
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 48  King Street

Street View Image

= Property still standing

Notes:      upstairs

Other properties at the same location : 46 King Street     

Using the information here, it is impossible to be certain who lived in each property or part of the building before 1937. Other properties involved : 46 King Street     52 King Street     50 King Street      One possible interpretation is given below.


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.442723,-2.937735

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   2 James Street   4 James Street   5 James Street   34 King Street   36 King Street   38 King Street   40 King Street   42 King Street   44 King Street   46 King Street   50 King Street   52 King Street   54 King Street   56 King Street   (Seacraig Cottages [1], King Street)   (Seacraig Cottages [2], King Street)   (Seacraig Cottages [3], King Street)   (Seacraig Cottages [4], King Street)   (Seacraig Cottages [5], King Street)   (Seacraig Cottages [6], King Street)   (Seacraig Cottages [7], King Street)   (Seacraig Cottages [8], King Street)   (former coal shed, King Street)   27 Queen Street   29 Queen Street   31 Queen Street   (Hawthorn Cottage, 33, Queen Street)   35 Queen Street   37 Queen Street   39 Queen Street   41 Queen Street   43 Queen Street   45 Queen Street   47 Queen Street   49 Queen Street   part of 31, Queen Street   unidentified [? part of 41], Queen Street   (Shed / Stable, Queen Street)   12 Seacraig Court   13 Seacraig Court   14 Seacraig Court   15 Seacraig Court   16 Seacraig Court   17 Seacraig Court  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Osborne Place



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 92 entries

1968 dirHarley, John, 38 King Street [should be 48]
1967 dirHarley, John, 38 King street [should be 48]
1966 dirHarley, John, 38 King street [should be 48]
1964 dirGriffiths, Brian, insurance agent, 2 Osborne place, King street
1963 dirGriffiths, Brian, insurance agent, 2 Osborne place, King street
1962 dirGriffiths, Brian, insurance agent, 2 Osborne place, King street
1961 dirLumsden, Mrs, Osborne place, King street
1955-56 dirBelford, David, Osborne place, King street
1954-55 dirBelford, David, Osborne place, King street
1953-54 dirBelford, David, Osborne place, King street
1952-53 dirBelford, David, Osborne place, King street
1939-40 dirBelford, David, signalman, Osborne place, King street
1938-39 dirBelford, William V., Osborne place, King street
1938-39 dirBelford, David, signalman, Osborne place, King street
1937-38 dirBelford, William Y., baker and confectioner, 11 Robert, street; h. Osborne place, King street
1937-38 dirBelford, David, signalman, Osborne place, King street
1936-37 dirBelford, David, signalman, Osborne place, King street
1936-37 dirBelford, William Y., baker and confectioner, 11 Robert street ; h. Osborne place, King street
1935-36 dirBelford, William Y., baker and confectioner, 11 Robert street ; h. Osborne place, King street
1935-36 dirBelford, David, signalman, Osborne place, King street
1934-35 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1934-35 dirBelford, David, signalman, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1933-34 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1932-33 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1931-32 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1930-31 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1929-30 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1928-29 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1927-28 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1927-28 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1926-27 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1925-26 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1923-24 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1923-24 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1922-23 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street. East Newport
1921-22 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1920-21 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1919-20 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1918-19 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1918-19 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1916-17 MacDonald dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place
1915-16 dirShepherd, Miss, Osborne place, King street, East Newport
1914-15 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 3x); h. Osborne place, East Newportlocation 2
1913-14 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 3x); h. Osborne place, East Newportlocation 2
1912-13 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 3x); h. Osborne place, East Newportlocation 2
1911-12 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 3x); h. Osborne place, East Newportlocation 2
1910-11 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 3x); h. Osborne place, East Newportlocation 2
1909-10 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 3x); h. Osborne Place, East Newportlocation 2
1908-09 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 3x); h. Osborne place. East Newportlocation 2
1908 Tayside AnnualMurray, George, flesher, High Street ; h., Osborne Place, E.location 2
1907-08 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 61); h. Osborne place. East Newportlocation 2
1907 Tayside AnnualMurray, George, butcher, 5 High Street; h., Osborne Place.location 2
1907 Tayside AnnualMurray, George, flesher, High Street; h., Osborne Place, E.location 2
1906-07 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 61); h. Osborne place, East Newportlocation 2
1905-06 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 61); h. Osborne place, East Newportlocation 2
1904-05 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 61); h. Osborne place, East Newportlocation 2
1903-04 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 61); h. Osborne place, East Newportlocation 2
1900-01 dirFraser, George S., Osborne place. East Newport
1899-00 dirFraser, George S., Osborne place. East Newport
1894-95 dirMatthew, J. S., Osborne place. King street
1893-94 dirMatthew, J. S. (clerk, Dundee), Osborne place, King street
1892-93 dirMatthew, John S. (clerk, Dundee), Osborne place, King street
1892-93 dirMatthew, Alexander (cashier, Dundee), Osborne place, East Newport
1892-93 dirMatthew, J. S., Osborne place, East Newport; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport Cycling Club]
1891-92 dirMatthew, Alexander (cashier, Dundee), Osborne place. East Newport
1889-90 dirCraig, Alexander, housefactor, Osborne place. East Newport
1889 Slater dirM'Rithers Miss Susan, Osborne pl. East Newport, Fife[? could be any of the 8 in Osborne Place]
1889 Slater dirCraig Mr Alexander, Osborne pl., East Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirCraig, Alexander, housefactor, Osborne place. East Newport
1887-88 dirCraig, Alexander, housefactor, Osborne place, East Newport
1886-87 dirCraig, Alexander, housefactor, Osborne place, East Newport
1886-87 dirCram, Mrs, Osborne place, East Newport[? could be any of the 8 in Osborne Place]
1885-86 dirCraig, Alexander, housefactor, Osborne place, East Newport
1885 Clark dirCraig, Alex., Osborne pl, East Newport, House Factor : Miscellaneous.
1884-85 dirCraig, Alexander, housefactor, Osborne place, East Newport
1880-81 dirTosh, William (shipchandler, Dundee), Osborne place. East Newport
1880-81 dirAnderson, Mrs E., Osborne place, East Newport
1878-79 dirTosh, William (shipchandler, Dundee), Osborne place, East Newport
1877 Worrall dirTosh Mr. Wm., Osborne place
1876-77 dirTosh, William (ship chandler, Dundee), Osborne place, East Newport
1871-72 dirGrant, George, shipmaster, Osborne Place, East Newport
1869-70 dirGrant, George, shipmaster, Osborne Place, East Newport
1867-68 dirGrant, George, shipmaster, Osborne Place, East Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Fraser, George S. Grocers' Warehouseman Osborne Place, Newport Tenant of House Osborne Place
1879-1880 Voters Tosh, William ship chandler Easter Newport
1878-1879 Voters Tosh, William ship captain Easter Newport


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Osborne Place Shepherd Isabella 4
1911 King Street, 1 Osborne Place Murray George 4
1901 King Street Fraser George S 4View household
1891 7 Osborne Place Peacock Agnes H 2View household
1891 7 Osborne Place Rodger Catherine 4View household
1881 Osborne Place Anderson Eliza 4View household
1871 King Street Grant Catherine 4View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 48 entries

1974-75129900House Nancy M R Kay proprietor 54View details
1973-74129900House Nancy M R Kay proprietor 54View details
1972-73129900House Nancy M R Kay proprietor 54View details
1971-72129900House Nancy M R Kay proprietor 54View details
1969-701299House Nancy M R Kay proprietor 37View details
1968-691299House Nancy M R Kay proprietor 37View details
1967-68234House John Harley proprietor 37View details
1966-67234House John Harley proprietor 37View details
1964-65234House Mrs Anne Griffiths proprietor 40View details
1961-62705House Mr & Mrs Thomas Lumsden proprietor 40View details
1958-59389House & Garden Thomas D C Macdonald proprietor 28View details
1957-58392House & Garden Thomas D C Macdonald proprietor 28View details
1952-53365House & Garden Trs of Catherine Butchart per John G Sibbald & Son, 25 Commercial St, Dundee David Belford, signalman 22-8-0View details
1947-48361House & Garden Trs of Catherine Butchart per John G Sibbald & Son, 25 Commercial St, Dundee David Belford, signalman 22-8-0View details
1942-43362House & Garden Trs of Catherine Butchart per John G Sibbald & Son, house factors, 25 Commercial St, Dundee David Belford, signalman 22-8-0View details
1940-41360House & Garden Trs of Catherine Butchart per John G Sibbald & Son, house factors, 25 Commercial St, Dundee David Belford, signalman 22-8-0View details
1937-38365House & Garden Trs of Catherine Butchart per John G Sibbald & Son, house factors, 25 Commercial St, Dundee David Belford 22-8-0View details
1935-36361House & Garden Trs of Catherine Butchart per John G Sibbald & Son, house factors, 25 Commercial St, Dundee David Belford, signalman 22-8-0View details
1932-33340House & Garden Trs of Catherine Butchart per John G Sibbald & Son, house factors, 25 Commercial St, Dundee Isabella Shepherd, teacher 22-8-0View details
1930-31335House & Garden Trs of Catherine Butchart per John G Sibbald & Son, house factors, 25 Commercial St, Dundee Isabella Shepherd, teacher 22-8-0View details
1927-28332House & Garden Trs of Catherine Butchart per John G Sibbald & Son, house factors, 25 Commercial St, Dundee Isabella Shepherd, teacher 22-8-0View details
1925-26318House & Garden Trs of Catherine Butchart per John G Sibbald & Son, house factors, 25 Commercial St, Dundee Isabella Shepherd, teacher same 22-8-0View details
1922-23301House & Garden Trs of Catherine Butchart per James B Caird, 15 Thomson St, Dundee Isabella Shepherd, teacher same 22-8-0View details
1920-21290House & Garden Trs of Miss Catherine Butchart per James B Caird, 15 Thomson St, Dundee Isabella Shepherd, teacher same 16View details
1917-18289House & Garden Trs of Miss Catherine Butchart per James B Caird, 15 Thomson St, Dundee Isabella Shepherd, teacher same 16View details
1915-16286House & Garden Trs of Miss Catherine Butchart per James B Caird, 15 Thomson St, Dundee Isabella Shepherd, teacher same 16View details
1912-13468House & Garden Trs of Miss Catherine Butchart per James B Caird, 15 Thomson St, Dundee George Murray, butcher same 16View details
1907-08448House & Garden Trs of Miss Catherine Butchart per James R Caird, 20 Springfield, Dundee George Murray, butcher same 16View details
1905-06435House and Garden Trs of Miss Catherine Butchart per James R Caird c/o Mrs Stewart, Greenwood, Newport George Murray, butcher same 16View details
1903-04427House and Garden Trs of Miss Catherine Butchart per James R Caird George Murray, butcher same 16View details
1901-021017House and Garden Miss Catherine Butchart Mrs Mary Kidd same 16View details
1900-011000House and Garden Miss Catherine Butchart George S Fraser, grocer's warehouseman same 16View details
1899-00966House and Garden Miss Catherine Butchart George S Fraser, grocer's warehouseman same 16View details
1897-98914House and Garden Miss Catherine Butchart George S Fraser, grocer's warehouseman same 16View details
1896-97887House and Garden Miss Catherine Butchart George S Fraser, grocer's warehouseman same 16View details
1895-96848House and Garden Miss Catherine Butchart George Fraser same 16View details
1894-95804House and Garden Miss Catherine Butchart John Matthew, clerk same 16View details
1893-94781House and Garden Miss Catherine Butchart John Matthew, clerk same 15View details
1892-93765House and Garden Miss Catherine Butchart John Matthew, clerk same 15View details
1891-92749House and Garden Miss Catherine Butchart Mrs Catherine Rodger same 15View details
1890-91702House and Garden Isabella B Hislop, Whitburgh, per Andrew Hislop Mrs Catherine Rodger same 15View details
1889-90678House and Garden Isabella B Hislop, Whitburgh, per Andrew Hislop Mrs Catherine Rodger same 15View details
1885-86639House and Garden Isabella B Hislop, Whitburgh, per Andrew Hislop Andrew Craig, house factor same 15View details
1881-82530House and Garden Mrs George Hyslop, 3 Taylor Place, Leith same Mrs Anderson 15View details
1878-79502House and Garden Mrs George Hyslop, 3 Taylor Place, Leith same William Tosh, ship chandler 15View details
1875-76386House and Garden Mrs George Hyslop, 59 Kirkgate, Leith same Mrs George Grant 14View details
1871-72349House and Garden Mrs George Hyslop, 59 Kirkgate, Leith Mrs George Grant 14View details
1867-68347House and Garden Mrs George Hyslop Mrs Grant 13View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 274  view details Seacraig field lot 4 37 pol 'NW' lot of field on S side of King Street (James Brown) 46-52 King St


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1890.07518loan by Chritina Edward MillarBond £400 & disp by Catherine Butchart, Greenwood Cott, Newport to Christina Edward Millar, Balfour St, Dundee over lot of grnd, the NW lot of field of Seacraig [see 1884.04417) as in feu to James Brown24 Dec 1890274
1890.07517Isabella Bennet Hislop to Catherine ButchartDisp by Isabella Bennet Hislop ... Leith, now Dalkeith to Catherine Butchart, Greenwood Cottage, E Newport of lot of grnd, the NW lot of field of Seacraig [see 1884.04417) as in feu to James Brown22 Dec 1890274
1890.07512Forrest Bennet loan repaidDisch by surviving Tr dec Forrest Bennet, woollen draper, Leith disburd bond (17 May 1869) £500 by Isabella Walker Lauder / Hislop, Newport widow over lot of grnd, the NW lot of field of Seacraig [see 1884.04417) as in feu to James Brown19 Dec 1890274
1884.04417Isabella Lauder / Hislop to Isabella Bennet HislopExtract decr by Sheriff of Chancery finding that Isabella Bennet Hislop, 8 Johns Place, Leith is entitled to procure herself infeft of subjects her mother Isabella Lauder / Hislop, Newport, then 3 Taylor Place, Easter Road, Leith, then 12 Wellington Place, Leith widow, died last vest viz. lot of grnd, NW portion of field of Seacraig - 37 pol lot 4, the NW lot on S side of King St ...7 May 1884274
1874.0380827 feus to Balmerino ChurchDisp by Berry, Tayfield to Trs Rev James Campbell, Minister of Balmerino and his successors of the following lands, pts of Tayfield (1) 17.75 pol Marytown; (2) 3 pieces lots 29, 30, 31 Marytown; (3) 2 roods Scots lot 26 Marytown; (4) 1 rood 23 falls 15 ells lots 27 & 28 Marytown; (5) 1 acre 34 falls grnd lot 20 S of Marytown; (6) 34 pol 20.5 yd of Gowrie Hill; (7) 32 pol 5 yd of Gowriehill; (8) 4 pol Gowrie Lane; (9) 72.25 pol lot 27 S of Marytown; (10) 37 pol Gardyne St lot 8; (11) 31 pol 20 yd Gardyne St lot 8; (12) 27.5 pol Gardyne St lot 7; (13) 34 pol 25 yd Gardyne St lot 7; (14) 45 pol 9 yd field of Seacraig; (15) 37 pol field of Seacraig; (16) 45 pol 25 yd field of Seacraig; (17) 36 pol 22 yd field of Seacraig; (18) 35 pol lot 5 E of Newport; (19) 54 pol lot 6 E of Newport; (20) 53 pol 18 yd lot 7 E of Newport; (21) 17 pol 14 yd lot 4b E of Newport; (22) 64 pol lot 21 E of Newport; (23) 52 pol 6 yd lot 8 E of Newport; (24) 53.5 pol lot 9 E of Newport; (25) 18 pol 22 yd lot 4a E of Newport; (26) 73 pol lot 28 S of Marytown; (27) 64 pol of Gowriehill; ... under burden of feu rights9 Nov 1874239, 167, 168, 169, 205, 261, 156, 3, 4, 333, 324, 331, 323, 330, 271, 274, 273, 272, 222, 223, 144, 145, 336, 322, 62, 228, 71, 342
1873.02418surviving Tr Forrest Bennet to new TrsDeed of assump & convey containing assig by surviving Tr of deceased Forrest Bennet, woollen draper Leith to said Trs of bond (17 May 1869) £500 by Isabella Walker Lauder or Hislop residing Newport widow to Trs Forrest Bennet of 37 pol grnd no.4, : N by King St being NW lot of a field, pt of Seacraig25 Jun 1873274
1869.00332loan by Trs Forrest BennettBond £500 & disp in security by Isabella Walker Lauder / Hyslop to Trs of deceased Forrest Bennett of 37 pol grnd, no. 4 on plan, : N by King St, being NW lot of a field pt of Seacraig17 May 1869274
1869.00331Jane Soutar loan repaidDisch by Jane Ann Taws Soutar now Watson, consent of husband Robert Lawson Watson, of bond (20 Mar 1866) £500 by James Brown, disburdening lot of grnd no. 4 on plan being the NW lot of a field of the lands of Seacraig17 May 1869274
1867.01889James Brown to Isabella Walker Lauder / HislopIsabella Walker Lauder relict of George Hislop, teacher, regist disp to herself by James Brown of lot of 37 pol grnd, no. 4 on plan, being the NW lot of a field on S side of King St under burden of £500 in bond & disp to Jane Ann Taws Soutar14 May 1867274
1866.00936loan by Jane A T SoutarJane Ann Taws Soutar gets bond & disp £500 by James Brown over lot of 37 pol no. 4 on plan, the NW portion of a field of Seacraig on S side of King Street20 Mar 1866274
1865.00212Tayfield to James BrownJames Brown builder regist feu ch to himself by Berry, Tayfield of 37 pol grnd, no. 4 on plan, on S side of King Street, the NW lot of a field of Seacraig22 Apr 1965274, 275

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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