
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 25  Kilnburn

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.438623,-2.939854

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   4 Kilnburn   6 Kilnburn   8 Kilnburn   10 Kilnburn   12 Kilnburn   11a, Kilnburn   14 Kilnburn   15 Kilnburn   17 Kilnburn   19 Kilnburn   21 Kilnburn   23 Kilnburn   27 Kilnburn   29 Kilnburn   31 Kilnburn   33 Kilnburn   35 Kilnburn  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

10 Kilnburn1961
10 Kilnburn Placeup to 1920s



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 122 entries

1974 dirMcMahon, W., manager, 25 Kilnburn
1973 dirMcMahon, W., manager, 25 Kilnburn
1972 dirMcMahon, W. manager, 25 Kilnburn
1971 dirMcMahon, W. manager, 25 Kilnburn
1970 dirMcMahon, W. manager, 25 Kilnburn
1969 dirMcMahon, W., manager, 25 Kilnburn
1968 dirMcMahon, W., manager, 25 Kilnburn
1967 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 25 Kilnburn
1966 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 25 Kilnburn
1965 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 25 Kilnburn
1964 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn
1963 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn
1962 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn
1961 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn
1960 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn
1958-59 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn
1957-58 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn
1956-57 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn
1955-56 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1954-55 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1953-54 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1952-53 dirM'Mahon, W., manager, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1951-52 dirNapper, John, press artist, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1950-51 dirNapper, John, press artist, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1949-50 dirNapper, John, press artist, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1948-49 dirNapper, John, press artist, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1947-48 dirNapper, John, press artist, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1946-47 dirNapper, John, press artist, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1942-43 dirNapper, John, press artist, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1941-42 dirNapper, John, press artist, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1940-41 dirNapper, John, press artist, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1939-40 dirNapper, John, press artist, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1938-39 dirNapper, John, press artist, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1936-37 dirM'Kendrick, Andrew, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1935-36 dirM'Kendrick, Andrew, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1933-34 dirMenzies, Thomas B. (deputy manager, Employment Exchange, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, East Newport
1932-33 dirMenzies, Thomas B. (deputy manager, Employment Exchange, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, East Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirMatthew, Miss, 10 Kilnburn , E. N.
1931-32 dirMenzies, Thomas B. (deputy manager, Employment Exchange, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, East Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirMatthew, Miss, 10 Kilnburn, E. N.
1930-31 dirMatthew, Misses, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirMatthew, Miss, 10 Kilnburn , E. N.
1929-30 dirMatthew, Misses, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn, E. N.
1928-29 dirMatthew, Misses, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1928 Kelly dirGuttridge Samuel P. 10 Kilnburn place, E
1928 Kelly dirMatthew Misses, 10 Kilnburn place, E
1927-28 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P. 10 Kilnburn, E. N.
1927-28 dirGuttridge, S. P., Mus. Bac., F.R.C.O. (organist, Parish Church), 10 Kilnburn, East Newport : Musicians, Organists, And Teachers Of Music.location 2
1927-28 dirMatthew, Misses, 10 Kilnburn, East Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn, E. N.
1926-27 dirGuttridge, S. P., Mus. Bac., F.R.C.O. (organist, Parish Church), 10 Kilnburn, East Newport : Musicians, Organists, And Teachers Of Music,location 2
1925-26 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn place
1925-26 dirGuttridge, S. P., Mus. Bac., F.R.C.O. (organist, Parish Church), 10 Kilnburn, East Newport : Musicians, Organists, And Teachers Of Music.location 2
1925-26 dirGuttridge, S. P., Mus. Bac., F.R.C.O. (teacher of music, Dundee), organist, Newport Parish Church ; h. 10 Kilnburn., E. Newportlocation 2
1924-25 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn place
1923-24 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn place
1923-24 dirGuttridge, S. P., Mus.Bac., F.R.C.O. (teacher of music, Dundee), organist, Newport Parish Church ; h. 10 Kilnburn pl., E. Newport location 2
1923-24 dirGuttridge, S. P., Mus. Bac., F.R.C.O., 10 Kilnburn place, East Newport : Musicians, Organists, And Teachers Of Music.
1922-23 dirGuttridge, S. P., Mus.Bac, F.R.C.O. (teacher of music, Dundee), organist, Newport Parish Church ; h. 10 Kilnburn pl., E. Newportlocation 2
1921-22 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn place
1921 Slater dirGuttridge Samuel P. 10 Kilnburn place, E
1920-21 dirGuttridge, S. P. Mus.Bac., F.R.C.O. (teacher of music, and organist. Ward Chapel, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, East Newport
1919-20 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn place
1918-19 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn place
1918-19 dirGuttridge, S. P. Mus.Bac., F.R.C.O. (teacher of music, and organist, Ward Chapel, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, East Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn place
1916-17 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn place
1915-16 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn place
1915-16 dirGuttridge, S. P., Mus.Bac., F.R.C.O. (teacher of music, and organist, Ward Chapel, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, East Newport
1914-15 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn place
1914-15 dirGuttridge, S. P., Mus.Bac., F.R.C.O. (teacher of music, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place
1913-14 MacDonald dirGuttridge, S. P., 10 Kilnburn place
1913-14 dirGuttridge, S. P., F.R.C.O. (organist, Ward Chapel, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place
1912-13 MacDonald dirScott, Francis E., 10 Kilnburn place
1912-13 dirGuttridge, S. P., F.R.C.O. (organist, Ward Chapel, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place
1911-12 MacDonald dirScott, Francis E., 10 Kilnburn place
1910-11 MacDonald dirScott, Francis E., 10 Kilnburn place
1909-10 MacDonald dirScott, Francis E., 10 Kilnburn place
1909-10 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1908-09 MacDonald dirScott, Francis E., 10 Kilnburn place
1908-09 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1908 Tayside AnnualScott, Francis E., solicitor, 10 Kilnburn Pl.
1907-08 MacDonald dirScott, Francis E., 10 Kilnburn place
1907-08 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1907 Tayside AnnualScott, Francis E. solicitor, 10 Kilnburn Pl.
1907 Slater dirScott Francis Ernest 10 Kilnburn place, E
1906-07 MacDonald dirScott, Francis E., 10 Kilnburn place
1906-07 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1905-06 dirScott, F. E., 10 Kilnburn place; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Blyth Hall Trustees]
1905-06 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1904-05 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1903-04 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1903 Slater dirScott Francis Ernest, 10 Kilnburn place, E Newport
1902-03 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1901-02 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1900-01 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1899-00 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E, Newport
1899 Slater dirScott Francis Ernest, 10 Kilnburn place, E
1898-99 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1897-98 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1896-97 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1896 Slater dirScott Ernest F. householder 10 Kilnburn pl. E [under Commercial]
1895-96 dirScott, Francis Ernest (solicitor, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1894-95 dirValentine, Easton S., M, A. (teacher, Dundee),10 Kilnburn pl., E. Newport
1893-94 dirValentine, Easton S., M.A. (teacher, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn pl., E. Newport
1893 Slater dirValentine Mr. Easton S., 10 Kilnburn pl
1892-93 dirValentine, Easton S., M.A. (teacher, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn pl., E. Newport
1891-92 dirValentine, Easton S., M.A. (teacher, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn pl.,E. Newport
1890-91 dirPattullo, T. S. (merchant, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, East Newport
1889-90 dirPatullo, T. S., merchant, 10 Kilnburn place, East Newport
1887-88 dirBeattie, Jas. (produce mercht., Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1886-87 dirBeattie, Jas. (produce mercht., Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1886 Slater dirBeattie James, 10 Kilnburn pl
1885-86 dirBeattie, Jas. (produce mercht., Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1884-85 dirBeattie, Jas. (produce mercht., Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1882-83 dirBeattie, Jas. (commission agent, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1882 Slater dirBeattie Mr. James, 10 Kilnburn pl
1880-81 dirBeattie, James (confectioner, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn place, E. Newport
1878-79 dirValentine, Wm. D. (photographer, Dundee), 10 Kilnburn pl., E. Newport
1878 Slater dirValentine Mr. William D., 10 Kilnburn place
1876-77 dirValentine, W. D. (photographer, Dundee), Kilnburn pl., East Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Valentine, William Dobson Photographer Mansion Hs., Auchterhouse, Dundee Proprietor of House Kilnburn Place
1879-1880 Voters Valentine, William D photographer Newport
1878-1879 Voters Valentine, William D. photographer Newport


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 10 Kilnburn Place Guttridge Samuel P 7
1911 10 Kilnburn Place Uninhabited
1901 Kilburn Place Scott Francis Ernest 7View household
1891 Kilnburn Place Patullo Thomas S 7View household
1881 10 Kilburn Place Beattie James 7View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 45 entries

1974-75220800House Mrs Jane E McMahon proprietor 128View details
1973-74220800House Mrs Jane E McMahon proprietor 128View details
1972-73220800House Mrs Jane E McMahon proprietor 128View details
1971-72220800House Mrs Jane E McMahon proprietor 128View details
1969-702208House Mrs Jane E McMahon proprietor 77View details
1968-692208House Mrs Jane E McMahon proprietor 77View details
1967-68848House Mrs Jane E McMahon proprietor 77View details
1966-67848House Mrs Jane E McMahon proprietor 77View details
1964-65848House Mrs Jane E McMahon proprietor 70View details
1961-622517House Mrs Jane E McMahon proprietor 70View details
1958-591027House & Garden William G McMahon proprietor 42-17-4View details
1957-581008House & Garden William G McMahon proprietor 42-17-4View details
1952-53983House & Garden William G McMahon proprietor 42-17-4View details
1947-48952House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock Morrison & Horne, solicitors, Dundee John Napper 42-17-4View details
1942-43933House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock Morrison & Horne, solicitors, Dundee John Napper 42-17-4View details
1940-41932House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock Morrison & Horne, solicitors, Dundee John Napper 42-17-4View details
1937-38944House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock Morrison & Horne, solicitors, Dundee empty 40View details
1935-36913House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock Morrison & Horne, solicitors, Dundee Andrew Mackendrick 40View details
1932-33888House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock & Morrison, solicitors, Dundee Thomas B Menzies 42-17-4View details
1930-31886House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock & Morrison, solicitors, Dundee Nellie I Matthew 42-17-4View details
1927-28879House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock & Morrison, solicitors, Dundee Nellie I Matthew 42-17-4View details
1925-26861House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock & Morrison, solicitors, Dundee Samuel P Guttridge, teacher of music same 42-17-4View details
1922-23840House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock & Morrison, solicitors, Dundee Samuel P Guttridge, teacher of music same 39-17-4View details
1920-21820House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock & Morrison, solicitors, Dundee Samuel P Guttridge, teacher of music same 30View details
1917-18818House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock & Morrison, solicitors, Dundee Samuel P Guttridge, teacher of music same 30View details
1915-16811House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock & Morrison, solicitors, Dundee Samuel P Guttridge, teacher of music same 30View details
1912-131000House & Garden Trs of William Dobson Valentine per Sturrock & Morrison, solicitors, Dundee Samuel P Guttridge, teacher of music same 30View details
1907-08976House & Garden William Dobson Valentine, photographer, 140 Perth Rd, Dundee Francis Ernest Scott, solicitor same 30View details
1905-06956House and Garden William Dobson Valentine, photographer, Queens Terrace, St Andrews Francis Ernest Scott, solicitor same 30View details
1903-04939House and Garden William Dobson Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Francis Ernest Scott, solicitor same 30View details
1901-02797House and Garden William Dobson Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Francis Ernest Scott, solicitor same 30View details
1900-01786House and Garden William Dobson Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Francis Ernest Scott, solicitor same 30View details
1899-00754House and Garden William Dobson Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Francis Ernest Scott, solicitor same 30View details
1897-98705House and Garden William Dobson Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Francis Ernest Scott, solicitor same 30View details
1896-97679House and Garden William Dobson Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Francis Ernest Scott, solicitor same 30View details
1895-96645House and Garden William Dobson Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Francis Ernest Scott, solicitor same 30View details
1894-95600House and Garden William D. Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Easton Smith Valentine, teacher same 32View details
1893-94580House and Garden William D. Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Easton Smith Valentine, teacher same 32View details
1892-93569House and Garden William Dobson Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Easton Smith Valentine, teacher same 32View details
1891-92558House and Garden William Dobson Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Easton Smith Valentine, teacher same 32View details
1890-91523House and Garden William D. Valentine, photographer, Mansion House, Auchterhouse, Dundee Thomas Smith Pattullo, merchant same 30View details
1889-90501House and Garden William D. Valentine, photographer, West Park Road, Dundee Thomas Smith Pattullo, merchant same 30View details
1885-86469House and Garden William D. Valentine, photographer, 154 Perth Road, Dundee James Beattie commission agent same 28View details
1881-82361House and Garden William D. Valentine, photographer James Beattie confectioner 28View details
1878-79341House and Garden William D. Valentine, photograpLer Said William D. Valentine 34View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 320  view details Kilnburn Field 11 pol 14 yd 10th south from Congregational Church (Valentine) 25 Kilnburn


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1889.05571loan by Trs mar con George Alexander MacLaren & Amelia Margaret BrownBond £400 & disp security by William Dobson Valentine photographer Dundee to Trs mar con George Alexander MacLaren merchant Dundee & Amelia Margaret Brown of 11 pol 14 yd, & dw ho in Kilnburn Place, pt of 1.993 acres1 Oct 1889320
1884.05170remainder of Millar loan repaidDisch by Alexander Stormonth Maclagan Wedderburn, MD, Forfar, disburd £150 of bond (23 Mar 1876) £400 by William Dobson Valentine, photographer Dundee to Charles Christie Millar over pce grnd, 11 pol 14 yd, & dw ho in Kilnburn Place, pt of 1.993 acres13 Nov 1884320
1881.01158part of Millar loan repaidDisch by Charles Christie Millar disburd £250 of bond (23 Mar 1876) by William Dobson Valentine, photographer Dundee over 11 pol 14 yd & dw ho, : E by Kilnburn Place, pt of 1.993 acres12 Nov 1881320
1881.01157part of Millar loan transferred to Alexander S M WedderburnAssig by Charles Christie Millar ... Broughty Ferry to Alexander Stormonth Maclagan Wedderburn, MD, Forfar of £150 of bond (23 Mar 1876) by William Dobson Valentine, photographer Dundee over 11 pol 14 yd & dw ho, : E by Kilnburn Place, pt of 1.993 acres12 Nov 1881320
1876.00248loan by Charles Christie MillarBond £400 & disp by William Dobson Valentine … to Charles Christie Millar, Balbeuchly, Forfarshire of 11 pol 14 yd & dw ho, : E by Kilnburn Place, pt of 1.993 acres23 Mar 1876320
1876.00235James Brown to William Dobson ValentineFeu con & disp by James Brown builder Newport to William Dobson Valentine, photographer Dundee of 11 pol 14 yd & dw ho, : E by Kilnburn Place, pt of 1.993 acres (see 1874.03235)21 Mar 1876259, 320

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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