
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 13  Castle Brae

Street View Image

= Property still standing


Part of a divided property. Other parts: part of 13 Castle Brae     


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.432216,-2.951863

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   11 Alma Terrace   13 Alma Terrace   15 Alma Terrace   part of 13, Castle Brae   11 Castle Brae   7 Castle Brae   61 Kirk Road   63 Kirk Road   65 Kirk Road   9 Wellpark Terrace   11 Wellpark Terrace   13 Wellpark Terrace  


1909-10 Finance Act - Valuation Office: Field Surveys

Reference no.      472


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

9 Alma Terrace1917 onwards
17 Alma Terrace1967



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Wellbank Cottage 1881
Woodmuir Cottage 1900
Woodmuir 1912



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 122 entries

1974 dirColville, H., 17 Alma Terrace
1973 dirColville, H., 17 Alma Terrace
1972 dirColville, H., 17 Alma Terrace
1971 dirColville, H., 17 Alma Terrace
1970 dirColville, H., 17 Alma Terrace
1969 dirColville, H., 17 Alma Terrace
1968 dirHendry, J., salesman, 17 Alma Terrace
1967 dirHendry, J., salesman, 17 Alma terrace
1966 dirHendry, J., salesman, 17 Alma terrace
1965 dirHendry, J., salesman, 17 Alma terrace
1951-52 dirDouglas, Miss Agnes C., Craigleuch, Alma terrace, West Newport
1950-51 dirDouglas, Miss Agnes C., Craigleuch, Alma terrace, West Newport
1949-50 dirDouglas, Miss Agnes C., Craigcleuch, Alma terrace, West Newport
1948-49 dirDouglas, Miss Agnes C., Craigcleuch, Alma terrace, West Newport
1947-48 dirDouglas, Miss Agnes C., Craigcleuch, Alma terrace, West Newport
1946-47 dirDouglas, Miss Agnes C., Craigcleuch, Alma terrace, West Newport
1942-43 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1942-43 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1941-42 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1941-42 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1940-41 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1940-41 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1939-40 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1939-40 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1938-39 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs. 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1938-39 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1937-38 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1937-38 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1936-37 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1936-37 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1935-36 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1934-35 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N
1934-35 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N
1933-34 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1932-33 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs. 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1931-32 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs. 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1930-31 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1929-30 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs. 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1928-29 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1928 Kelly dirDouglas Mrs. Craigcleuch, W
1927-28 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N
1927-28 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1926-27 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1925-26 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, Kirk road, West Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1923-24 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1923-24 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, West Newport
1923-24 dirRitchie, K. D., Wellbank, W. Newport; Hon. Secretary, [under Wormit Boating Club]location 2
1922-23 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., 9 Alma terrace. West Newport
1921-22 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, 9 Alma ter., W. N.
1921 Slater dirDouglas Mrs. Craigcleuch, W
1920-21 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., 9 Alma terrace, West Newport
1919-20 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, Craigcleuch, W. N.
1918-19 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, Craigcleuch, W. N.
1918-19 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., 9 Alma terrace, West Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, Craigcleuch, W. N.
1916-17 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, Craigcleuch, W. N.
1915-16 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, Woodmuir, Wester Newport
1915-16 dirDouglas, Mrs George C., Craigcleuch, West Newport
1915 Slater dirDouglas George, Craigcleuch, W
1915 Slater dirDouglas Mrs. Woodmuir cottage, W
1914-15 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, Woodmuir, Wester Newport
1914-15 dirDouglas, Geo. C. (C.E. & patent agent, Dundee), Craigcleuch, W. Newport
1913-14 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, Woodmuir, Wester Newport
1913-14 dirDouglas, Geo. C. (C. E. & patent agent, Dundee), Craigcleuch, W. Newport
1912-13 MacDonald dirLawson, Miss, Woodmuir, Wester Newport
1912-13 dirDouglas, Geo. C. (C.E. & patent agent, Dundee), Craigcleuch, W. Newport
1911-12 MacDonald dirLawson, Miss, Woodmuir, Wester Newport
1911-12 dirDouglas, Geo. C. (C.E. & patent agent, Dundee), Craigcleuch, W. Newport
1911 Slater dirLawson William T. Woodmuir cottage, W
1910-11 MacDonald dirLawson, Miss, Woodmuir, Wester Newport
1910-11 dirLawson, William T., Woodmuir cottage, West Newport
1909-10 MacDonald dirLawson, Wm. T., Woodmuir, Wester Newport
1909-10 dirLawson, William T., Woodmuir cottage, West Newport
1908-09 MacDonald dirLawson, Wm. T., Woodmuir, Wester Newport
1908-09 dirLawson, William T., Woodmuir cottage, West Newport
1907-08 MacDonald dirLawson, Miss, Woodmuir, Wester Newport
1907-08 dirLawson, William T., Woodmuir cottage. West Newport
1907 Slater dirLawson William T. Woodmuir cottage, W
1906-07 MacDonald dirLawson, Miss, Woodmuir, Wester Newport
1906-07 dirLawson, William T., Woodmuir cottage, West Newport
1905-06 dirLawson, William T., Woodmuir cottage, West Newport
1904-05 dirLawson, William T., Woodmuir cottage, West Newport
1903-04 dirLawson, William T., Woodmuir cottage, West Newport
1903 Slater dirLawson William, Woodmuir cottage, W Newport
1900-01 dirLawson, David S. (ropemaker, Dundee), Woodmuir, West Newport
1899-00 dirLawson, David S. (ropemaker, Dundee), Woodmuir, West Newport
1899 Slater dirLawson David S. Woodmuir cottage, W
1898-99 dirWinton, Thomas (timber mercht., Dundee), Woodmuir cot., W. Newport
1897-98 dirWinton, Thomas (timber mercht., Dundee), Woodmuir cot., W. Newport
1896-97 dirWinton, Thomas (timber mercht., Dundee), Woodmuir cot., W. Newport
1896 Slater dirWinton Thomas, Woodmuir cottage, W
1895-96 dirWinton, Thomas (timber mercht., Dundee), Woodmuir cot., W. Newport
1894-95 dirWinton, Thomas (timber mercht., Dundee), Woodmuir cot., W. Newport
1893-94 dirWinton, Thomas (timber mercht., Dundee), Woodmuir cot., W. Newport
1893 Slater dirWinton Mr. Thomas, Woodmuir Cottage, W N
1892-93 dirWinton, Thomas (timber mercht., Dundee), Woodmuir cot., W. Newport
1891-92 dirWinton, Thomas (timber mercht, Dundee), Woodmuir cot., W. Newport
1890-91 dirWinton, Thomas (timber mercht., Dundee), Woodmuir cot., W. Newport
1889-90 dirWinton, Thomas, timber merchant, Woodmuir cottage, W. Newport
1889 Slater dirHarris Mr Thomas, Wellbank Cottage, West Newport, Fife
1887-88 dirHarris, Thomas, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, West Newport; h. Wellbank cottage, West Newportlocation 2
1886-87 dirHarris, Thomas, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, West Newport ; h. Wellbank cottage. West Newportlocation 2
1886 Slater dirHarris Thomas, Wellbank Cottage, W N
1885-86 dirHarris, Thomas, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, West Newport ; h Wellbank cottage. West Newportlocation 2
1884-85 dirHarris, Thomas, grocer, wine and spirit merchant. West Newport ; h. Wellbank cottage. West Newportlocation 2
1882-83 dirHarris, Thomas, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, West Newport ; h. Wellbank cottagelocation 2
1880-81 dirHarris, Thomas, grocer, wine and spirit merchant. West Newport; h. Wellbank cottagelocation 2
1878-79 dirHarris, Thomas, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, West Newport ; h. Wellbank cottage
1878 Slater dirHarris Mr. Thomas, Wellbank Cottage, W N
1876-77 dirHarris, Thomas, grocer and spirit merchant, Wellbank cottage, West Newportlocation 2
1874-75 dirTyrie, Alexander, Wellbank Cottage, West Newport
1871-72 dirTyrie, Alex., late plasterer, Wellbank Cottage, West Newport .
1869-70 dirTyrie, Alexander, Wellbank Cottage, West Newport
1867-68 dirTyrie, Alex., late plasterer, Wellbank Cottage, West Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Lawson, David S. Woodmuir, West Newport Proprietor of House West Newport
1874 Voters Tyrie, Alexander plasterer
1873 Voters Tyrie, Alexander plasterer


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Craigcleuch Douglas Agnes 8
1911 Woodmuir Cottage Lawson Constance 8
1901 Kirk Road Lawson Maggie S 8View household[out of sequence]
1891 Alma Terrace Winton Thomas 7View household
1881 Wellbank Cottage Harris Thomas 8View household
1871 Castle RoadWellbank Cottage Tyrie Alexander 7View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 52 entries

1974-75201800House & Garage Flora Scrymgeour proprietor 120View details
1973-74201800House & Garage Flora Scrymgeour proprietor 120View details
1972-73201800House & Garage Flora Scrymgeour proprietor 120View details
1971-72201800House & Garage Flora Scrymgeour proprietor 120View details
1969-702018House Flora Scrymgeour proprietor 70View details
1968-692018House Flora Scrymgeour proprietor 70View details
1967-68706House James P Hendry, Kirk Road proprietor for occupier 62View details
1966-67706House James P Hendry, Kirk Road proprietor for occupier 62View details
1964-65706House James P Hendry proprietor 78View details
1961-622621House James Ritchie proprietor 78View details
1958-591059House & Garden James Ritchie proprietor 44View details
1957-581040House & Garden James Ritchie proprietor 44View details
1952-531015House & Garden James Ritchie proprietor 44View details
1947-48982House & Garden Agnes C & Elizabeth W Douglas proprietor 44View details
1942-43961House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 44View details
1940-41960House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 44View details
1937-38972House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 44View details
1935-36941House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 44View details
1932-33765House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 44View details
1930-31763House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 44View details
1927-28754House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 44View details
1925-26735House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 44View details
1922-23708House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 40-6-0View details
1920-21684House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 31View details
1917-18682House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 31View details
1915-16678House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 31View details
1912-13798House & Garden Mrs Agnes Douglas proprietor 31View details
1910-11786House & Garden Trs of David S Lawson per Moody, Stuart & Robertson, CA, 22 Meadowside, Dundee Miss Margaret Lawson 31View details
1909-10781House & Garden Trs of David S Lawson per Moody, Stuart & Robertson, CA, 22 Meadowside, Dundee Miss Margaret Lawson 31View details
1907-08777House & Garden Trs of David S Lawson per Moody, Stuart & Robertson, CA, 22 Meadowside, Dundee Miss Margaret Lawson 31View details
1905-06759House and Garden Trs of David S Lawson per Moody, Stuart & Robertson, CA, Dundee Miss Margaret Lawson 31View details
1903-04748House and Garden Trs of David S Lawson per Moody, Stuart & Robertson, CA, Dundee Miss Margaret Lawson 31View details
1901-02548House and Garden Trs of David S Lawson per Moody, Stuart & Robertson, CA, Dundee proprietor 31View details
1900-01536House and Garden David S Lawson proprietor 31View details
1899-00506House and Garden David S Lawson proprietor 31View details
1897-98457House and Garden Thomas Winton, wood merchant per James Gold, solicitor proprietor 31View details
1896-97434House and Garden Thomas Winton, wood merchant proprietor 31View details
1895-96403House and Garden Thomas Winton, wood merchant proprietor 31View details
1894-95370House and Garden Thomas Winton, wood merchant proprietor 31View details
1893-94350House and Garden Thomas Winton, wood merchant, Dundee proprietor 31View details
1892-93339House and Garden Thomas Winton, wood merchant, Dundee proprietor 31View details
1891-92329House and Garden Thomas Winton, wood merchant, Dundee proprietor 31View details
1890-91301House and Garden Thomas Winton, wood merchant, Dundee proprietor 31View details
1889-90281House and Garden Thomas Winton, wood merchant, Dundee proprietor 31View details
1885-86298House and Garden Thomas Harris, builder & grocer proprietor 30View details
1881-82203House and Garden Thomas Harris, builder Said Thomas Harris 30View details
1878-79207House and Garden Thomas Harris, builder Said Thomas Harris 40View details
1875-76178House and Garden Alexander Tyrie, plasterer Said Alexander Tyrie 28View details
1871-72176House and Garden Alexander Tyrie, plasterer Alexander Tyrie 25View details
1867-6893House and Garden Alexander Tyrie, plasterer said Alexander Tyrie 25View details
1865-6695House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Colville, wife of Thomas Harris, builder said Robert Kinnear Robert Kinnear, late farmer 25View details
1864-6588House and Garden Mrs Elizabeth Colville, wife of Thomas Harris, builder 21View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 45  view details Wellgate lot 27 40 pol N & E of Kirk Road 13 Castle Brae


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1888.04217Thomas Harris to Thomas WintonDisp by Thomas Harris grocer Newport to Thomas Winton, wood merchant Dundee of 40 pol lot 27 of Wellgate Park & houses t/on23 Nov 188845
1888.04215Petrie's Mortification loan repaidDisch by Trs Petrie's Mortification (Margaret Petrie / Morton, Wellgate, Dundee) disburdening bond (18 May 1876) £550 by Thomas Harris grocer Newport over 40 pol lot 27 of Wellgate Park & houses t/on23 Nov 188845
1876.00470loan by Petrie's MortificationBond £550 & disp by Thomas Harris to Trs Petrie's Mortification (late Margaret Petrie, Wellgate, Dundee) of 40 pol grnd lot 27 of Wellgate Park, : S and : W by Kirk Road, : E by 20' street18 May 187645
1876.00458Alexander Tyrie to Thomas HarrisDisp by Alexander Tyrie plasterer Dundee now residing Newport to Thomas Harris grocer Newport of 40 pol grnd lot 27 of Wellgate Park, : S and : W by Kirk Road, : E by 20' street17 May 187645
1866.01123Thomas Harris & Elizabeth Cloville / Harris to Alexander TyrieAlexander Tyrie plasterer regist disp to himself by Elizabeth Colville / Harris & Thomas Harris builder Newport her husband, consent of Dundee Property & Investent Co over 40 pol & houses etc No. 27 on plan of Wellgate Park on S side of t/p Newport - Woodhaven23 May 186645
1864.02479Rev T Just to Elizabeth Colville / HarrisElizabeth Colville spouse of Thomas Harris builder Newport regist feu ch to herself by Rev Thomas Just of 40 pol no. 27 on plan of Wellgate park on S side of t/p Newport - Woodhaven20 Apr 1864161, 45

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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