
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 13  Wellpark Terrace

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.432767,-2.952415

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   13 Castle Brae   1 Castle Brae   3 Castle Brae   5 Castle Brae   part of 13, Castle Brae   7 Castle Brae   17 Wellgate Street   19 Wellgate Street   21 Wellgate Street   23 Wellgate Street   25 Wellgate Street   5 Wellpark Terrace   7 Wellpark Terrace   9 Wellpark Terrace   11 Wellpark Terrace   1 Westfield Terrace   3 Westfield Terrace  


1909-10 Finance Act - Valuation Office: Field Surveys

Reference no.      429      431


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

Wellpark Terrace West
Castle Brae1961
7 Castle Brae1969 on



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)




Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 140 entries

1974 dirForrest, A. D., 7 Castle Brae
1974 dirForrest, A. D., Gowan Bank, Wellgate Street; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport-On-Tay]
1973 dirForrest, A. D., 7 Castle Brae
1973 dirForrest, A. D., Gowan Bank, Wellgate Street; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport-On-Tay]
1972 dirForrest, A. D., Gowan Bank, Wellgate Street; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport-On-Tay]
1972 dirForrest, A. D., 7 Castle Brae
1971 dirForrest, A. D. 7 Castle Brae
1971 dirForrest, A. D., Gowan Bank, Wellgate Street; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport-On-Tay]
1970 dirForrest, A. D., Gowan Bank, Wellgate Street; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport-On-Tay]
1970 dirForrest, A. D., 7 Castle Brae
1969 dirForrest, A. D., 7 Castle Brae
1969 dirForrest, A. D., Gowan Bank, Wellgate St; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport-On-Tay]
1968 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., 13 Wellpark Terrace
1967 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., 13 Wellpark terrace
1966 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., 13 Wellpark terrace
1965 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., 13 Wellpark terrace
1964 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowan Bank, Wel1park terrace
1963 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowan Bank, Wellpark terrace
1962 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowan Bank, Wellpark terrace
1961 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowan Bank, Wellpark terrace
1958-59 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae
1957-58 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae
1956-57 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae
1955-56 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1954-55 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1953-54 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1952-53 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1951-52 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1950-51 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1949-50 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1948-49 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1947-48 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1946-47 dirThornton, Mrs G. F., Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1942-43 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1942-43 dirThornton, Philip R., Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1941-42 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1941-42 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, Castle brae
1940-41 MacDonald dirJust, Misses. Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1940-41 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, Castle brae
1939-40 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1939-40 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, Castle brae
1938-39 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1938-39 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, Castle brae
1937-38 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1937-38 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, Castle brae
1936-37 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1936-37 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, Castle brae
1935-36 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1935-36 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, Castle brae
1934-35 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1934-35 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1933-34 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1932-33 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Castle brae, West Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1931-32 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Castle road, West Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1930-31 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Castle road, West Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1929-30 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Castle road, West Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1928-29 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Castle road, West Newport
1928 Kelly dirJust Misses, Gowan bank, W
1927-28 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1927-28 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Castle road, West Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1926-27 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Castle road, West Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1925-26 dirJust, Misses; Gowanbank, Castle road, West Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1923-24 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1923-24 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Castle road, West Newport
1922-23 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Castlebrae, West Newport
1921-22 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1921 Slater dirJust Misses, Gowan bank, W
1920-21 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, West Newport
1919-20 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1918-19 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1918-19 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, West Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1916-17 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1915-16 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1915-16 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, West Newport
1915 Slater dirJust Misses, Gowan bank, W
1914-15 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1914-15 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, West Newport
1913-14 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1913-14 dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, West Newport
1912-13 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1912-13 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1911-12 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1911-12 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1911 Slater dirJust Misses, Gowan bank, W
1910-11 MacDonald dirJust, Misses, Gowanbank, Wester Newport
1910-11 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1909-10 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1908-09 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1908 Tayside AnnualJust, Miss, Gowanbank, W.
1907-08 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1907 Tayside AnnualJust, Miss, Gowanbank, W.
1907 Slater dirJust Misses, Gowan bank, W
1906-07 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1905-06 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1904-05 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1903-04 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1903 Slater dirJust Misses, Gowan hank, W Newport
1902-03 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1901-02 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1900-01 dirJust, Miss, Gowanbank, West Newport
1899-00 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1899 Slater dirJust Mrs. Gowan bank, W
1898-99 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1897-98 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1896-97 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1896 Slater dirJust Mrs. Gowan bank., W
1895-96 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1894-95 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1893-94 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1893 Slater dirJust Mrs. Margaret, Gowan Bank, W N
1892-93 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1891-92 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1890-91 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1889-90 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1889 Slater dirJust Mrs Margaret, Gowanbank, West Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1887-88 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1886-87 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1886 Slater dirJust Mrs Margaret, Gowanbank, W N
1885-86 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1885 Clark dirJust, Johannah, Gowanbank, West Newport : Milliners And Dressmakers.
1884-85 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1882-83 dirJust, Mrs John, Gowanbank, West Newport
1882 Slater dirJust Johanna, Gowanbank, W N : Milliners & Dressmakers.
1878 Slater dirJust Mrs. John, Gowanbank, W N
1874-75 dirJust, Barbara S., dressmaker, Gowanbank, West Newport
1873 Slater dirJust Barbara, Newport : Milliners & Dressmakers
1871-72 dirJust, Miss Barbara, dressmaker, Gowanbank, West Newport
1869-70 dirJust, John, gardener, Gowanbank
1867-68 dirJust, John, farmer, Gowanbank, West Newport
1866 Fife dirJust, J, market gardener, W Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Female Voters Just, Jane Gowanbank, West Newport Joint Proprietor of Houses West Newport
1900 Female Voters Just, Joanna Gowanbank, West Newport Joint Proprietor of Houses West Newport
1874 Voters Just, John gardener
1873 Voters Just, John gardener


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1911 Castle Brae, Gowan Bank Just Joanna T 7
1901 Wellgate Park Just Joanna 7View household
1891 Gowan Bank Just Margaret 6View household
1881 Gowan Bank Just Margaret 8View household
1871 Gowan Bank Just John 7View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 51 entries

1974-75209400House & Garage Mrs Constance S Forrest proprietor 147View details
1973-74209400House & Garage Mrs Constance S Forrest proprietor 147View details
1972-73209400House & Garage Mrs Constance S Forrest proprietor 147View details
1971-72209400House & Garage Mrs Constance S Forrest proprietor 147View details
1969-702094House & Garage Mrs Constance S Forrest proprietor 98View details
1968-692421House R S Thornton per Sturrock Morrison & Gilruth, 30 Whitehall St, Dundee proprietor 90View details
1967-681005House Mrs Grace F Thornton proprietor 90View details
1966-671005House Mrs Grace F Thornton proprietor 90View details
1964-651005House Mrs Grace F Thornton proprietor 75View details
1961-623217House Mrs Grace F Thornton proprietor 75View details
1958-591251House & Garden Mrs Grace F Thornton proprietor 37-10-0View details
1957-581228House & Garden Mrs Grace F Thornton proprietor 37-10-0View details
1952-531193House & Garden Mrs Grace F Thornton proprietor 37View details
1947-481155House & Garden Mrs Grace F Thornton proprietor 37View details
1942-431133House & Garden Grace F wife of Philip R Thornton said Philip R Tornton 37View details
1940-411132House & Garden Jane Just proprietor 35View details
1937-381153House & Garden Jane Just proprietor 35View details
1935-361115House & Garden Jane Just proprietor 35View details
1932-331070House & Garden Joanna & Jane Just proprietor 35View details
1930-311067House & Garden Joanna & Jane Just proprietor 35View details
1927-281057House & Garden Joanna & Jane Just proprietor 35View details
1925-261036House & Garden Joanna & Jane Just proprietor 35View details
1922-231010House & Garden Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, W Newport proprietor 32-10-0View details
1920-21989House & Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, W Newport proprietor 25View details
1917-18987House & Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, W Newport proprietor 25View details
1915-16981House & Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, W Newport proprietor 25View details
1912-13739House & Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport proprietor 25View details
1910-11728House & Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport proprietor 25View details
1909-10724House & Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport proprietor 25View details
1907-08720House & Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport proprietor 25View details
1905-06704House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport proprietor 25View details
1903-04692House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, bank agent, Bay House, Newport proprietor 25View details
1901-02490House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, bank agent, Bay House, Newport proprietor 25View details
1900-01477House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, bank agent, Bay House, Newport proprietor 25View details
1899-00447House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, bank agent, Bay House, Newport Mrs Margaret Guild or Just 25View details
1897-98397House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, bank agent, Bay House, Newport Mrs Margaret Guild or Just 25View details
1896-97375House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, bank agent, Bay House, Newport Mrs Margaret Guild or Just same 25View details
1895-96346House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, accountant, British Linen Bank, Dundee James L Eadie, merchant Mrs Margaret Guild or Just 25View details
1894-95313House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, accountant, British Linen Bank, Dundee Mrs Margaret Guild or Just same 25View details
1893-94296House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, accountant, British Linen Bank, Dundee Margaret Guild or Just same 25View details
1892-93284House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, accountant, British Linen Bank, Dundee Mrs Margaret Guild or Just same 25View details
1891-92274House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, accountant, British Linen Bank, Dundee Mrs Margaret Guild or Just same 25View details
1890-91247House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, accountant, British Linen Bank, Dundee Margaret Guild or Just same 25View details
1889-90228House and Garden Misses Joanna & Jane Just, Gowanbank, Newport per David Brand, accountant, British Linen Bank, Dundee Margaret Guild or Just same 25View details
1885-86288House and Garden Trustees of late Rev. Thomas Just per David Brand Esq, bank accountant Margaret Guild or Just same 25View details [Gowanbank]
1881-82114House and Garden Trustees of late Rev. Thomas Just per David Brand Esq, bank accountant same Mrs John Just 26View details [Gowanbank]
1878-79117House and Garden Trustees of late Rev. Thomas Just same Mrs John Just 28View details [Gowanbank]
1875-76118House and Garden Trustees of late Rev. Thomas Just same Mrs John Just 25View details [Gowanbank]
1871-72112House and Garden Rev Thomas Just, Kelvedon, Essex John Just, gardener 25View details [Gowanbank]
1867-6895House and Garden Rev. Thomas Just, Charmouth, Dorset John Just, gardener 30View details [Gowanbank]
1865-6696House and Garden Rev. Thomas Just John Just, gardener 23View details [? Gowanbank first half ( dated 1866)]



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 335  view details Wellgate lot 17 57 pol 11 yd E of Kirk Rd, N of 20' street (Rev Just) 5 Castle Brae, 13 Wellpark Tce


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1901.00760Dick loan repaidDisch by James Alexander Luckie ... disburd bond (16 May 1866) £350 by dec Rev Thomas Just to Ann Dick over 57 pol 11 yd, no. 17 on plan of Wellgate with houses etc t/on, : W by Kirk Road, : S by 20' road16 May 1901335
1878.03358Dick loan transferred to Alexander LuckieAssig by Trs deceased Ann Dick to James Alexander Luckie, Letham, Forfar of bond (16 May 1866) £350 by Rev Thomas Just over 57 pol 11 yd lot 17 of Wellgate Park8 Aug 1878335
1878.03251Dick loan transferred to TrsNot Instr Trs deceased Ann Dick of bond (16 May 1866) £350 by Rev Thomas Just over 57 pol 11 yd, no. 17 on plan of Wellgate with houses etc t/on, : W by Kirk Road, : S by 20' road4 Jul 1878335
1866.01090loan by Ann Dick to Rev Thomas JustAnn Dick gets bond & disp £350 by Rev Thomas Just over lot of 57 pol 11 yd, no. 17 on plan of Wellgate with houses etc t/on, on S side of t/p from Newport to Newhaven [sic]16 May 1866335

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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