
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : house and shop on site of 1,  Boat Brae

Historic Property ImageStreet View Image

= Property demolished or site redeveloped



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.437452,-2.944400

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   1 Boat Brae   2 Boat Brae   4 Boat Brae   5 Boat Brae   8 Boat Brae   10 Boat Brae   12 Boat Brae   14 Boat Brae   (16 Boat Brae)   6 Boat Brae   part of 1, Boat Brae   part of 5, Boat Brae   3 Boat Brae   (Boatshed, Boat Brae)   (Waiting Room & Bothy, Boat Brae)   (shop, Boat Brae)   (later Boatshed, Boat Brae)   formerly Ferry Terminal, 1-3, Boat Road   4 Boat Road   (former public lavatories, 5, Boat Road)   6 Boat Road   former Post Office, 8, Boat Road   (formerly workshop, 10, Boat Road)   (former shop at pier, Boat Road)   house above former post office, Boat Road   shop, part of 6, Boat Road   (former store near Post Office, Boat Road)   Seamills Cottage [east half], 6, High Road   Seamills Cottage [west half], High Road  

Later use of the site :   1 Boat Brae     


Information and Photographs on Other Sites (open in a new window)

Post Office, Boat Brae     source: Newport History Group


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Post Office c.1865 - 1870?



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 18 entries

1878 Slater dirCrichton Peter, confectioner, Pier head : Miscellaneous.
1877 Worrall dirCrichton Peter, Pierhead : Refreshment Rooms.
1876-77 dirCrichton, Peter, confectioner, Pierhead, West Newport [* ms. alteration - 'Pierhead' deleted]location 2
1873 Slater dirKidd Jonas, filecutter, Newport : Miscellaneous.
1873 Slater dirKidd Jonas, Newport : Grocers.
1871-72 dirKidd, Jonas, file-cutter, Sea Mills; h. Pierhead
1869-70 dirKidd, Jonas, postmaster, and file-cutter. Sea Mills ; h. Pierhead
1869-70 dirKidd, Jonas; Postmaster [under Post Office]
1867-68 dirKidd, Jonas, postmaster ; and filecutter. Sea Mills ; h. Pier Head
1867-68 dirKidd, Jonas; Postmaster [under Post Office]
1867 Slater dirKidd Jonas, Newport : Grocers
1867 Slater dirKidd Jonas, file cutter, Newport : Miscellaneous
1866 Fife dirKidd, Jonas, grocer, Newport Pier
1866 Fife dirKidd, Jonas, file cutter, Pier Head
1864-5 Dundee dirKidd, Jonas, spiritdealer, 134 Murraygate; h. Newport
1862 Fife dirKidd, Jonas, grocer, Newport Pier
1861-2 Dundee dirKidd, Jonas, spirit dealer, 134 Murraygate; h. Newport
1860 Slater dirTennant Thomas, confectioner, Newport : Miscellaneous



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1874 Voters Bruce, David clerk, Dundee
1874 Voters Crichton, P provision merchant
1873 Voters Bruce, David clerk, Dundee
1864-1865 Voters 6 September 1862 Bruce, David clerk, Dundee proprietor house and shop Newport
1862-1863 Voters 6 September 1862 Bruce, David clerk, Dundee proprietor house and shop Newport
1846-1862 Voters addition Bruce, David clerk Dundee proprietor house and shop, Newport; tenant Jonas Kidd


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1871 Pier Head Road Kidd Jonas 4View household
1861 5 Newport Pier Kidd Jonas 5View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 6 entries

1875-76230House and Shop David Graham Bruce, Dundee Peter Crichton, provision merchant 18View details
1871-72210House & shop David Graham Bruce, Dundee Jonas Kidd, grocer 15View details
1867-68197House and Shop D.G. Bruce, clerk, 7 George Place, Dundee Jonas Kidd, grocer 15View details
1865-66184House and Shop David Bruce, clerk, Old Gas-Light Coy., Dundee said Jonas Kidd Jonas Kidd, grocer 13View details
1864-65174House and Shop D. Bruce, clerk, Old Gas-Light Coy., Dundee Jonas Kidd, grocer 13View details
1860-61157House & shop D Bruce, clerk, Old Gas-Light Co., Dundee Jonas Kidd, grocer 13View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 224  view details Newport piece of ground & house on S side of road from Ferry Pier westwards, 36 feet frontage (Tennant) 1 Boat Brae


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1903.02221Storrar loan to James Doig repaidDisch by Andrew Paterson Storrar disburd bond (22 Nov 1900) £650 by James Doig over (1) pce grnd extending 36' in front along road leading from ferry pier westward and (2) 0.5 pol grnd immediately S of (1) being subjects described in disp to William Hurry (1877.02244)12 Nov 1903224, 276
1886.00767loan by James ChapmanBond £400 by James Scott ... & disp by his wife Elizabeth Barrie / Scott to James Chapman, confectioner, Dundee of (1) pce grnd 36' frontage … along road W of ferry pier and (2) sm pce (0.5 pol) grnd immediately S of (1) … in disp to William Hurry (see 1877.02244)17 Jul 1886224, 276
1886.00766Dundee Prov. Property Invest. Co to Elizabeth Barrie / ScottDisp by Dundee Provident Property Investment Co & liquidator of the company to Elizabeth Barrie / Scott, wife of James Scott, coffee house manager, residing Newport of (1) pce grnd 36' frontage … along road W of ferry pier and (2) sm pce (0.5 pol) grnd immediately S of (1) … in disp to William Hurry (see 1877.02244)17 Jul 1886224, 276
1886.00756Ann Gilbert / Whyte loan repaidDisch by Ann Gilbert / Whyte, wife of William Whyte, 111 Hawkhill, Dundee disburd bond (16 Nov 1876) £250 by William Hurry baker Newport over pce grnd 36' frontage along road west of ferry pier14 Jul 1886224
1881.00724part of Fairweather / Webster loan transferred to Dundee Prov. Prop. Invest. Co; part of loan repaidAssig & disch (1) assig by Jane Fairweather / Webster … Dundee to Trs Dundee Provident Property Investment Co of £203-18-11 of bond (21 Jun 1878) for £300 by William Hurry, baker also subjects on S side of road leading W from ferry pier (see 1878.03205); (2) disch of £96-1-1 of said bond15 Jun 1881224
1879.03977second loan by Peter RobertsonBond £100 & disp by William Hurry, baker, Newport to Peter Robertson, gamedealer, Forfar of (1) pce grnd & dw houses t/on at Newport (see 1876.01092); (2) pce grnd immediately S of (1), being the subjects in 1877.0224424 Jan 1879224, 276
1879.03947loan by Peter RobertsonBond £200 & disp by William Hurry, baker, Newport to Peter Robertson, gamedealer, Forfar of (1) pce grnd & dw houses t/on at Newport (see 1876.01092); (2) pce grnd immediately S of (1), being the subjects in 1877.0224417 Jan 1879224, 276
1878.03277William Hurry to Dundee Provident Property Investment CoDisp by William Hurry to Dundee Provident Property Investment Co of (1) pce grnd & dw houses t/on at Newport (see 1876.01092); (2) pce grnd immediately S of (1), being the subjects in 1877.0224412 Jul 1878224, 276
1878.03205loan by Jane Fairweather / WebsterBond £300 & disp security by William Hurry to Jane Fairweather / Webster, Dundee of pce grnd (36' frontage) & dw ho t/on at Newport, pt of vacant grnd on S side of rd leading W from Ferry Pier21 Jun 1878224
1878.03204Shield & Kyd back to William HurryDisp & reconvey by Shield & Kyd to William Hurry, baker, Newport of pce grnd (36' frontage) & dw ho t/on at Newport, pt of vacant grnd on S side of rd leading W from Ferry Pier21 Jun 1878224
1877.02244Tayfield to William HurryDisp by John Berry, Tayfield to William Hurry, baker, Newport, of 0.5 pol grnd on which a bakehouse has been partly erected immediately to back of pce of grnd at Newport, pt of vacant grnd on S side of road leading from Ferry Pier westward …6 Oct 1877224, 276sasine extract
1877.02055William Hurry to Shield & KydDisp by William Hurry, baker Newport, to Shield & Kyd of pce grnd (36' in front) & dw ho t/on, part of vacant ground on S side of road from Ferry Pier westwards3 Aug 1877224
1876.01093loan by Ann Gilbert / WhyteBond £250 & disp by William Hurry to Ann Gilbert / Whyte, wife of William Whyte, 111 Hawkhill, Dundee over pce grnd 36' in front along the S side of the road from the Ferry Pier westward, & dw ho t/on …16 Nov 1876224
1876.01092David G Bruce to William HurryDisp by David Graham Bruce, formerly gas inspector & collector now house agent, Dundee to William Hurry, baker, Newport of pce grnd 36' in front along the S side of the road from the Ferry Pier westward, & dw ho t/on …16 Nov 1876224
1870.00871Eliza Barrie to David Graham BruceDisp & reconvey by Eliza Barrie to David Graham Bruce of piece of ground 36' in front along the road aftermentioned & ho t/on at Newport, being part of the vacant ground on S side of the road leading from the ferry pier westward2 Dec 1870224
1859.02524Watson & Tennant to Eliza BarrieEliza Barrie regist disp to herself by Amelia Watson & spouse Thomas Tennant, consent of David Bruce gas inspector Dundee, of pce grnd & ho t/on at Newport24 Jun1859224
1859.02523Barrie loan repaidElizabeth or Eliza Barrie, daughter of Christina Edie / Barrie grants discharge of bond (November 1858) £60 by Thomas Tennant confectioner Newport & spouse Amelia Watson & declares the pce grnd & ho t/on at Newport disburdened (see 1855.03659)24 Jun 1859224
1855.03659loan by Christina Edie / Barrie & Elizabeth & Catherine BarrieChristina Edie / Barrie & daughters Elizabeth & Catherine Barrie get bond & disp liferent & fee for £60 by Thomas Tennant & spouse Amelia Watson over pce grnd & ho t/on at Newport10 Nov 1855224
1855.03638Tayfield to Amelia Watson / TennantAmelia Watson spouse of Thomas Tennant, confectioner, Newport, seised pce grnd & ho t/on at Newport on feu ch by John Berry24 Oct 1855224sasine extract

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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