
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : St Fort House

Historic Property ImageHistoric Property ImageProperty Image

= Property demolished or site redeveloped

Notes:      Built 1829. Demolished late 1950s.


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.42063,-2.94723

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.


1854 Ordnance Survey Name Book Entry    (originals at ScotlandsPlaces)     (more information on the O.S. Name Books page)

List of names to be corrected if necessaryOrthography, as recommended to be used in the new plansOther modes of spelling the nameAuthorities for these other modes of spelling when knownSituationDescriptive remarks or other general observations which may be considered of interestSource
St Fort HouseSt. Fort House; St. Fort House; St. Fort House; St. Fort; St. FortHenry Stewart Esq, St. Fort; Mr. McNab, Land Steward, St. Fort; Stat. Acct.; Leightons Hist. of Fife; Johnston's Co. Map.Nearly 1 1/4 miles South of the Village of Newport.This is the mansion house of the estate of St. Fort, it is very large, and built in the Elizabethan style of architecture. A tower about 30 feet high rises out of the north side, above the entrance. Extensive parks bordered by trees surround it, and the north and south sides of the demesne are formed by large woods. South east from the house is the garden, and in the greenhouses are a number of rare and valuable plants. The home farm a regular range of buildings is to the west. The principal entrance is on the south, the approach from which is for the most part straight with full grown trees on each side. The present proprietor is Henry Stewart Esq. How the estate received its name is not very well known. There is a large camp south of the house, and three different farms are called Friarton possibly there is some connexion between them.OS1/13/34/14


Information and Photographs on Other Sites (open in a new window)

St Fort (a collection of views)     source: ScotlandsPlaces
St Fort House     source: Canmore
St Fort House     source: Newport History Group
St Fort     source: The Place-Names of Fife, by Simon Taylor with Gilbert Markus, University of Glasgow     (see a map of all the placenames in Forgan parish.)


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

St Fort House



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 125 entries

1942-43 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M, St Fort House
1942-43 dirPilkington, Mrs Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1941-42 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1941-42 dirPilkington, Mrs Reginald M. St Fort house, Newport
1940-41 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1940-41 dirPilkington, Mrs Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1939-40 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1939-40 dirPilkington, Mrs Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1938-39 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1938-39 dirPilkington, Mrs Reginald M. St Fort house, Newport
1937-38 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1937-38 dirPilkington, Mrs Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1936-37 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1936-37 dirPilkington, Mrs Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1935-36 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1935-36 dirPilkington, Mrs Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1934-35 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1934-35 dirPilkington, Mrs Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1933-34 dirPilkington, Mrs Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1932-33 dirPilkington, Mrs Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1931-32 dirPilkington, Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1930-31 dirPilkington, Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1929-30 dirPilkington, Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1928-29 dirPilkington, Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1928 Kelly dirPilkington Reginald M. St. Fort [under Forgan]
1928 Kelly dirStewart, Mrs. Jane F.; trustees of the late [under Principal Landowners]
1927-28 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1927-28 dirPilkington, Reginald M., St Fort house, Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1926-27 dirPilkington, Reginald M. (engineer, Kirkcaldy), St Fort house, Wormit
1925-26 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1925-26 dirPilkington, Reginald M. (engineer, Kirkcaldy), St Fort house, Wormit
1924-25 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1923-24 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1923-24 dirPilkington, Reginald M. (engineer, Kirkcaldy), St Fort House
1922-23 dirPilkington, Reginald M. (engineer, Kirkcaldy), St Fort house
1921-22 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1921 Slater dirStewart, Mrs. Jane F.; trustees of the late [under Principal Landowners]
1921 Slater dirPilkington Reginald M. St. Fort [under Forgan]
1920-21 dirPilkington, Reginald M. (engineer, Kirkcaldy), St Fort house
1919-20 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M. St Fort House
1918-19 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1918-19 dirPilkington, Reginald M. (engineer, Kirkcaldy), St Fort house
1917-18 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1916-17 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1915-16 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1915-16 dirPilkington, Reginald M. (engineer, Kirkcaldy), St Fort house
1915 Slater dirStewart, Mrs. Jane F.; the trustees of the late [under Principal Land Owners]
1915 Slater dirPilkington Reginald M. St. Fort [under Forgan]
1914-15 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1914-15 dirPilkington, Reginald M. (engineer, Kirkcaldy), St Fort house
1913-14 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1913-14 dirPilkington, Reginald M., St Fort house
1912-13 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1912-13 dirPilkington, Reginald M., St Fort house
1911-12 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1911-12 dirPilkington, Reginald M., St Fort house
1911 Slater dirPilkington Reginald M. St. Fort [under Forgan]
1911 Slater dirStewart, Mrs. Jane F., of St. Fort; Trustees of the late [under Principal Landowners]
1910-11 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1910-11 dirPilkington, Reginald M., St Fort house
1909-10 MacDonald dirPilkington, R. M., St Fort House
1909-10 dirPilkington, Reginald M., St Fort house
1908-09 dirPilkington, Reginald M., St Fort house
1908 Tayside AnnualPilkington, Major, St Fort; Vice-President [under Newport Orchestral Society.]
1907-08 MacDonald dirStewart's (Mrs) Trs., St Fort [under Agricultural]
1907-08 MacDonald dirSharp, F. B., St Fort House
1907 Slater dirPilkington Reginald M., St. Fort [under Forgan]
1906-07 MacDonald dirStewart's (Mrs) Trs., St Fort [under Agricultural]
1906-07 MacDonald dirSharp, F. B., St Fort House
1906-07 dirSharp, Frederick B. (merchant, Dundee), St Fort house
1905-06 MacDonald dirDalgleish, Capt. J. O., St Fort House
1905-06 dirSharp, Frederick B. (merchant, Dundee), St Fort house
1904-05 MacDonald dirDalgleish, Capt. J. O., St Fort House
1904-05 dirSharp, Frederick B. (merchant, Dundee), St Fort house
1903-04 MacDonald dirDalgleish, Capt. J. O., St Fort House
1903-04 dirSharp, Frederick B. (merchant, Dundee), St Fort house
1903-04 dirSharp, R. B., St Fort house
1903 Slater dirSharp Robert B., St. Fort, Forgan
1902-03 MacDonald dirDalgleish, Capt. J. O., St Fort House
1902-03 dirSharp, Frederick B. (merchant, Dundee), St Fort house
1902-03 dirSharp, R. B., St Fort house
1901-02 MacDonald dirDalgleish, Capt. J. O., St Fort House
1901-02 dirDalgleish, James Ogilvy, St Fort house
1896 Slater dirWhitelaw James Baird, St. Fort [under Forgan]
1895-96 dirCampbell, Colin, butler, St Fort house
1895-96 dirWhitelaw, James Baird, St Fort house
1895-96 dirWhittaker, Charles, coachman, St Fort house
1893 Slater dirCorbett Sir Walter, Bart., St. Fort
1892-93 dirCorbett, W. O., of St Fort; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1891-92 dirCorbett, W. O., of St Fort; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1889 Slater dirStewart Miss -, (of St. Fort), Newport, Fife
1887-88 dirYoung, John (W.S., Edinburgh), St Fort house
1884-85 dirYoung, J. W. (W.S., 22 Castle street, Edinburgh), St Fort, by Newport
1882-83 dirMiller, Oliver G., St Fort house
1882 Slater dirMiller Oliver G. Esq., J.P. St. Fort
1880-81 dirStewart, Mrs Henry, of St Fort, St Fort house
1878-79 dirStewart, Mrs Henry, of St Fort house
1878 Slater dirStewart Mrs. Jane F. St. Fort, Forgan
1877 Worrall dirStewart Mrs. H., St Fort House, Forgan
1876-77 dirStewart, Mrs Henry, St Fort house [* ms. alteration - 'Mrs Henry' deleted]
1874-75 dirStewart, Mrs Henry, of St Fort, St Fort House
1873 Slater dirStewart Robert B., Esq. St. Fort, Forgan
1871-72 dirStewart, Henry, of St Fort, St Fort House
1869-70 dirStewart, Henry, of St Fort, St Fort House
1867-68 dirStewart, Henry, of St Fort, St Fort House
1867 Slater dirStewart Henry, Esq. St. Fort
1866 Fife dirStewart, Henry, St Fort House
1862 Fife dirStewart, Henry, (non-resident), St Fort House
1862 County dirStewart, Henry, St Fort, Newport, Fifeshire
1860 Slater dirStewart Henry, Esq. St. Fort
1857 Noblemen dirStewart, Henry, St Fort, Newport, Fife
1852 Slater dirStewart, Henry, St Fort
1852 Noblemen dirStewart, Henry, St Fort, Newport, Fife
1843 Gentlemen's SeatsStewart, Henry, St Fort, Newport, Fife
1842-43 Dundee dirStewart, Henry, of St Fort : Committee of Trustees of the Tay Ferries
1837 Pigot dirStewart, Henry, Sandford [St Fort]
1834 dirStewart, Archibald Campbell, of St. Fort
1834 dirStewart, Henry, Nether St. Fort
1825 Pigot dirStewart Mr. -, Saint Fort, Forgan



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1864-1865 Voters F. Stewart, Henry proprietor lands Nether St Fort, &c.
1862-1863 Voters F. Stewart, Henry proprietor lands Nether St Fort, &c.
1859 Election for Fife MP Stewart, Henry Lord Loughborough (Conservative)
1846-1862 Voters F. Stewart, Henry proprietor lands Nether St Fort, &c.
1844-1861 Voters F. Stewart, Henry proprietor Lands Nether St Fort, &c.
1833-1840 Voters F. Stewart, Archibald Campbell proprietor lands of Saint Ford enclusive of Causewayhead Saint fort [entry deleted] Dead
1833-1840 Voters F. Stewart, Henry proprietor lands Nether St Fort etc.
1832 Voters F. Stewart, Archibald Campbell proprietor lands of Saint Ford enclusive of Causewayhead Saint fort
1832 Voters F. Stewart, Henry proprietor lands of Nether St Fort and others


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 St Fort House McLean Christina 35
1911 St Fort House Pilkington Reginald M A 33
1901 St Fort House Skene John 48View household
1891 St FortMansion House Streatfield Ephraim 46View household
1881 St FortMansion House Ferguson John This house is To Let at present and only a few servants kept there. 39View household
1871 St Fort House Fergusson John 44View household
1861 St Fort House Stewart Henry 86View household
1851 St Fort House Russell George View household
1841 St Fort House Stewart Jean View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 41 entries

1958-5920St Fort House Andrew Mylius per Lindsay Howe & Co, WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh empty (ruinous) 0View details
1957-5820St Fort House Andrew Mylius per Lindsay Howe & Co, WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh empty (ruinous) 0View details
1952-5326St Fort House & Offices Trs for Andrew Mylius (minor) per Lindsay Howe & Co, WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh empty 207-10-0View details
1947-4824St Fort House & Offices Trs for Andrew Mylius (minor) per Lindsay Howe & Co, WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh Jack M Lazarus 200View details
1942-4330St Fort House & Offices Trs for Andrew Mylius (minor) per Lindsay Howe & Co, WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh Mrs Louisa Pilkington per proprietor 208View details
1940-4129St Fort House & Offices Trs for Andrew Mylius (minor) per Lindsay Howe & Co, WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh Mrs Louisa Pilkington per proprietor 208View details
1937-3830St Fort House, Offices & Garden Mrs Lesbia Mylius per Lindsay, Howe & Co WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh Mrs Louisa Pilkington per proprietor 208View details
1935-3631St Fort House, Offices & Garden Mrs Lesbia Mylius per Lindsay, Howe & Co WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh Mrs M F Pilkington per proprietor 208View details
1932-3329St Fort House, Offices & Garden Mrs Lesbia Mylius per Lindsay, Howe & Co WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh Mrs M F Pilkington per proprietor 208View details
1930-3130St Fort House, Offices & Garden Mrs Lesbia Mylius per Pagan & Osborne, Cupar Reginald M Pilkington per Pagan & Osborne, Cupar 185View details
1927-2865St Fort House, Offices & Garden Mrs Lesbia Mylius per Pagan & Osborne, Cupar Reginald M Pilkington, per Pagan & Osborne, Cupar 185View details
1925-2658St Fort House, Offices & Garden Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar Reginald M Pilkington per David Osborne, Cupar same 185View details
1922-2347St Fort House, Offices & Garden Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar Mrs Astley, per David Osborne, Cupar Reginald M Pilkington, per D Osborne 185View details
1920-2139St Fort House, Offices & Garden Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar Mrs Astley, per David Osborne, Cupar Reginald M Pilkington, per D Osborne 185View details
1917-1838St Fort House, Offices & Garden Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar Mrs Astley, per David Osborne, Cupar Reginald M Pilkington, per D Osborne 185View details
1915-1637St Fort House, Offices & Garden Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar Mrs Astley, per David Osborne, Cupar Reginald M Pilkington, per D Osborne 185View details
1912-1334St Fort House, Offices & Garden Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar Lady Corbet, per David Osborne, Cupar Reginald M Pilkington, per D Osborne 185View details
1907-0832St Fort House, Offices & Garden Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar Sir Walter O Corbet, Bart, per David Osborne, Cupar Reginald M Pilkington, per D Osborne 185View details
1905-0626St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per David Osborne, Cupar Sir Walter O Corbet, Bart. Per David Osborne, Cupar F B Sharp per D Osborne 185View details
1903-0426St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per David Osborne, Cupar Sir Walter O Corbet, Bart. Per David Osborne, Cupar F B Sharp per D Osborne 185View details
1901-0229St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort Sir Walter O Corbet, Bart. Capt. J Ogilvy Dalgleish per J Curr, factor 185View details
1900-0129St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort Sir Walter O Corbet, Bart. Capt. J Ogilvy Dalgleish per J Curr, factor 185View details
1899-0028St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort Sir Walter O Corbet, Bart. same 185View details
1897-9824St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort Sir Walter O Corbet, Bart. same 185View details
1896-9724St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort John R Menzies Esq per proprietor same 185View details
1895-9623St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Baird Whitelaw Esq same 185View details
1894-9523St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Baird Whitelaw Esq same 185View details
1893-9422St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Baird Whitelaw Esq same 185View details
1892-9325St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort Sir Walter Orlando Corbett, Bart. per James Curr, land agent 170View details
1891-9224St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort Sir Walter Orlando Corbett, Bart. per James Curr, land agent 170View details
1890-9123St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per Lindsay Howe & Co., WS, 32 Charlotte Sq., Edinburgh Walter Orlando Corbett 170View details
1889-9022St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per Lindsay Howe & Co., WS, 32 Charlotte Sq., Edinburgh Walter Orlando Corbett 170View details
1885-8616St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Reps. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per Lindsay Howe & Co., WS, 32 Charlotte Sq., Edinburgh John William Young Esq., WS same 200View details
1881-826St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Reps. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart Said Representatives 200View details
1878-796St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart Said Mrs Stewart 200View details
1875-766St Fort House, Offices and Garden, Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart Said Mrs Stewart 200View details
1871-726St Fort House, offices and Garden St Fort Robert Balfour Stewart 160View details
1867-686St Fort House, Offices, and Garden Henry Stewart Said Henry Stewart 160View details
1864-656St Fort House, Offices, and Garden Henry Stewart of St Fort Said Henry Stewart 105View details
1860-611St Fort House, garden & offices Henry Stewart of St Fort Henry Stewart 105View details
1855-567Mansion House, offices and Gardens Henry Stewart of St Fort said Henry Stewart 105View details



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