
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 2  West Road

Historic Property ImageProperty Image

= Property still standing




Built as the Dower House for Tayfield.



There was a house on this site from at least 1802.
The Fife Herald, 27 Jan 1825, p5 col 4 - refers to Mr Berry's new cottage as being a little west of the starting point of the new access road to the ferry pier. This would give a date of c.1824. There is a building labelled Abercraig on a map of 1837, but it is not the same shape as the current building.
John Gifford The Buildings of Scotland - Fife gives a definite date of 1840. Also, there are records of a load of Kingoodie stone for doors and corners plus Dunkeld slates to be shipped to Newport harbour in 1838/39 for a house in Newport on the Tayfield estate.
I surmise that this is the third house on the site, built 1840, replacing an earlier house built c1824, which in turn replaced an earlier house.


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.436074,-2.94656

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   (Kinbrae Lodge, West Road)  


1854 Ordnance Survey Name Book Entry    (originals at ScotlandsPlaces)     (more information on the O.S. Name Books page)

List of names to be corrected if necessaryOrthography, as recommended to be used in the new plansOther modes of spelling the nameAuthorities for these other modes of spelling when knownSituationDescriptive remarks or other general observations which may be considered of interestSource
AbercraigAbercraigAbercraig; Abercraig; AbercraigJohn Berry Esq. Tayfield; John Just, Clarville; Alexander Dingwall, Newport Seamills.About 1/4 of a mile West of Tayfield House.This is a villa built on the craig overlooking the sea. It is two storeys high with garden. It is occupied by Misses Berry whose property it is.OS1/13/34/7


Information and Photographs on Other Sites (open in a new window)

Abercraig, 2 West Road, Newport-On-Tay     source: Listed Building - Historic Environment Scotland


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

Newburgh Road, West Newport1961



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)




Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 139 entries

1974 dirMaclver, D., 2 West Road
1973 dirMacIver, D., 2 West Road
1972 dirGrant, J. W., civil engineer, 2 West Road
1971 dirGrant, J. W., civil engineer, 2 West Road
1970 dirGrant, J. W., civil engineer, 2 West Road
1969 dirGrant, J. W., civil engineer, 2 West Road
1968 dirGrant, J. W., civil engineer, 2 West Road
1967 dirRobb, Alexander K., 2 West road
1966 dirRobb, Alexander K., 2 West road
1965 dirRobb, Alexander K., 2 West road
1964 dirRobb, Alexander K., Abercraig, Newburgh road
1961 dirMackie, Mrs C., Abercraig, Newburgh road
1960 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt., Abercraig, Newburgh road
1958-59 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt., Abercraig, Newburgh road
1957-58 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt., Abercraig, Newburgh road
1956-57 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt., Abercraig, Newburgh road
1955-56 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt., Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1954-55 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt., Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1953-54 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt., Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1952-53 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt., Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1951-52 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt., Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1950-51 dirMackie, Robert L., MA., B.Litt., Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1949-50 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt. (lecturer, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1948-49 dirMackie, Robert L. M.A., B.Litt. (lecturer, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, W. Newport
1947-48 dirMackie, Robert L. M.A., B.Litt. (lecturer, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1946-47 dirMackie, Robert L. M.A., B.Litt. (lecturer, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1942-43 MacDonald dirMackie, Robt., Abercraig, W. N.
1942-43 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt. (lecturer, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1941-42 MacDonald dirMackie, Robt., Abercraig, W. N.
1941-42 dirMackie, Robert L., B.Litt. (lecturer, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1940-41 MacDonald dirSangster, D. N., Abercraig, W. N.
1940-41 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt. (lecturer, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1939-40 MacDonald dirSangster, D. N., Abercraig, W. N.
1939-40 dirMackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt. (lecturer, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1938-39 MacDonald dirSangster, D. N., Abercraig, W. N.
1938-39 dirMackie, Robert L. M.A., B.Litt. (lecturer, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1937-38 dirSangster, David M., civil servant, Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1936-37 dirSangster, David M., civil servant, Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1935-36 dirSangster, David M., civil servant, Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1934-35 MacDonald dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, W. N.
1934-35 dirTreasure, Ernest S., A. R.C.O., Abercraig, Newburgh rd., West Newport : Musicians, Organists, And Teachers Of Music.
1934-35 dirTreasure, Ernest S., A. R.C.O. (music teacher, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirShepherd, Mrs. Abercraig, W. N.
1933-34 dirTreasure, Ernest S., A.R.C.O., Abercraig, Newburgh rd., West Newport : Musicians, Organists, And Teachers Of Music.
1933-34 dirTreasure, Ernest S., A.R.C.O. (music teacher, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1932-33 dirTreasure, Ernest S., A.R.C.O., Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport : Musicians, Organists, And Teachers Of Music.
1932-33 dirTreasure, Ernest S., A.R.C.O. (music teacher, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, W. N.
1931-32 dirShepherd, Mrs Isabella, Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, W. N.
1930-31 dirShepherd, Mrs Isabella, Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, W. N.
1929-30 dirShepherd, Mrs Douglas, Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, W. N.
1928-29 dirShepherd, Mrs Douglas, Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1928 Kelly dirShepherd Mrs. Abercraig, W
1927-28 MacDonald dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, W. N.
1927-28 dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, W. N.
1926-27 dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, W. N.
1925-26 dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, W. N.
1923-24 MacDonald dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, W. N.
1923-24 dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, Newburgh road, West Newport
1922-23 dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, Newburgh road. West Newport
1921 Slater dirShepherd Mrs. Abercraig, W
1920-21 dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, Woodhaven road, West Newport
1919-20 MacDonald dirWatson, Rev. R. A., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1918-19 MacDonald dirWatson, Rev. R. A., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1918-19 dirShepherd, Mrs, Abercraig, Woodhaven road, West Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirWatson, Rev. R. A., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1916-17 MacDonald dirWatson, Rev. R. A., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1915-16 MacDonald dirWatson, Rev. R. A., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1915-16 dirWatson, Rev. Robert A., D.D., Abercraig, West Newport
1915 Slater dirWatson Rev. Robert Alex. D.D. Abercraig, W
1914-15 MacDonald dirWatson, Rev. R. A., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1914-15 dirWatson, Rev. Robert A., D.D., Abercraig, West Newport
1913-14 MacDonald dirWatson, Rev. R. A., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1913-14 dirWatson, Rev. Robert A., D.D. Abercraig, West Newport
1912-13 MacDonald dirWatson, Rev. R. A., Abercraig House. Wester Newport
1912-13 dirWatson, Rev. Robert A., D.D., Abercraig, West Newport
1911-12 MacDonald dirWatson, Rev. R. A., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1911-12 dirWatson, Rev. Robert A., D.D., Abercraig, West Newport
1911 Slater dirWatson Rev. Robert Alex. D.D. Abercraig, W
1910-11 MacDonald dirWatson, Rev. R. A., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1910-11 dirWatson, Rev. Robert A., D.D., Abercraig, West Newport
1909-10 dirWatson, Rev. Robert A., D.D., Abercraig, West Newport
1907-08 MacDonald dirBerry, Miss M. G., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1906-07 MacDonald dirBerry, Miss M. G., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1905-06 MacDonald dirPhilip, Dr And., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1904-05 MacDonald dirPhilip, Dr. And., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1903-04 MacDonald dirPhilip, Dr And., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1903 Slater dirBerry Miss, Abercraig, W Newport
1902-03 MacDonald dirPhilip, Dr And., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1901-02 MacDonald dirPhilip, Dr And., Abercraig House, Wester Newport
1901-02 dirPhilip, Dr, Abercraig, West Newport; [under Medical Practitioners]
1901-02 dirPhilip, Dr, Abercraig, West Newport (Telephone No. N. 76)
1900-01 dirPhilip, Dr, Abercraig, West Newport; [under Medical Practitioners]
1900-01 dirPhilip, Dr, Abercraig, West Newport (Telephone No. N. 76)
1899-00 dirPhilip, Dr, Abercraig, West Newport; [under Medical Practitioners]
1899-00 dirPhilip, Dr, Abercraig, West Newport (Telephone No. N. 76)
1899 Slater dirPhilip Andrew M.D., C.M. physician & surgeon, Abercraig, W [under Commercial]
1899 Slater dirPhilip Andrew M.D. Abercraig
1898-99 Telephone dirPhilip Dr Andrew, Abercraig; tel. no. 76
1898-99 dirPhilip, Dr, Abercraig, West Newport; [under Medical Practitioners]
1898-99 dirPhilip, Dr, Abercraig, West Newport
1897-98 dirSime, Misses, Abercraig, West Newport
1896-97 dirSime, Misses, Abercraig, West Newport
1896 Slater dirSime The Misses, Abercraig, W
1895-96 dirSime, Misses, Abercraig, West Newport
1894-95 dirSime, Misses, Abercraig, West Newport
1893-94 dirSime, Misses, Abercraig, West Newport
1893 Slater dirSime Misses Elizabeth & Margaret, Abercraig, W N
1892-93 dirSime, Misses, Abercraig, West Newport
1891-92 dirSime, Misses, Abercraig, West Newport
1890-91 dirSime, Misses, Abercraig, West Newport
1889-90 dirSime, Misses, Abercraig, West Newport
1889 Slater dirSime Misses Elizabeth and Margaret, Abercraig, West Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirSime, Miss, Abercraig, West Newport
1887-88 dirSime, Mrs John, Abercraig, West Newport
1886-87 dirSime, Mrs John, Abercraig, West Newport
1886 Slater dirSime Mrs George, Abercraig House, W N
1885-86 dirSime, Mrs John, Abercraig, West Newport
1884-85 dirSime, Mrs John, Abercraig, West Newport
1882 Slater dirCameron Capt. Orford S., R.N. Abercraig, W N
1878-79 dirBerry, Miss S. E., Abercraig, West Newport
1878 Slater dirBerry Miss S. C., Abercraig
1877 Worrall dirBerry Miss Sarah, Abercraig
1876-77 dirBerry, Miss S. E., Abercraig, West Newport
1874-75 dirBerry, Sarah C., Abercraig, West Newport
1873 Slater dirBerry Misses, Abercraig, Ferry-Port-on-Craig [sic]
1871-72 dirBerry, Miss, Abercraig
1869-70 dirBerry, Miss, Abercraig
1867-68 dirBerry, Miss, Abercraig, West Newport
1867 Slater dirBerry the Misses -, Abercraig
1866 Fife dirBerry, Miss, Abercraig, W Newport
1862 Fife dirBerry, Misses, Abercraig, W Newport
1853-54 dirBerry, Misses, Abercraig.



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Philip, Andrew Medical Practitioner Abercraig, West Newport Tenant of House West Newport
1900 Female Voters Berry, Miss Margaret G. Cupar Road, Newport Proprietor of House West Newport


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Abercraig Shepherd Margaret 7
1911 Newburgh Road, Abercraig Watson Robert A 8
1901 Woodhaven Road Philip Andrew 8View household
1891 Abercraig Sime Elizabeth 7View household
1881 Abercraig Cameron Orford S 7View household
1871 Abercraig House Berry Sarah C 8View household
1861 Abercraig House Berry Margaret 8View household
1851 Uninhabited View household
1841 Newport Village Uninhabited View household[probably this house]



Valuation Roll entries      There are 54 entries

1974-75250300House & Garage John Berry PhD per Murray Beith & Murray WS, 39 Castle St, Edinburgh 2 Donald R MacIver 185View details
1973-74250300House & Garage John Berry PhD per Murray Beith & Murray WS, 39 Castle St, Edinburgh 2 Donald R MacIver 185View details
1972-73250300House & Garage John Berry PhD per Murray Beith & Murray WS, 39 Castle St, Edinburgh 2 Donald R MacIver 185View details
1971-72250300House & Garage John Berry PhD per Murray Beith & Murray WS, 39 Castle St, Edinburgh 2 Donald R MacIver 185View details
1969-702503House & Garage John Berry PhD per Murray Beith & Murray WS, 39 & 43 Castle St, Edinburgh 2 William H Mitchell 116View details
1968-692503House & Garage John Berry PhD per Murray Beith & Murray WS, 39 & 43 Castle St, Edinburgh 2 William H Mitchell 116View details
1967-681074House & Garage John Berry PhD per Murray Beith & Murray WS, 39 & 43 Castle St, Edinburgh 2 John W Grant 116View details
1966-671074House & Garage John Berry PhD per Murray Beith & Murray WS, 39 & 43 Castle St, Edinburgh 2 Alexander K Robb 116View details
1964-651074House & Garage John Berry PhD per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Alexander K Robb 100View details
1961-622803House John Berry PhD per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh empty 84View details
1958-591108House & Garden John Berry PhD per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Robert L Mackie 50View details
1957-581087House & Garden John Berry PhD per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Robert L Mackie 50View details
1952-531053House & Garden John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Robert L Mackie 50View details
1947-481019House & Garden John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Robert L Mackie 50View details
1942-431000House & Garden John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Robert L Mackie 50View details
1940-41999House & Garden John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Robert L Mackie 50View details
1937-381009House & Garden John Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh David M Sangster 47-10-0View details
1935-36972House & Garden John Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh David M Sangster 45View details
1932-33926House & Garden William Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Ernest Treasure, music teacher 40View details
1930-31924House & Garden William Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Mrs J H Shepherd 35View details
1927-28913House & Garden William Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Mrs Douglas Shepherd 35View details
1925-26893House & Garden William Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Mrs Douglas Shepherd same 35View details
1922-23866House & Garden William Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Mrs Douglas Shepherd same 35View details
1920-21846House & Garden William Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Mrs Douglas Shepherd same 35View details
1917-18844House & Garden William Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Rev Robert A Watson, DD same 35View details
1915-16837House & Garden Mrs Margaret H Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Rev Robert A Watson, DD same 35View details
1912-13810House & Garden Mrs Margaret H Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Rev Robert A Watson, DD same 35View details
1910-11798Abercraig House & Garden Mrs Margaret Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Rev Robert A Watson DD proprietor 35View details
1909-10793Abercraig House & Garden Mrs Margaret Berry of Tayfield per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, Edinburgh Rev Robert A Watson DD proprietor 35View details
1907-08789Abercraig House & Garden William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh proprietor 45View details
1905-06770Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix proprietor 45View details
1903-04759Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix proprietor 45View details
1901-02562Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Dr Andrew Philip same 50View details
1900-01550Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Dr Andrew Philip same 50View details
1899-00520Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Dr Andrew Philip same 50View details
1897-98471Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Misses Elizabeth & Margaret Sime same 50View details
1896-97448Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Misses Elizabeth & Margaret Sime same 50View details
1895-96415Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Misses Elizabeth & Margaret Sime same 50View details
1894-95382Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Misses Elizabeth & Margaret Sime same 50View details
1893-94362Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Misses Elizabeth & Margaret Sime same 50View details
1892-93351Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Misses Elizabeth & Margaret Sime same 50View details
1891-92341Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Misses Elizabeth & Margaret Sime same 50View details
1890-91314Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Misses Elizabeth & Margaret Sime same 50View details
1889-90294Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Misses Elizabeth & Margaret Sime same 50View details
1885-86269Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, liferentrix, per David Mackie, factor, Tayfield Miss Sime same 50View details
1881-82175Abercraig House and Garden Miss Margaret G Berry, 3 University, Glasgow per Mr Hannan Said Miss Berry 50View details
1878-79179Abercraig House and Garden Miss Sarah Berry Said Miss Berry 40View details
1875-76170Abercraig House and Garden Miss Sarah Berry Said Miss Berry 40View details
1871-72167Abercraig House and Garden Miss Sarah Berry Miss Berry 35View details
1867-68190Abercraig House and Grounds Miss Sarah Berry Said Miss Berry 35View details
1865-66179Abercraig House and Grounds Miss Sarah Berry Said Miss Berry 30View details
1864-65170Abercraig House and Grounds Miss Sarah Berry Said Miss Berry 30View details
1860-61153Abercraig House and Garden Misses Berry Misses Berry 30View details
1855-5667Abercraig house and Garden Misses Berry, Abercraig 30View details



Railway Map References:

PlanYearRefDescriptionOwner or reputed ownerOccupier[Comments]
RHP34382 (Caledonian)186929Woodland, beach of river or firth of Tay & vacant groundJohn Berry; Sarah Crawford BerrySarah Crawford Berry
RHP85254 (G & D J)184562Dwelling house, outbuildings, garden ground, rough ground & footpathWilliam BerryJohn Stewart[Abercraig - not shown]


Other Sightings:

1837 Building shown on map: Abercraig No image available. Map of the coast of the Tay from Newport Ferry Pier ..., 1837, William Blackadder (held by Dundee Central Library).


Early Sasines:



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