
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 5  Alma Terrace

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.432444,-2.951023

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   1 Alma Terrace   3 Alma Terrace   7 Alma Terrace   9 Alma Terrace   11 Alma Terrace   13 Alma Terrace   15 Alma Terrace   1 Braeside Road   3 Braeside Road   1 Braeside Road   4 Hill Street   1 Wellpark Terrace  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

3 Alma Terrace1961



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 129 entries

1974 dirMilne, David, 5 Alma Terrace
1973 dirMilne, David, 5 Alma Terrace
1972 dirMilne, David, 5 Alma Terrace
1971 dirMilne, David, 5 Alma Terrace
1970 dirMilne, David, 5 Alma Terrace
1969 dirMilne, David, 5 Alma Terrace
1968 dirMilne, David, 5 Alma Terrace
1967 dirMilne, David, 5 Alma terrace
1966 dirMilne, David, 5 Alma terrace
1965 dirMilne, David, 5 Alma terrace
1964 dirHemings, Richard D., assistant manager, 3 Alma terrace
1964 dirMilne, David, 3 Alma terrace
1963 dirHemings, Richard D., assistant manager, 3 Alma terrace
1961 dirTod, Miss Ella, 3 Alma terrace
1957-58 dirLeonard, E., 3 Alma terrace; Interim Secretary, [under Newport-On-Tay Literary And Debating Society]
1956-57 dirLeonard, E., 3 Alma terrace; Interim Secretary, [under Newport-On-Tay Literary And Debating Society]
1956-57 dirLeonard, E. (H.M. inspector of taxes, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace
1956-57 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace
1955-56 dirLeonard, E. (H.M. inspector of taxes, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace
1955-56 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1954-55 dirLeonard, E. (H.M. Inspector of taxes, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace
1954-55 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1953-54 dirLeonard, E. (H.M. inspector of taxes, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace
1953-54 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1952-53 dirLeonard, E. (H.M. inspector of taxes, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace
1952-53 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1951-52 dirLeonard, E., (H.M. inspector of taxes, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace
1951-52 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1950-51 dirLeonard, E. (H.M. inspector of taxes, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace
1950-51 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1949-50 dirLeonard, E. (KM. inspector of taxes, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace
1949-50 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1948-49 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1947-48 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1946-47 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1942-43 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1941-42 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1940-41 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1939-40 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1938-39 dirTod, Miss E., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1937-38 dirMoffat, Thomas Edward, bank clerk, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1936-37 dirMoffat, Thomas Edward, bank clerk, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1935-36 dirMoffat, Thomas Edward, bank clerk, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1934-35 MacDonald dirGalloway, F. T., 3 Alma terrace, W. N.
1934-35 dirMoffat, Thomas Edward, bank clerk, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirGalloway, F. T., 3 Alma terrace, W. N.
1933-34 dirGalloway, Fred T., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1933-34 dirGalloway, Misses, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1932-33 dirGalloway, Fred T., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1932-33 dirGalloway, Misses, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirGalloway, F. T., 3 Alma terrace. W. N.
1931-32 dirGalloway, Fred T., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1931-32 dirGalloway, Misses, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirGalloway, F. T., 3 Alma terrace, W. N.
1930-31 dirGalloway, Fred T., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1930-31 dirGalloway, Misses, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirGalloway, F. T., 3 Alma terrace. W. N.
1929-30 dirGalloway, Fred T., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1929-30 dirGalloway, Misses, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirGalloway, F. T., 3 Alma terrace, W. N.
1928-29 dirGalloway, Fred T., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1928-29 dirGalloway, Misses, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1927-28 MacDonald dirGalloway, F. T., 3 Alma terrace, W. N.
1927-28 dirGalloway, Fred T., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1927-28 dirGalloway, Misses, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirGalloway, F. T., 3 Alma terrace. W. N.
1926-27 dirGalloway, Fred T., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1926-27 dirGalloway, Misses, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirGalloway, F. T., 3 Alma terrace, W. N.
1925-26 MacDonald dirScrimgeour, Geo., 3 Alma ter., W. N.
1925-26 dirGalloway, Fred T., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirGalloway, F. T., 3 Alma terrace, W. N.
1924-25 MacDonald dirScrimgeour, Geo., 3 Alma ter., W, N.
1923-24 MacDonald dirGalloway, F. T., 3 Alma terrace, W. N.
1923-24 MacDonald dirScrimgeour, Geo., 3 Alma ter., W. N.
1923-24 dirGalloway, Fred T., 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1922-23 dirGalloway, Fred T., 3 Alma terrace. West Newport
1921-22 MacDonald dirScrimgeour, Geo., 3 Alma ter., W. N.
1921 Slater dirScrimgeour Mrs. 2 Alma terrace, W
1920-21 dirScrimgeour, George, M.A., teacher, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1919-20 MacDonald dirScrimgeour, Geo., 3 Alma ter., W. N.
1918-19 MacDonald dirScrimgeour, Geo., 3 Alma ter., W. N.
1918-19 dirScrimgeour, George, M.A. teacher, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirScrimgeour, Geo., 3 Alma ter., W. N.
1916-17 MacDonald dirScrimgeour, Geo., 3 Alma ter., W. N.
1915-16 MacDonald dirFarquharson, Mrs, 1 Alma ter., Wester Newport[probably 3 Alma]
1915-16 dirScrimgeour, George, M.A., teacher, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1915 Slater dirScrimgeour Mrs. 2 Alma terrace, W
1914-15 MacDonald dirFarquharson, Mrs. 1 Alma ter., Wester Newport[probably 3 Alma]
1913-14 MacDonald dirFarquharson, Mrs, 1 Alma ter., Wester Newport[probably 3 Alma]
1912-13 MacDonald dirFarquharson, Mrs, 1 Alma ter., Wester Newport[probably 3 Alma]
1911-12 MacDonald dirFarquharson, Mrs, 1 Alma ter., Wester Newport[probably 3 Alma]
1911-12 dirFarquharson, Mrs, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1911 Slater dirFarquharson Mrs. 3 Alma terrace, W
1910-11 MacDonald dirFarquharson, Mrs, 1 Alma ter., Wester Newport[probably 3 Alma]
1910-11 dirFarquharson, Mrs, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1909-10 dirFarquharson, Mrs, 3 Alma terrace. West Newport
1908-09 dirFarquharson, Mrs, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1907-08 dirFarquharson, Mrs, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1907 Slater dirFarquharson Mrs. 3 Alma terrace, W
1906-07 dirFarquharson, Miss, 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1904-05 dirKay, Mitchell D. (merchant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1903-04 dirKay, Mitchell D. (merchant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1903 Slater dirKay Mitchell D. 3 Alma terrace, W Newport
1902-03 dirKay, Mitchell D. (merchant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1901-02 dirKay, Mitchell D. (merchant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1900-01 dirKay, Mitchell D. (merchant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1899-00 dirKay, Mitchell D. (merchant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace. West Newport
1899 Slater dirKay Mitchell D. 3 Alma terrace, W
1898-99 dirKay, Mitchell D. (merchant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1897-98 dirKay, Mitchell D. (merchant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1896-97 dirKay, Mitchell D. (merchant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1896 Slater dirKay Mitchell D. 3 Alma terrace. W
1895-96 dirKay, Mitchell D. (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1894-95 dirKay, Mitchell D. (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1893-94 dirKay, Mitchell D, (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1893 Slater dirKay Mr. Mitchell D., 3 Alma ter. W N
1892-93 dirKay, Mitchell D. (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1891-92 dirKay, Mitchell D. (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1890-91 dirKay, Mitchell D. (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1889-90 dirKay, Mitchell D. (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace. West Newport
1889 Slater dirKay Mr Mitchell D., 3 Alma ter. West Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirKay, Mitchell D. (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1887-88 dirKay, Mitchell D. (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1886-87 dirKay, Mitchell D. (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1886 Slater dirKay Mitchell D., 3 Alma Ter, W N
1885-86 dirKay, Mitchell D. (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1884-85 dirKay, Mitchell D. (accountant, Dundee), 3 Alma terrace, West Newport
1882-83 dirKay, Mitchell D., accountant, Alma terrace, West Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Kay, Mitchell D. Accountant Alma Terrace, West Newport Tenant of House Alma Terrace


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 3 Alma Terrace Galloway Fred T 7
1911 Alma Terrace, No. 3 Uninhabited
1901 Alma Terrace Kay Mitchell D 7View household
1891 Alma Terrace Kay Mitchell D 8View household
1881 Alma Terrace Uninhabited View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 45 entries

1974-75201200House Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee David R Milne 138View details
1973-74201200House Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Mrs Flora R Milne 138View details
1972-73201200House Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Mrs Flora R Milne 138View details
1971-72201200House Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Mrs Flora R Milne 138View details
1969-702012House Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Mrs Flora R Milne 87View details
1968-692012House Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Mrs Flora R Milne 87View details
1967-68700House Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Mrs Flora R Milne 87View details
1966-67700House Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Mrs Flora R Milne 87View details
1964-65700House Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Mrs Flora L Milne 79View details
1961-622615House Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Ella Tod 79View details
1958-591053House & Garden Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Ella Tod 63View details R.I.
1957-581034House & Garden Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Ella Tod 63View details R.I.
1952-531009House & Garden Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Ella Tod 45View details
1947-48976House & Garden Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Ella Tod 45View details
1942-43955House & Garden Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Ella Tod 45View details
1940-41954House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Ella Tod 45View details
1937-38966House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport Thomas E Moffat 43View details
1935-36935House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport Thomas E Moffat 43View details
1932-33759House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport F T Galloway 43View details
1930-31757House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport F T Galloway 43View details
1927-28748House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport F T Galloway 43View details
1925-26729House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport F T Galloway same 43View details
1922-23702House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport F T Galloway same 43View details
1920-21678House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport George Scrimgeour, teacher same 30View details
1917-18676House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport George Scrimgeour, teacher same 30View details
1915-16672House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, W Newport George Scrimgeour, teacher same 30View details
1912-13853House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, Newport West Mrs Agnes Farquharson same 30View details [probably 3 Alma]
1907-08828House & Garden James & Mrs Margaret Thomson, Elmbank, Newport West Thomas Ferguson same 30View details [tenant probably Farquharson]
1905-06809House and Garden Reps of late William Philips Mitchell, retired builder empty 29View details
1903-04798House and Garden William Philips Mitchell, retired builder Mitchell D Kay, accountant same 29View details
1901-02608House and Garden William Philips Mitchell, retired builder Mitchell D Kay, accountant same 29View details
1900-01596House and Garden William Philips Mitchell, retired builder Mitchell D Kay, accountant same 29View details
1899-00566House and Garden William Philips Mitchell, retired builder Mitchell D Kay, accountant same 29View details
1897-98517House and Garden William Philips Mitchell, retired builder Mitchell D Kay, accountant same 29View details
1896-97494House and Garden William Philips Mitchell, retired builder Mitchell D Kay, accountant same 29View details
1895-96459House and Garden William Philips Mitchell, retired builder Mitchell D Kay, accountant same 29View details
1894-95421House and Garden William Philips Mitchell, retired builder, 1 Alma Terrace, Newport Mitchell D Kay, accountant same 29View details
1893-94399House and Garden William Philips Mitchell, retired builder, 1 Alma Terrace, Newport Mitchell D Kay, accountant same 29View details
1892-93388House and Garden William Philips Mitchell, retired builder, 1 Alma Terrace, Newport Mitchell D Kay, clerk same 28View details
1891-92375House and Garden Dundee Property & Investment Building Society and James Don per James K Prain, 20 Castle St, Dundee Mitchell D Kay, clerk same 26-10-0View details
1890-91348House and Garden Dundee Property & Investment Building Society and James Don per James K Prain, 20 Castle St, Dundee Mitchell D Kay, clerk same 26-10-0View details
1889-90328House and Garden Dundee Property & Investment Building Society and James Don per James K Prain, 20 Castle St, Dundee Mitchell D Kay, clerk same 26-10-0View details
1885-86304House and Garden The Dundee Investment & Building Society per Alex. Esplin, house factor Dundee Mitchell D Kay, clerk same 26-10-0View details
1881-82209House and Garden The Dundee Investment & Building Society per Alex. Esplin, house factor Dundee same Mrs David Hain 24View details [directory & census have no. 4 so this entry out of sequence]
1878-79213House and Garden James Don, china merchant same Charles Strachan, commission agent 25View details [could be 1,2,3 or 4]



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 382  view details Wellgate 43 pol 1 yd (Don) 1-7 Alma Tce


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1891.01421loan by Trs David GreigBond £750 by William Philips Mitchell to Trs David Greig physician Dundee of 43 pol 1 yd grnd & bldgs t/on : S Kirk Road, : N road 20' wide : E road 24' wide lot .. on plan of Wellgate12 Nov 1891382
1891.01420Dundee Property & Investment Bldg Soc to William Philips MitchellDisp by Dundee Property & Investment Building Society to William Philips Mitchell, house proprietor Dundee of 43 pol 1 yd grnd & bldgs t/on : S Kirk Road, : N road 20' wide : E road 24' wide lot .. on plan of Wellgate12 Nov 1891382
1877.01781J Don to Dundee Prop. & Invest. Bldg. Soc.Disp by James Don, china merchant West Port Dundee to Trs Dundee Provident Property Investment Co of 43 pol 1 yd grnd at Newport, lot - of Wellgate Park, : S by Kirk Road, : N by 20' road, : E by 24' road22 May 1877382
1876.00827J Don to Dundee Prop. & Invest. Bldg. Soc.Disp by James Don china merchant, Dundee to Dundee Property & Investment Building Society of 43 pol 1 yd grnd & villas t/on, lot - of Wellgate Park, : S by Kirk Road, : N by 20' street, : E by 24' street6 Sep 1876382
1872.01085Rev T Just to James DonFeu con containing feu disp by Rev Thomas Just to James Don china merchant Dundee of 43 pol 1 yd grnd at Newport, lot no. - on feuing plan of Wellgate Park, : S by the Kirk Road9 Mar 1872161, 382

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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