
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 45  Bay Road

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.424352,-2.983145

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   33 Bay Road   35 Bay Road   37 Bay Road   39 Bay Road   41 Bay Road   43 Bay Road   47 Bay Road   49 Bay Road   51 Bay Road  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

The Bay 1922



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 110 entries

1974 dirArbuckle, Miss J., 45 Bay Road, Wormit
1973 dirArbuckle, Miss J., 45 Bay Road, Wormit
1972 dirArbuckle, Miss J., 45 Bay Road, Wormit
1971 dirArbuckle, Miss J., 45 Bay Road, Wormit
1970 dirArbuckle, Miss J., 45 Bay Road, Wormit
1969 dirArbuckle, Miss J., 45 Bay Road, Wormit
1968 dirArbuckle, Miss J., 45 Bay Road, Wormit
1967 dirArbuckle, Miss J., 45 Bay road, Wormit
1966 dirArbuckle, Miss J., 45 Bay road, Wormit
1965 dirArbuckle, Miss J., 45 Bay road, Wormit
1964 dirArbuckle, Miss J., Lynedoch Bay road, Wormit
1962 dirArbuckle, Mrs J., Lynedoch, Bay road. Wormit
1961 dirArbuckle, Mrs J., Lynedoch, Bay road. Wormit
1960 dirArbuckle, Mrs J., Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1958-59 dirArbuckle, Mrs J., Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1957-58 dirArbuckle, Mrs J., Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1956-57 dirArbuckle, Mrs J., Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1955-56 dirArbuckle, Mrs J., Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1954-55 dirArbuckle, Mrs J., Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1954-55 dirArbuckle, Miss J., Lyndoch, Bay road, Wormit; Secretary, [under Wormit Unionist-Liberal Association]
1953-54 dirArbuckle, Miss J., Lyndoch, Bay road, Wormit; Secretary, [under Wormit Unionist-Liberal Association]
1953-54 dirArbuckle, Mrs J., Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1952-53 dirArbuckle, Mrs J., Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1951-52 dirArbuckle, Mrs J., Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1946-47 dirMacquoid, Miss, teacher, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1942-43 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1942-43 dirMacquoid, Mrs James, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1941-42 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1941-42 dirMacquoid, Mrs James, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1940-41 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1940-41 dirMacquoid, Mrs James, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1939-40 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1939-40 dirMacquoid, Mrs James, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1938-39 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1938-39 dirMacquoid, Mrs James, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1937-38 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1937-38 dirMacquoid, Mrs James, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1936-37 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1936-37 dirMacquoid, Mrs James, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1935-36 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1935-36 dirMacquoid, Mrs James, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1934-35 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1934-35 dirMacquoid, Mrs James, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1933-34 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1933-34 dirMacquoid, Mrs James, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1932-33 dirMacquoid, Mrs James, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1931-32 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Lynedoch, Wormit
1931-32 dirMacquoid, James, retired customs officer, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1930-31 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1930-31 dirMacquoid, James, retired customs officer, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1929-30 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1929-30 dirMacquoid, James, retired customs officer, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1928-29 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1928-29 dirMacquoid, James, retired customs officer, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1927-28 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1927-28 dirMacquoid, James, retired customs officer, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1926-27 MacDonald dirM'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit
1926-27 dirMacquoid, James, retired customs officer, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1925-26 MacDonald dirPaterson, J. M., The Bay, Wormit
1925-26 dirMacquoid, James, retired customs officer, Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit
1924-25 MacDonald dirPaterson, J. M., The Bay, Wormit
1923-24 MacDonald dirPaterson, J. M., The Bay, Wormit
1921-22 MacDonald dirPaterson, J. M., Lynedoch, Wormit
1921 Slater dirPatterson John M. Lynedoch [under Wormit]
1920-21 dirPatterson, John M., clothier and ladies' tailor, The Fife House, Wormit (Telephone No. W. 17) ; h. Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormitlocation 2
1919-20 MacDonald dirPaterson, John, The Bay, Wormit
1918-19 MacDonald dirPaterson, John, The Bay, Wormit
1918-19 dirPatterson, John M., clothier and ladies' tailor, The Fife House, Wormit (Telephone No. W. 17) ; h. Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormitlocation 2
1917-18 MacDonald dirPaterson, John, The Bay, Wormit
1916-17 MacDonald dirPaterson, John, The Bay, Wormit
1915-16 MacDonald dirPatterson, John M., Lynedoch, Wormit
1915-16 MacDonald dirWedderspoon, G., teacher, The Bay, Wormit
1915-16 dirPatterson, John M., clothier and ladies' tailor, The Fife House, Wormit (Telephone No. W. 17); h. Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit. See Adv. p. 85location 2
1915 Slater dirPatterson John M. Lynedoch [under Wormit]
1914-15 MacDonald dirPatterson, John M., Lynedoch, Wormit
1914-15 MacDonald dirWedderspoon, G., teacher, The Bay, Wormit
1914-15 dirPatterson, John M., clothier and ladies' tailor, The Fife House, Wormit (Telephone No. W. 17); h. Lynedoch, Bay road, Wormit. See Adv. p. 77location 2
1913-14 MacDonald dirWedderspoon, G., teacher, The Bay, Wormit
1913-14 dirPatterson, John M., clothier and ladies' tailor, The Fife House, Wormit (Tele. No. W. 17) ; h. Lynedoch, Wormit. See Adv. p. 77location 2
1913-14 dirWedderspoon, George, classical master, Lynedoch, Wormit
1912-13 MacDonald dirFeathers, G. F., Lynedoch, Wormit
1912-13 dirWedderspoon, George, classical master, Lynedoch, Wormit
1911-12 MacDonald dirFeathers, G. F., Lynedoch, Wormit
1911-12 dirFeathers, The Misses, Lynedoch, Wormit
1911-12 dirWedderspoon, George, classical master, Lyndoch, Wormit
1911 Slater dirFeathers Miss, Lynedoch [under Wormit]
1910-11 MacDonald dirFeathers, G. F., Lynedoch, Wormit
1910-11 dirFeathers, The Misses, Lynedoch, Wormit
1909-10 MacDonald dirFeathers, G. F., Lynedoch, Wormit
1909-10 dirFeathers, The Misses, Lynedoch, Wormit
1908-09 MacDonald dirFeathers, G. F., Lynedoch, Wormit
1908-09 dirFeathers, George Farquharson (merchant, Dundee), Lynedoch, Wormit
1908 Tayside AnnualFeathers, George F., merchant, Lynedoch. [in Wormit directory]
1908 Tayside AnnualFeathers, Miss Eleanor, Lynedoch. [in Wormit directory]
1908 Tayside AnnualFeathers, Miss Jessie, Lynedoch. [in Wormit directory]
1907-08 dirFeathers, George Farquharson (merchant, Dundee), Lynedoch, Wormit
1907 Tayside AnnualFeathers, George F., merchant, Lynedoch. [in Wormit directory]
1907 Tayside AnnualFeathers, Miss Eleanor, Lynedoch. [in Wormit directory]
1907 Tayside AnnualFeathers, Miss Jessie, Lynedoch. [in Wormit directory]
1907 Slater dirFeathers George, Lynedoch [under Wormit]
1906-07 dirFeathers, George Farquharson (merchant, Dundee), Lynedoch, Wormit
1905-06 dirFeathers, George Farquharson (merchant, Dundee), Lynedoch, Wormit
1904-05 dirFeathers, George Farquharson (merchant, Dundee), Lynedoch, Wormit
1903-04 dirFeathers, George Farquharson (merchant, Dundee), Lynedoch, Wormit
1903 Slater dirFeathers George, Lynedoch, Wormit
1902-03 dirFeathers, George Farquharson (merchant, Dundee), Lynedoch, Wormit
1901-02 dirFeathers, George Farquharson (merchant, Dundee), Lynedoch, Wormit
1900-01 dirFeathers, George Farquharson (merchant, Dundee), Lynedoch, Wormit
1899-00 dirFeathers, George Farquharson (merchant, Dundee), Lynedoch, Wormit
1899 Slater dirFeathers George, Lynedoch [under Wormit]



Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Lynedoch, Wormit Patterson John Muirhead 6
1911 Bay Road, Lynedoch Feathers Eleanor B 6
1901 Wormit Feathers George F 6View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 36 entries

1974-75303300House & Garage Jessie M Arbuckle proprietor 151View details
1973-74303300House & Garage Jessie M Arbuckle proprietor 151View details
1972-73303300House & Garage Jessie M Arbuckle proprietor 151View details
1971-72303300House & Garage Jessie M Arbuckle proprietor 151View details
1969-703033House & Garage Jessie M Arbuckle proprietor 94View details
1968-693033House & Garage Jessie M Arbuckle proprietor 94View details
1967-681141House & Garage Jessie M Arbuckle proprietor 94View details
1966-671141House Jessie M Arbuckle proprietor 86View details
1964-651141House Jessie M Arbuckle proprietor 77View details
1961-623521House John Arbuckle, Logie Farm, by Newburgh proprietor 77View details
1958-591306House & Garden John Arbuckle, Logie Farm, by Newburgh proprietor 40View details
1957-581283House & Garden John Arbuckle, Logie Farm, by Newburgh proprietor 40View details
1952-531248House & Garden John Arbuckle, Logie Farm, by Newburgh proprietor 40View details
1947-481210House & Garden John Arbuckle proprietor 40View details
1942-431188House & Garden Reps of late James McQuoid per Albert I MacQuoid, solicitor, 2 Boswall Gdns, Edinburgh Mrs Bessie MacQuoid 40View details
1940-411187House & Garden Reps of late James McQuoid per Albert I MacQuoid, solicitor, 2 Boswall Gdns, Edinburgh Mrs Bessie MacQuoid 40View details
1937-381207House & Garden Reps of late James McQuoid per Albert I MacQuoid, solicitor, 2 Boswall Gdns, Edinburgh Mrs Bessie MacQuoid 40View details
1935-361169House & Garden Reps of late James McQuoid per A I MacQuoid, solicitor, 4 Hillside St, Edinburgh Mrs Bessie MacQuoid 40View details
1932-331145House & Garden Reps of late James McQuoid per A J MacQuoid, solicitor, c/o Goudman, 4 Hillside St, Edinburgh Mrs Bessie MacQuoid 40View details
1930-311143House & Garden James McQuoid, retired proprietor 40View details
1927-281132House & Garden James McQuoid, retired proprietor 40View details
1925-261111House & Garden James McQuoid, retired proprietor 40View details
1922-231084House & Garden James McQuoid, retired proprietor 40View details
1920-211062House & Garden George F Feathers, merchant, Duntaw, Ninewells, Dundee John M Paterson, clothier same 30View details
1917-181060House & Garden George T Feathers, merchant, Dunlaw, Ninewells, Dundee John M Paterson, clothier same 30View details
1915-161053House & Garden Miss Eleanor B Feathers, 1 Blackness Cresc, Dundee John M Paterson, clothier same 30View details
1912-131147House & Garden Miss Eleanor B Feathers, 1 Blackness Cres, Dundee George Wedderspoon, teacher same 30View details
1910-111132House & Garden Misses Eleanor & Jessie Feathers, 6 Shore Tce, Dundee George F Feathers, merchant same 27View details
1909-101117House & Garden Misses Eleanor & Jessie Feathers, 6 Shore Tce, Dundee per David Buttar, solicitor, 32 Bank St, Dundee George F Feathers, merchant same 27View details
1907-081104House & Garden Misses Eleanor & Jessie Feathers, 6 Shore Tce, Dundee per David Buttar, solicitor, 45 Commercial St, Dundee George F Feathers, merchant same 27View details
1905-061079House and Garden Misses Eleanor & Jessie Feathers, 6 Shore Tce, Dundee per David Buttar, solicitor, Dundee George F Feathers, merchant same 27View details
1903-041062House and Garden Misses Eleanor & Jessie Feathers, 6 Shore Tce, Dundee per Buttar & McRitchie, solicitors, Dundee George F Feathers, merchant same 27View details
1901-02236House and Garden Misses Eleanor & Jessie Feathers, 6 Shore Tce, Dundee per Buttar & McRitchie, solicitors, Dundee George F Feathers, merchant same 27View details
1900-01232House and Garden Misses Eleanor & Jessie Feathers, 6 Shore Tce, Dundee per Buttar & McRitchie, solicitors, Dundee George F Feathers, merchant same 27View details
1899-00221House and Garden Misses Eleanor & Jessie Feathers, 6 Shore Tce, Dundee per Buttar & McRitchie, solicitors, Dundee George F Feathers, merchant same 27View details
1898-99214House and Garden Misses Eleanor & Jessie Feathers, 6 Shore Tce, Dundee Per Buttar & McRitchie, solicitors, Dundee George F Feathers, merchant same 27View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 718  view details Wormit 21 pol 7 yd (Feathers) 45 Bay Rd


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1898.01947Walter Scott, George B Wieland, Jessie Feathers, Eleanor Barnet Feathers Wormit 21 pol 7 yd pt of 30 acres 3 roods 13 pol[my notes have been mislaid]1898718

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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