
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 16  Hillpark Road

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.425283,-2.97574

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   2 Birkhill Avenue   4 Birkhill Avenue   6 Birkhill Avenue   3 Birkhill Avenue   14 Hill Crescent   15 Hill Crescent   6 Hillpark Road   8 Hillpark Road   10 Hillpark Road   12 Hillpark Road   14 Hillpark Road   38 Hillpark Terrace   42 Hillpark Terrace  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Ravenscraig Villa
Ravenscraig Villas



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 113 entries

1974 dirCombe, George A., 16 Hillpark Road, Wormit
1973 dirCombe, George A., 16 Hillpark Road, Wormit
1972 dirCombe, George A., 16 Hillpark Road, Wormit
1971 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, 16 Hillpark Road, Wormit
1970 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, 16 Hillpark Road, Wormit
1969 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, 16 Hillpark Road, Wormit
1968 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, 16 Hillpark Road, Wormit
1967 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, 16 Hillpark road, Wormit
1966 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, 16 Hillpark road, Wormit
1965 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, 16 Hillpark road, Wormit
1964 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1963 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1962 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1961 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1960 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1958-59 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1957-58 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1956-57 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1955-56 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1954-55 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, Roseneath, Hillpark road. Wormit
1954-55 dirGibbins, A. J., representative, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1953-54 dirCombe, George A., bank teller, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1953-54 dirGibbins, A. J., representative, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1952-53 dirGibbins, A. J., representative, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1951-52 dirGibbins, A. J., representative, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1946-47 dirAitken, Miss, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1942-43 MacDonald dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Wormit
1942-43 dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1941-42 MacDonald dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Wormit
1941-42 dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1940-41 MacDonald dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Wormit
1940-41 dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1939-40 MacDonald dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Wormit
1939-40 dirAitken, Misses, Rose Neath, Hill park road, Wormit
1938-39 MacDonald dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Wormit
1938-39 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Hillpark rd., Wormit
1938-39 dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, II ill park road, Wormit
1937-38 MacDonald dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Wormit
1937-38 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Hillpark rd., Wormit
1937-38 dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1936-37 MacDonald dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Wormit
1936-37 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Hillpark rd., Wormit
1936-37 dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1935-36 dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1934-35 MacDonald dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Wormit
1934-35 dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1933-34 MacDonald dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Wormit
1933-34 dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1932-33 dirAitken, Miss Elizabeth, (organist, Wormit West Church), Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit : Musicians, Organists, And Teachers Of Music.location 2
1932-33 dirAitken, Misses, Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1931-32 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Ravenscraig, Wormit
1931-32 dirAitken, Miss (organist, Wormit West Church), Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit : Musicians, Organists, And Teachers Of Music.location 2
1931-32 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1930-31 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Ravenscraig, Wormit
1930-31 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1929-30 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Ravenscraig, Wormit
1929-30 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Hillpark road,
1928-29 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Ravenscraig, Wormit
1928-29 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1928 Kelly dirAitken John, Roseneath [under Wormit]
1927-28 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Ravenscraig, Wormit
1927-28 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1926-27 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Ravenscraig. Wormit
1926-27 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1925-26 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Ravenscraig, Wormit
1925-26 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1924-25 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Ravenscraig, Wormit
1923-24 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Ravenscraig, Wormit
1923-24 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Hillpark road, Wormit
1922-23 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Newburgh rd., Wormit
1921-22 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Roseneath, Wormit
1921 Slater dirAitken John, Roseneath [under Wormit]
1920-21 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1919-20 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Roseneath, Wormit
1918-19 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Roseneath, Wormit
1918-19 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1917-18 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Roseneath, Wormit
1916-17 MacDonald dirAitken, John, Roseneath, Wormit
1915-16 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1915 Slater dirAitken John, Roseneath [under Wormit]
1914-15 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1913-14 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1912-13 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1911-12 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1911 Slater dirAitken John, Roseneath [under Wormit]
1910-11 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1909-10 dirAiken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1908-09 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1908 Tayside AnnualAitken, John, ironmonger, Roseneath. [in Wormit directory]
1907-08 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1907 Tayside AnnualAitken, John, ironmonger, Roseneath. [in Wormit directory]
1907 Slater dirAitken John, Roseneath [under Wormit]
1906-07 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1905-06 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1904-05 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1903-04 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1903 Slater dirAitken John, Roseneath, Wormit
1902-03 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1901-02 dirAitken, John (ironmonger, Dundee), Roseneath, Wormit
1900-01 dirWatson, John (clothier, Dundee), Ravenscraig cottages, Wormit
1899-00 dirWatson, John (clothier, Dundee), Ravenscraig cottages, Wormit
1899 Slater dirWatson John, Ravenscraig [under Wormit]
1898-99 dirWatson, John (clothier, Dundee), Ravenscraig cottages, Wormit
1897-98 dirWatson, John (clothier, Dundee), Ravenscraig cottages, Wormit
1896-97 dirWatson, John (clothier, Dundee), Ravenscraig cottages, Wormit
1896 Slater dirWatson John, Ravenscraig [under Wormit]
1895-96 dirWatson, John (clothier, Dundee), Ravenscraig cottages, Wormit
1894-95 dirWatson, John (clothier, Dundee), Ravenscraig cottages, Wormit
1893-94 dirWatson, John (clothier, Dundee), Ravenscraig cottages, Wormit
1893 Slater dirWatson Mr. John, Ravenscraig, Wormit
1892-93 dirWatson, John (clothier, Dundee), Ravenscraig cottages, Wormit
1891-92 dirWatson, John (clothier, Dundee), Wormit
1890-91 dirWatson, John (clothier, Dundee), Wormit



Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Roseneath, Wormit Aitken John 6
1911 Hillpath Road [sic], Roseneath Aitken John 6
1901 Wormit Watson John 6View household
1891 Ravenscraig Watson John 6View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 45 entries

1974-75324000House George A Combe proprietor 148View details
1973-74324000House George A Combe proprietor 148View details
1972-73324000House George A Combe proprietor 148View details
1971-72324000House George A Combe proprietor 148View details
1969-703240House George A Combe proprietor 94View details
1968-693240House George A Combe proprietor 94View details
1967-681247House George A Combe proprietor 94View details
1966-671247House George A Combe proprietor 94View details
1964-651247House George A Combe proprietor 80View details
1961-623832House George A Combe proprietor 77View details
1958-591383House & Garden George A Combe proprietor 36View details
1957-581360House & Garden George A Combe proprietor 36View details
1952-531326House & Garden Trs of late John Aitken per D & J Thomson & Currie, 28 Whitehall St, Dundee Agnes A Aitken, O 36View details
1947-481289House & Garden Trs of late John Aitken per P F & J Husband, solicitors, 13 Albert Sq, Dundee Agnes A Aitken, O 36View details
1942-431267House & Garden Trs of late John Aitken per P F & J Husband, solicitors, 15 Cowgate, Dundee Elizabeth & Agnes A Aitken, O 36View details
1940-411266House & Garden Trs of late John Aitken per P F & J Husband, solicitors, 15 Cowgate, Dundee Elizabeth & Agnes A Aitken, O 36View details
1937-381285House & Garden Trs of late John Aitken per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Elizabeth & Agnes A Aitken, O 36View details
1935-361238House & Garden Trs of late John Aitken per P F & J Husband, solicitors, 15 Cowgate, Dundee Elizabeth & Agnes A Aitken, O 36View details
1932-331213House & Garden Trs of late John Aitken per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Elizabeth & Agnes A Aitken, O 36View details
1930-311199House & Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 36View details
1927-281188House & Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 36View details
1925-261166House & Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 36View details
1922-231136House & Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 32-10-0View details
1920-211113House & Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 25View details
1917-181110House & Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 25View details
1915-161103House & Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 25View details
1912-131151House & Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 25View details
1910-111136House & Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 25View details
1909-101121House & Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 25View details
1907-081108House & Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 25View details
1905-061083House and Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 25View details
1903-041066House and Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 25View details
1901-02240House and Garden John Aitken, ironmonger proprietor 25View details
1900-01236House and Garden Mrs Catherine Colville or Watson wife of John Watson, clothier said John Watson 25View details
1899-00225House and Garden Mrs Catherine Colville or Watson wife of John Watson, clothier said John Watson 25View details
1898-99218House and Garden Mrs Catherine Colville or Watson wife of John Watson, clothier said John Watson 25View details
1897-98206House and Garden Mrs Catherine Colville or Watson wife of John Watson, clothier said John Watson 25View details
1896-97206House and Garden Mrs Catherine Colville or Watson wife of John Watson, clothier said John Watson 25View details
1895-96199House and Garden Mrs Catherine Colville or Watson wife of John Watson, clothier said John Watson 25View details
1894-95256House and Garden Mrs Catherine Colville or Watson wife of John Watson, clothier said John Watson 25View details
1893-94245House and Garden Mrs Catherine Colville or Watson wife of John Watson, clothier, 79 Overgate, Dundee said John Watson 25View details
1892-93248House and Garden Mrs Watson wife of John Watson, clothier, 79 Overgate, Dundee said John Watson 25View details
1891-92245House and Garden Mrs Watson wife of John Watson, clothier, 79 Overgate, Dundee said John Watson 25View details
1890-91223House and Garden John Watson, clothier, Overgate, Dundee proprietor 25View details
1889-90212House and Garden John Watson, clothier, Overgate, Dundee proprietor 21View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 526  view details Wormit lot 7 of 127 pol (Watson) 16 Hillpark Rd


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1901.00467Catherine Colville / Watson to Rollo & StevenDisp by Catherine Colville / Watson & husband John Watson tailor & clothier 79 Overgate, Dundee to Rollo & Steven, solicitors of pce grnd lot 7 & bldgs t/on, pt of 127 pol of Wormit28 Mar 1901526
1894.00755loan by Trs James BoyackBond £450 & disp security by Catherine Colville / Watson & James Watson to Trs dec James Boyack of pce grnd lot 7 & bldgs t/on, pt of 127 pol of Wormit17 May 1894526
1894.00754William Whyte, Ann Gilbert / Whyte, & Mary Mills loans all repaidDisch by (1) William Whyte, (2) Trs dec Ann Gilbert / Whyte, (3) Mary Mills of (1) bond (31 Mar 1890) £100 to William Whyte, (2) bond (31 Mar 1890) £250 to Ann Gilbert, (3) bond (1 Oct 1891) £100 to Mary Mills, all by Catherine Colville / Watson & John Watson over pce grnd lot 7 & bldgs t/on, pt of 127 pol of Wormit17 May 1894526
1891.01216loan by Mary MillsBond £100 & disp by John Watson & wife Catherine Colville / Watson to Mary Mills over pce grnd lot 7 & bldgs t/on, pt of 127 pol of Wormit1 Oct 1891526
1891.00168Ann Gilbert / Whyte loan transferred to TrsNot Instr Trs dec Ann Gilbert / Whytee, wife of William Whyte engineer Dundee of bond (31 Mar 1890) £250 by John Watson over pce grnd lot 7 & bldgs t/on, pt of 127 pol of Wormit24 Feb 1891526
1890.06252loan by William WhyteBond £100 & disp by John Watson & his wife Catherine to William Whyte engineer Kinloch Place, Hawkhill, Dundee of pce grnd lot 7, : all round except on W by a road, pt of 127 pol of Wormit31 Mar 1890526
1890.06251loan by Ann Gilbert / WhyteBond £250 & disp by John Watson & his wife Catherine to Ann Gilbert / Whyte wife of William Whyte engineer Kinloch Place, Hawkhill, Dundee of pce grnd lot 7, : all round except on W by a road, pt of 127 pol of Wormit31 Mar 1890526
1890.05988John Watson to his wife Catherine Colville / WatsonDisp by John Watson to his wife Catherine Colville / Watson of pce grnd lot 7, : all round except on W by a road, pt of 127 pol of Wormit6 Jan 1890526, 519

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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