
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Plot 307:   Newport  -  21.3 pol    (50-54 High St, 2-6 Cupar Rd)

Street View Image

This map is an indication of the plot location and size only, and should be used with caution.

Red shading is the plot concerned; yellow indicates a sub-plot created from this one - click the marker to follow the link; green indicates a plot added to this one, or a smaller plot contained within it; blue indicates a plot whose location and/or dimensions are uncertain.


This plot:

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
307Newport21.3 polon W and S sides of turnpike to Cupar(Wilson)50-54 High St, 2-6 Cupar Rd


Larger plots from which this one is created :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
297East Newportmiscellaneous plot locationsMap for locations only - not an actual sasine plot.


Properties on this whole plot:

50-54 High St, 2-6 Cupar Rd


Sub-plots created from this plot :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
318Newport2 High Street(Morrison)52 High St
391Newport3 High Street(Beatt & Tait)50 High St


Properties remaining on this plot outwith any sub-plots:

4 Cupar Road   6 Cupar Road   shop, formerly 2, Cupar Road   shop, 54, High Street   


Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):

RefIn BriefAbridgementRegisteredPlot IDs
1946.00974Williamina Clark / Pratt to Beatt & TaitDisp by Williamina Clark / Pratt, widow to Charles Whitton Beatt & Charles Tait for the firm Beatt & Tait of shop premises at 3 High St, Newport pt of 21.33 pol grnd, : S by Prinlaws Place, described in feu ch to William Wilson 25 Jan 1867, access by 5' path from St Phillans Place20 May 1946307, 391
1894.00652 part of first Margaret McCallum / Wilson loan transferred to Trs Elizabeth Ann Nelson / WalkerAssig by Trs dec Elizabeth Calder or Young to Trs under deed of trust by Elizabeth Ann Nelson or Walker sometime resid Alma Cottage Monifieth now in Glasgow widow to extent of £100 of bond (29 Sept 1875) £900 by William Wilson formerly grocer Union St Dundee afterwards grocer Newport to Margaret McCallum or Wilson over 21.33 pol grnd & dw houses etc t/on : E & : N t/pike to Cupar : S Prinlaws Place16 May 1894307
1894.00376part of first Margaret McCallum / Wilson loan transferred to Trs Elizabeth Calder / YoungNot instr dec Elizabeth Calder or Young resid 51 Brook St, Br Ferry widow to extent of £100 of bond 29 Sept 1875 £900 by William Wilson formerly grocer Union St Dundee afterwards grocer Newport to Margaret McCallum or Wilson over 21.33 pol grnd & dw houses etc t/on : E & : N t/pike to Cupar : S Prinlaws Place24 Mar 1894307
1887.02040Ann Davidson Clark's half of loan transferred to Mary ClarkNot Instr Mary Clark residing Downfield near Dundee of half which belonged to deceased Ann Davidson Clark, Downfield, of bond (27 Jul 1867) £500 by William Wilson, grocer, Union St, Dundee to Mary Ogilvie Smart / Clark over 21.33 pol grnd & dw houses etc t/on at Newport, : E & N by t/p to ferry pier, : S by Prinlaws Place (under exception of [i.e. excluding] shop no. 2 High St consisting of front shop and back shop and saloon behind same, & grnd on which they are built … )2 Jun 1887307
1885.06055most of first Margaret McCallum / Wilson loan transferred to TrsNot instr Trs deceased Margaret McCallum / Wilson, Newport, widow, of £800 of bond (29 Sep 1875) £900 by William Wilson, grocer … over 21.33 pol & dw houses t/on, : N & E by t/p to Ferry Pier, : S by Prinlaws Place22 Jun 1885307
1885.05759William Wilson to TrsTrust disp by William Wilson ... to Trs ... of pce grnd 21.33 pol, : E & N by t/p road Cupar - Newport, : S by Prinlaws Place, & dw ho etc t/on (under exceptions)6 May 1885307
1885.05758second loan by Trs Margaret McCallum / WilsonBond £157-2-6 & disp by William Wilson grocer Union St, Dundee then Newport to Trs his mother deceased Margaret McCallum / Wilson of pce grnd 21.33 pol, : E & N by t/p road Cupar - Newport, : S by Prinlaws Place, & dw ho etc t/on (under exceptions)6 May 1885307
1884.05315Mary Ogilvie Smart / Clark loan transferred to Mary Clark & Ann Davidson ClarkNot Instr Mary Clark & Ann Davidson Clark … Dundee, daughters of deceased Mary Ogilvie Smart / Clark of bond (27 Jul 1867) £500 by William Wilson grocer … over 21.33 pol & dw house : E & N by t/p to Newport ferry pier, : S by Prinlaws Place (under exception of shop no. 2 High St) …10 Dec1884307
1882.02488William Wilson to Matthew MorrisonDisp by William Wilson grocer, consent of his mother Margaret McCallum / Wilson, Newpoort, widow … to Matthew Morrison flesher Newport of shop No. 2 High Street, consisting of front shop and back shop and saloon behind same, & grnd on which they are built, : N by t/p to Cupar, : S by a passage 5' wide leading from the turnpike along the S side of the buildings to the E of the buildings disponed, with right of entrnce to said saloon by said lane by a wooden stair and an open court, part of 21.33 pol grnd14 Nov 1882307, 318
1882.02487Mathewson loan repaidDisch by Mathewson & Son, tea merchants Dundee … disburd bond (1 Apr 1881) £100 by William Wilson over 21.33 pol & dw houses etc t/on at Newport, : E & N by t/p to Newport ferry pier, : S by Prinlaws Place14 Nov 1882307
1882.02486McGrady & Christie loan repaidDisch by McGrady & Christie, wholesale grocers, Dundee disburd. bond for cash credit £200 by William Wilson over 21.33 pol & dw houses etc t/on at Newport, : E & N by t/p to Newport ferry pier, : S by Prinlaws Place14 Nov 1882307
1882.02485Mary Ogilvie Smart / Clark loan freed from no.2 High St, and restricted to the rest of the propertyDeed of restriction by Mary Ogilvie Smart / Clark disburdening bond (27 Jul 1867) £500 by William Wilson, formerly grocer Union St, Dundee, now grocer Newport over shop no. 2 High Street, Newport consisting of front shop and back shop & saloon behind same, & ground on which they are built, : N by t/p to Cupar, : S by 5' passage leading off from t/p along the S side of the buildings to the east of those disburdened, & right of entrance to said saloon by said lane by a wooden stair & an open court, (part of 21.33 pol grnd), restricting the security of the bond to the subjects not disburdened.14 Nov 1882307, 318
1881.00314loan by Mathewson & SonBond & disp £100 by William Wilson to Methewson & Son, tea merchants Dundee of 21.33 pol & dw houses etc t/on at Newport, : E & N by t/p to Newport ferry pier, : S by Prinlaws Place1 Apr 1881307
1880.05994loan by Henry McGrady & John ChristieBond for cash credit £200 by William Wilson provison merchant Newport to Henry McGrady & John Christie, partners of McGrady & Christie, grocers Dundee, & disp of 21.33 pol grnd & dw houses etc t/on at Newport, : E & N by t/p road, : S by Prinlaws Place15 Jul 1880307
1875.04905loan by Margaret McCallum / WilsonBond £900 & disp secur by William Wilson grocer formerly Union St, Dundee, now Newport to his mother Margaret McCallum / Wilson residing Newport, widow, of 21.331 pol grnd & dw houses etc at Newport, : E & N by t/p to Ferry, : S by Prinlaws Place1875307
1875.04896Agreement between Tayfield & William Wilson - permission to build wall on open groundAgreement between Berry, Tayfield & William Wilson grocer Newport whereby (1) Berry allows Wilson to build a wall on open space close to east gable wall of present building on pce grnd at Newport, : E & N by t/p to Ferry, : S by proposed Prinlaws Place; (2) Berry discharges obligation to keep said space in grass or shrubbery (see feu 25 Jan 1867)24 Sep 1875307
1867.02118loan by Mary Ogilvie Smart / ClarkMary Ogilvie Smart relict of William Clark jun gets bond & disp £500 by William Wilson over lot of 21.33 pol grnd & houses etc t/on at Newport on W & S of t/p from Cupar to Newport ferry pier27 Jul 1867307
1867.01649Tayfield to William WilsonWilliam Wilson, grocer Union St, Dundee regist feu ch to himself by Berry, Tayfield of lot of 21.3 poles grnd at Newport on W and S sides of t/p from Cupar to Newport Ferry Pier25 Jan 1867307

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


Names in Sasines:

1946.00974Beatt & Tait
1946.00974Beatt, Charles Whitton
1875.04896Berry, Tayfield
1867.01649Berry, Tayfield
1894.00652Calder, Elizabeth
1894.00376Calder, Elizabeth
1880.05994Christie, John
1887.02040Clark, Ann Davidson
1884.05315Clark, Ann Davidson
1887.02040Clark, Mary
1884.05315Clark, Mary
1887.02040Clark, Mary Ogilvie
1884.05315Clark, Mary Ogilvie
1882.02485Clark, Mary Ogilvie
1867.02118Clark, Mary Ogilvie
1867.02118Clark, William
1946.00974Clark, Williamina
1882.02487Mathewson & Son
1881.00314Mathewson & Son
1894.00376McCallum, Margaret
1885.06055McCallum, Margaret
1885.05758McCallum, Margaret
1882.02488McCallum, Margaret
1875.04905McCallum, Margaret
1882.02486McGrady & Christie
1880.05994McGrady, Henry
1882.02488Morrison, Matthew
1894.00652Nelson, Elizabeth Ann
1946.00974Pratt, Williamina
1887.02040Smart, Mary Ogilvie
1884.05315Smart, Mary Ogilvie
1882.02485Smart, Mary Ogilvie
1867.02118Smart, Mary Ogilvie
1946.00974Tait, Charles
1894.00652Walker, Elizabeth Ann
1894.00376Wilson, Margaret
1885.06055Wilson, Margaret
1885.05758Wilson, Margaret
1882.02488Wilson, Margaret
1875.04905Wilson, Margaret
1946.00974Wilson, William
1894.00376Wilson, William
1887.02040Wilson, William
1885.06055Wilson, William
1885.05759Wilson, William
1885.05758Wilson, William
1884.05315Wilson, William
1882.02488Wilson, William
1882.02487Wilson, William
1882.02486Wilson, William
1882.02485Wilson, William
1881.00314Wilson, William
1880.05994Wilson, William
1875.04905Wilson, William
1875.04896Wilson, William
1867.02118Wilson, William
1867.01649Wilson, William
1894.00652Young, Elizabeth
1894.00376Young, Elizabeth


Return to:     Home Page   Sasines   shop, formerly 2  shop, 54  4 Cupar Road  6 Cupar Road