
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Plot 269:   Maryton  -  lot 26 - mid 1/3, 'B'    (35 Queen St; coal shed (King St))

Street View Image

This map is an indication of the plot location and size only, and should be used with caution.

Red shading is the plot concerned; yellow indicates a sub-plot created from this one - click the marker to follow the link; green indicates a plot added to this one, or a smaller plot contained within it; blue indicates a plot whose location and/or dimensions are uncertain.


This plot:

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
269Marytonlot 26 - mid 1/3, 'B'(Catherine Jackson / Hosrburgh)35 Queen St; coal shed (King St)


Larger plots from which this one is created :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
205Marytonlot 26 (different numbering)2 roodson W side of Queen Street(Charles Jackson)33-41 Queen St


Properties on this whole plot:

35 Queen St; coal shed (King St)


Properties remaining on this plot outwith any sub-plots:

former coal shed, King Street   35 Queen Street   


Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):

RefIn BriefAbridgementRegisteredPlot IDs
1893.01212Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh to TrsNot instr Catherine Jackson or Horsburgh resid Newport widow of James Horsburgh coal merchant there (formerly at Broughty Ferry) of (1) middle third part marked B on plan with erections t/on : E Queen St : W King St of 2 roods Scots grnd pt of Seacraig (2) (a) S-most third part marked C with erection t/on .. ditto .. (2) (b) buildings of & connected with dw ho at E end of said grnd & partly t/on & partly on grnd (1), by which it is bounded on the N5 Aug 1893(1) 269, (2a) 270, (2b) buildings - Hawthorn Cottage
1891.00594loan by Trs George BatchelorBond £500 by James Horsburgh coal mercht Newport & disp secur by him & wife Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh to Trs under trust convey by dec. George Batchelor upholsterer William St Newport his wife Elizabeth Robertson / Batchelor, son & dau James Guthrie Robertson Batchelor now dec. & Helen Batchelor resid William St of following contig subjects : (1) middle third, B on plan, of 2 roods Scots of Scotscraig in Maryton (2) southmost third, C on plan, all : E Queen St, W King St.18 May 1891269, 270
1891.00593Forwell loan repaidDisch. By Henry Forwell, bicscuit manuf, Edinburgh disburd bond (23 Jan 1879) £450 by James Horsburgh coal merchant sometime Ferryport on Craig, then Broughty Ferry now Newport & spouse Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh to Rev William Forwell over .. as in 1879.03973 in Maryton18 May 1891269
1890.06263William Forwell loan transferred to Henry ForwellAssig by exec Rev William Forwell, 4 Westbourne Tce, Greenock to Henry Forwell, biscuit manufacturer, Edinburgh of bond (23 Jan 1879) £450 by James Horsburgh ... & spouse Catherine Jackson to William Forwell over middle pt, 'B', & bldgs t/on pt of 2 roods Scots … pt of Maryton3 Apr 1890269
1889.05590William Forwell loan transferred to TrsNot Instr execs of Rev William Forwell, 4 Westbourne Tce, Greenock ... of bond (23 Jan 1879) £450 by James Horsburgh ... & spouse Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh over middle pt, 'B', & bldgs t/on pt of 2 roods Scots … pt of Maryton8 Oct 1889269
1886.00874John Jackson & Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh to Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh & James HorsburghDisp by John Jackson & Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh & James Horsburgh to Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh & James Horsburgh of item (2) in previous abridgement (1886.00873) [i.e. S-most 1/3 of said piece of ground 'C' : E by Queen Street, : W by King Street, & bldgs t/on]; and the buildings of and connected with the dwelling house at the east end of said ground & partly on their (Horsburgh's) ground by which it is bounded on N27 Aug 1886270, 269
1879.03973loan by Rev William ForwellBond £450 & disp by James Horsburgh, coal merchant, sometime at Ferryport now at Broughty Ferry, & spouse Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh to Rev William Forwell, Hilltown, Dundee of middle 1/3, 'B', & erections t/on pt of 2 roods Scots … pt of Seacraig … Maryton23 Jan 1879269
1878.03475Agreement: north 1/3 to John Jackson, mid 1/3 to Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh, south 1/3 to Ann JacksonMinute of agreement & disp by and between John Jackson boatman Newport, Ann Jackson Newport, and Catharine Jackson / Horsburgh Broughty Ferry (spouse of James Horsburgh), containing
(1) disp by all parties to John Jackson of N-most 1/3, marked 'A' & bldgs t/on, of 2 roods Scots [the whole area], part of Marytown, this N-most portion : E by Queen Street, : W by King Street;
(2) disp by all parties to Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh & James Horsburgh in liferent & fee of middle 1/3, 'B', & bldgs t/on, this middle portion : E by Queen Street, : W by King Street;
(3) disp by all parties to Ann Jackson of S-most 1/3, 'C', & bldgs t/on, : E by Queen Street, : W by King Street;
under exceptions of liferent to Ann Jackson to the bidgs t/on, and 1/4 subfeued to John Jackson
26 Sep 1878205, 206, 268, 269, 270
1878.03423Charles Jackson to Margaret Bruce / Jackson in liferent (ground & buildings); then to Annie Jackson (liferent of buildings); and to Annie, Catherine (Horsburgh) & John Jackson equal thirdsDisp & settlement by Charles Jackson, shoemaker, Marytown containing disp to
(1) spouse Margaret Bruce / Jackson, liferent of pce grnd, 2 roods Scotch, lot 26 & bldgs t/on, : E by a new street called Queen Street, : W by new street called King Street, pt of Marytown (under exception of a 4th part of said ground subfeued to his son John Jackson, boatman, Newport)
(2) on her death to daughter Anne Jackson, while unmarried, liferent of buildings on said land (exception as before)
(3) and to Anne Jackson, Catherine Jackson / Horsburgh (spouse of James Horsburgh coal merchant Ferryport, the granter's youngest daughter), and said John Jackson, equally of said piece of ground (exception as before) & declaring that the part already sub-feued to John Jackson shall be part of his third share …
5 Sep 1878205, 206, 268, 269, 270

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


Names in Sasines:

1891.00594Batchelor, Elizabeth
1891.00594Batchelor, George
1891.00594Batchelor, Helen
1891.00594Batchelor, James Guthrie Robertson
1878.03423Bruce, Margaret
1891.00593Forwell, Henry
1890.06263Forwell, Henry
1891.00593Forwell, Rev William
1890.06263Forwell, Rev William
1889.05590Forwell, Rev William
1879.03973Forwell, Rev William
1893.01212Horsburgh, Catherine
1891.00594Horsburgh, Catherine
1891.00593Horsburgh, Catherine
1889.05590Horsburgh, Catherine
1886.00874Horsburgh, Catherine
1879.03973Horsburgh, Catherine
1878.03475Horsburgh, Catherine
1878.03423Horsburgh, Catherine
1893.01212Horsburgh, James
1891.00594Horsburgh, James
1891.00593Horsburgh, James
1890.06263Horsburgh, James
1889.05590Horsburgh, James
1886.00874Horsburgh, James
1879.03973Horsburgh, James
1878.03475Horsburgh, James
1878.03423Horsburgh, James
1890.06263Horsburgh, Janet
1878.03475Jackson, Ann
1878.03423Jackson, Anne
1893.01212Jackson, Catherine
1891.00594Jackson, Catherine
1891.00593Jackson, Catherine
1889.05590Jackson, Catherine
1886.00874Jackson, Catherine
1879.03973Jackson, Catherine
1878.03475Jackson, Catherine
1878.03423Jackson, Catherine
1878.03423Jackson, Charles
1890.06263Jackson, Janet
1886.00874Jackson, John
1878.03475Jackson, John
1878.03423Jackson, John
1878.03423Jackson, Margaret
1891.00594Robertson, Elizabeth


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