
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 32  Norwood

Street View Image

= Property still standing

Notes:      dated 1897


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.441747,-2.934774

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   21 Norwood   22 Norwood   24 Norwood   26 Norwood   27 Norwood   28 Norwood   30 Norwood   34 Norwood   36 Norwood   38 Norwood  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

16 Norwood1961



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Rocquaivie [should be Rocquaine]



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 119 entries

1974 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 32 Norwood
1973 dirHamilton, Robert, jun. teacher, 32 Norwood
1972 dirHamilton, Robert, jun. teacher, 32 Norwood
1971 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 32 Norwood
1970 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 32 Norwood
1969 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 32 Norwood
1968 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 32 Norwood
1967 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 32 Norwood
1966 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 32 Norwood
1964 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 16 Norwood
1963 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 16 Norwood
1962 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 16 Norwood
1961 dirHamilton, Robert, 16 Norwood
1961 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 16 Norwood
1960 dirHamilton, Robert, 16 Norwood
1960 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 16 Norwood
1958-59 dirHamilton, Robert (measurer, Dundee), 16 Norwood
1958-59 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 16 Norwood
1957-58 dirHamilton, Robert (measurer, Dundee), 16 Norwood
1957-58 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 16 Norwood
1956-57 dirHamilton, Robert (measurer, Dundee), 16 Norwood
1956-57 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 16 Norwood
1955-56 dirHamilton, Robert (measurer, Dundee), 16 Norwood, East Newport
1955-56 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 16 Norwood, East Newport
1954-55 dirHamilton, Robert (measurer, Dundee), 16 Norwood, East Newport
1954-55 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 16 Norwood, East Newport
1953-54 dirHamilton, Robert (measurer, Dundee), 16 Norwood, East Newport
1953-54 dirHamilton, Robert, jun., teacher, 16 Norwood, East Newport
1952-53 dirHamilton, Robert (measurer, Dundee), 16 Norwood, East Newport
1952-53 dirHamilton, Robert, Jun., teacher, 16 Norwood, East Newport
1951-52 dirHamilton, Robert, teacher, 16 Norwood, East Newport
1950-51 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1949-50 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1948-49 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1947-48 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1946-47 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1942-43 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1942-43 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1941-42 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1941-42 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1940-41 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1940-41 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1939-40 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1939-40 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1938-39 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1938-39 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1937-38 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace. Easter Newport
1937-38 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1936-37 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1936-37 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1935-36 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1935-36 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1934-35 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1934-35 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1933-34 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1932-33 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1931-32 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1930-31 dirSmart, David M., 16 Norwood, East Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1929-30 dirSmart, David M. (teacher, Dundee), 16 Norwood, East Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1928-29 dirSmart, David M. (teacher, Dundee), 16 Norwood, East Newport
1928 Kelly dirSmart David M. 16 Norwood, E
1927-28 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1927-28 dirSmart, David M. (teacher, Dundee), 16 Norwood, East Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirSmart, D. M., Rocquaine, Norwood terrace, Easter Newport
1926-27 dirSmart, David M. (teacher, Dundee), 16 Norwood, East Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirAgnew, Miss, 16 Norwood, E. N.
1925-26 dirSmart, David M. (teacher, Dundee), 16 Norwood, East Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirAgnew, Miss, 16 Norwood, E. N.
1923-24 MacDonald dirAgnew, Miss, 16 Norwood, E. N.
1923-24 dirAgnew, Miss, 16 Norwood, East Newport
1923-24 dirBell, Mrs George, 16 Norwood, East Newport
1922-23 dirAgnew, Miss, 16 Norwood, East Newport
1921-22 MacDonald dirAgnew, Miss, 16 Norwood, E. N.
1921 Slater dirAgnew Hillary, 16 Norwood terrace, E
1920-21 dirAgnew, Miss, 16 Norwood, East Newport
1919-20 MacDonald dirAgnew, Miss, Rocquaivie, Norwood ter.
1918-19 MacDonald dirAgnew, Miss, Rocquaivie. Norwood ter.
1918-19 dirAgnew, Miss, 16 Norwood, East Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirAgnew, Miss, Rocquaivie, Norwood ter.
1916-17 MacDonald dirAgnew, Miss, Rocquaivie, Norwood ter.
1915-16 MacDonald dirAgnew, H., Rocquaivie [sic], Norwood ter.
1915-16 dirAgnew, Miss, 16 Norwood, East Newport,
1915 Slater dirAgnew Hillary, 16 Norwood terrace, E
1914-15 MacDonald dirAgnew, H., Rocquaivie Norwood ter.
1914-15 dirAgnew, Miss, Norwood, East Newport
1913-14 MacDonald dirAgnew, H., Rocquaivie Norwood ter.
1913-14 dirAgnew, Hilary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1912-13 MacDonald dirAgnew, H., Rocquaivie Norwood ter.
1912-13 dirAgnew, Hilary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1911-12 MacDonald dirAgnew, H., Rocquaivie Norwood ter.
1911-12 dirAgnew, Hilary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1911 Slater dirAgnew Hillary, 16 Norwood terrace, E
1910-11 MacDonald dirAgnew, H., Rocquaivie Norwood ter.
1910-11 dirAgnew, Hilary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1909-10 MacDonald dirAgnew, H., Norwood
1909-10 dirAgnew, Hilary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1908-09 MacDonald dirAgnew, H., Rocquaivie, Norwood ter.
1908-09 dirAgnew, Hilary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1908 Tayside AnnualAgnew, Hilary, secretary, Norwood Ter., E.
1907-08 MacDonald dirAgnew, H., Rocquaivie, Norwood ter.
1907-08 dirAgnew, Hilary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1907 Tayside AnnualAgnew, Hilary, secretary, Norwood Ter., E.
1907 Slater dirAgnew Hillary, 16 Norwood terrace, E
1906-07 MacDonald dirAgnew, H., Rocquaivie [sic], Norwood ter.
1906-07 dirAgnew, Hilary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1905-06 dirAgnew, Hilary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1904-05 dirAgnew, Hilary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1903-04 dirAgnew, Hilary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1903 Slater dirAgnew Hillary, 16 Norwood terrace, E Newport
1902-03 dirAgnew, Hillary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1901-02 dirAgnew, Hillary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1900-01 dirAgnew, Hillary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1899-00 dirAgnew, Hillary (secretary, Dundee), Norwood, East Newport
1899 Slater dirAgnew Hillary, Norwood terrace, E



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Agnew, Hilary Secretary Norwood Terrace, Newport Proprietor of House Norwood Terrace


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1911 10 Norwood Terrace Agnew Hilary 10
1901 Norwood Terrace Agnew Hilary 9View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 35 entries

1974-75138600House Robert Hamilton proprietor 181View details
1973-74138600House Robert Hamilton proprietor 181View details
1972-73138600House Robert Hamilton proprietor 181View details
1971-72138600House Robert Hamilton proprietor 181View details
1969-701386House Robert Hamilton proprietor 110View details
1968-691386House Robert Hamilton proprietor 110View details
1967-68316House Robert Hamilton proprietor 110View details
1966-67316House Robert Hamilton proprietor 110View details
1964-65316House Robert Hamilton proprietor 90View details
1961-62927House Robert Hamilton jun proprietor 90View details
1958-59479House & Garden Robert Hamilton jun proprietor 52View details
1957-58480House & Garden Robert Hamilton jun proprietor 52View details
1952-53451House & Garden Robert Hamilton jun proprietor 52View details
1947-48442House & Garden David M Smart proprietor 52View details
1942-43443House & Garden David M Smart proprietor 52View details
1940-41440House & Garden David M Smart proprietor 52View details
1937-38445House & Garden David M Smart proprietor 52View details
1935-36439House & Garden David M Smart proprietor 52View details
1932-33420House & Garden David M Smart proprietor 52View details
1930-31414House & Garden David M Smart proprietor 52View details
1927-28407House & Garden David M Smart proprietor 52View details
1925-26393House & Garden David M Smart proprietor 52View details
1922-23375House (part of) & Garden Trs of late Mrs Elizabeth J S Agnew per J & J Scrimgeour, solicitors, Dundee Mrs Elizabeth A Bell same 26View details
1922-23374House (part of) & Garden Trs of late Mrs Elizabeth J S Agnew per J & J Scrimgeour, solicitors, Dundee Mildred S Agnew same 26View details
1920-21363House & Garden Trs of late Mrs Elizabeth J S Agnew per J & J Scrimgeour, solicitors, Dundee Hilary A Agnew, traveller same 40View details
1917-18362House & Garden Trs of late Mrs Elizabeth J S Agnew per J & J Scrimgeour, solicitors, Dundee Miss Mildred Agnew 40View details
1915-16358House & Garden Trs of late Mrs Elizabeth J S Agnew per J & J Scrimgeour, solicitors, Dundee Miss Mildred Agnew 40View details
1912-13552House & Garden Hilary Agnew, secretary proprietor 40View details
1907-08533House & Garden Hilary Agnew, secretary proprietor 40View details
1905-06522House and Garden Hilary Agnew, secretary proprietor 40View details
1903-04513House and Garden Hilary Agnew, secretary proprietor 40View details
1901-021039House and Garden Hilary Agnew, secretary proprietor 40View details
1900-011022House and Garden Hilary Agnew, secretary proprietor 40View details
1899-00986House and Garden Hilary Agnew, secretary proprietor 40View details
1897-98932House and Garden Alexander Robertson, plasterer empty 20View details value part year [Norwood]



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 714  view details Newport (Agnew) 32 Norwood


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1898.00859Hilary Agnew Norwood [my notes have been mislaid]17 May 1898714

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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