young per O M Lindberg George Tudhope, engineer same 28View details
1895-96430House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young per O M Lindberg George Tudhope, engineer same 28View details
1894-95397House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young per O M Lindberg George Tudhope, engineer same 28View details
1893-94376House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young per O M Lindberg George Tudhope, engineer same 28View details
1892-93365House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young per O M Lindberg empty 27View details
1891-92355House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young per O M Lindberg Leonard Allan, teacher of navigation, Dundee same 27View details
1890-91328House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young per O M Lindberg Leonard Allan, teacher of navigation, Dundee same 27View details
1889-90308House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young per O M Lindberg Leonard Allan, teacher of navigation, Dundee same 27View details
1885-86283House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young per O M Lindberg Leonard Allan, teacher of navigation, Dundee same 27View details
1881-82189House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young 28View details
1878-79193House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young, Dundee same - Robertson, C.E. 30View details
1875-76185House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Watson or Young, Dundee James M'Kay, railway clerk - Anderson, shipmaster 30View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 80  view details Wellgate lot 8 38 pol 18 yds bounded S by 20' road; N & W by 24' roads (Young) 11-15 Wellgate St


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1874.03314Duncan / Tullis loan repaidDisch by Ann Thain Duncan / Tullis spouse of John Tullis, lapper Dundee, of bond (26 Jul 1873) £600 by William Reid solicitor Dundee over 38 pol 18 yd, : S by 20' road, : N & W by 24' roads, lot 8 of Wellgate Park26 May 187480
1874.03199William Reid to Elizabeth Watson / YoungDisp by William Reid solicitor Dundee residing Newport to Elizabeth Watson / Young, Craig St, Dundee widow of 38 pol 18 yd grnd & 2 semi-detached villas t/on, : S by 20' road, : N & W by 24' roads, lot 8 of Wellgate Park22 Apr 187480
1873.02498loan by Ann Thain Duncan / TullisBond £600 & disp security by William Reid ... to Ann Thain Duncan / Tullis, spouse of John Tullis, lapper Dundee of 38 pol 18 yd, : S by 20' road, : N & W by 24' roads, lot 8 of Wellgate Park on S of t/p Newport - Woodhaven26 Jul 187380
1873.02487Rev T Just to William ReidFeu con & disp by Rev Thomas Just ... Kelvedon, Essex ... to William Reid solicitor Dundee of 38 pol 18 yd, : S by 20' road, : N & W by 24' roads, lot 8 of Wellgate Park on S of t/p Newport - Woodhaven24 Jul 187380, 161

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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