
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

House Names and Old Addresses

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Searching for U :     There are 49 records.

(any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

House NameOld AddressDatesCurrent address (& if demolished)
Union Street Garage 1920s35 Union StreetLocation
Union Cottage 19376 Shepherds RoadLocation
Union Cottages 21 Robert StreetLocation
Union Cottages 23 Robert StreetLocation
Union Place 8 Union StreetLocation
Union Place 10 Union StreetLocation
Union Place 12 Union StreetLocation
Union Place 14 Union StreetLocation
Union Place 16 Union StreetLocation
Union Place 18 Union StreetLocation
Union Place 20 Union StreetLocation
Union Terrace 185536 West RoadLocation
Union Terrace 185538 West RoadLocation
1 Union Terrace (formerly 48, Union Street)Location
1 Union Terrace (formerly 34, Union Street)Location
2 Union Terrace (formerly 28, Union Street)Location
2 Union Terrace (formerly 42, Union Street)Location
3 Union Terrace (formerly 40, Union Street)Location
3 Union Terrace (formerly 26, Union Street)Location
4 Union Terrace (formerly 32, Union Street)Location
4 Union Terrace (formerly 46, Union Street)Location
5 Union Terrace (formerly 36, Union Street)Location
5 Union Terrace (formerly 38, Union Street)Location
6 Union Terrace (formerly 44, Union Street)Location
6 Union Terrace (formerly 30, Union Street)Location
Unionist Hall 15 Cupar RoadLocation
Upper Fernbrae 195223 Wellgate StreetLocation
Upper Friarton Cottages (Upper Friarton Cottages)Location
Upper Friarton Farm before 1891Knockhill HouseLocation
Upper Gables 196176 Tay StreetLocation
Upper Kilnburn 32 Cupar RoadLocation
10 Union Street1935-194218 Union StreetLocation
10 Union Street196119 Union StreetLocation
11 Union Street196123 Union StreetLocation
12 Union Street196121 Union StreetLocation
13 Union Street1885 - 1912(formerly 32, Robert Street)Location
13 Union Streetpre 1961(formerly 25, Union Street)Location
13 Union Streetpre 1961(formerly part of 27, Union Street)Location
13 Union Streetpre 1961(formerly 27, Union Street)Location
13 Union Streetpre 1961(formerly 29, Union Street)Location
2 Union Street19613 Union StreetLocation
3 Union Street19615 Union StreetLocation
4 Union Street19617 Union StreetLocation
5 Union Street19619 Union StreetLocation
6 Union Street196111 Union StreetLocation
6 Union Street1910-192513 Union StreetLocation
7 Union Street196113 Union StreetLocation
8 Union Street196115 Union StreetLocation
9 Union Street196117 Union StreetLocation

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