
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 14  Crosshill Terrace

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.425426,-2.974361

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   8 Birkhill Avenue   1 Crosshill Terrace   4 Crosshill Terrace   6 Crosshill Terrace   8 Crosshill Terrace   10 Crosshill Terrace   12 Crosshill Terrace   16 Crosshill Terrace   18 Crosshill Terrace   20 Crosshill Terrace   22 Crosshill Terrace   24 Crosshill Terrace  


1909-10 Finance Act - Valuation Office: Field Surveys

Reference no.      937


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Lethendybank 1907-1912



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 101 entries

1974 dirBain, Ian G., 14 Crosshill Terrace, Wormit
1973 dirBain, Ian G., 14 Crosshill Terrace, Wormit
1972 dirBain, Ian G., 14 Crosshill Terrace, Wormit
1971 dirBain, Ian G., 14 Crosshill Terrace, Wormit
1970 dirBain, Ian G., 14 Crosshill Terrace, Wormit
1969 dirBain, Ian G., 14 Crosshill Terrace, Wormit
1968 dirBain, Ian G., 14 Crosshill Terrace, Wormit
1967 dirBain, Ian G., 14 Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1966 dirBain, Ian G., 14 Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1966 dirHeath, Rev. H. F. T., 14 Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1965 dirBain, Ian G., 14 Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1965 dirHeath, Rev. H. F. T., 14 Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1964 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1964 dirHeath, Rev. H. F. T., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1963 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1963 dirHeath, Rev. H. F. T., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1962 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1962 dirHeath, Rev. H. F. T., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1961 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1961 dirHeath, Rev. H. F. T., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1960 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1960 dirHeath, Rev. H. F. T., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1958-59 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1958-59 dirHeath, Rev. H. F. T., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1957-58 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1957-58 dirHeath, Rev. H. F. T. Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1956-57 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1955-56 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1954-55 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1953-54 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1952-53 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1951-52 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1950-51 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1949-50 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1948-49 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1947-48 dirBain, Ian G, Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1946-47 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1942-43 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1942-43 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1941-42 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1941-42 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1940-41 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1940-41 dirBain, Ian G., Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1939-40 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1939-40 dirBain, Ian G , Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1938-39 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1938-39 dirBain, A. G. Rockmount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1937-38 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1937-38 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1936-37 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1936-37 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1935-36 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rock mount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1934-35 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1934-35 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rock mount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1933-34 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1933-34 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1932-33 dirBain, A. G., (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1931-32 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1931-32 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1930-31 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1930-31 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rock-mount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1929-30 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1929-30 dirBain, A.G, (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1928-29 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1928-29 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1927-28 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1927-28 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1926-27 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1926-27 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1925-26 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1925-26 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1924-25 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1923-24 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1923-24 dirBain A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill ter. Wormit
1922-23 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1921-22 MacDonald dirBain, A. G., Rockmount, Wormit
1920-21 dirBain, A. G. (representative, Dundee), Rockmount, Crosshill ter., Wormit
1919-20 MacDonald dirPaulsen, Max, Rockmount, Wormit
1918-19 MacDonald dirPaulsen, Max, Rockmount, Wormit
1918-19 dirPaulsen, Max (commission agent, Dundee), Rockmount, Wormit
1917-18 MacDonald dirPaulsen, Max, Rockmount, Wormit
1916-17 MacDonald dirPaulsen, Max, Rockmount, Wormit
1915-16 dirPaulsen, Max (commission agent, Dundee), Rockmount, Wormit
1915 Slater dirPaulsen Max, Rockmount [under Wormit]
1914-15 dirPaulsen, Max (commission agent, Dundee), Rockmount, Wormit
1913-14 dirPaulsen, Max (commission agent, Dundee), Rockmount, Wormit
1912-13 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, Wormit
1912-13 dirDouglas, Mrs Alexander, Lethendybank, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1911-12 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, Wormit
1911-12 dirDouglas, Mrs Alexander, Lethendybank, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1911 Slater dirDouglas Mrs. Lethendy bank [under Wormit]
1910-11 MacDonald dirDouglas, Mrs, Wormit
1910-11 dirDouglas, Mrs Alexander, Lethendybank, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1909-10 dirDouglas, Mrs Alexander, Lethendybank, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1908-09 dirDouglas, Mrs Alexander, Lethendybank, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1908 Tayside AnnualDouglas, Mrs Alex., Hillpark Terrace. [in Wormit directory]
1907-08 dirDouglas, Mrs Alexander, Lethendybank, Crosshill terrace, Wormit
1907 Tayside AnnualDouglas, Mrs Alex., Hillpark Terrace. [in Wormit directory]
1907 Slater dirDouglas Mrs. Lethendy bank [under Wormit]
1906-07 dirDouglas, Mrs Alexander, Lethendybank, Hillpark terrace, Wormit
1905-06 dirDouglas, Mrs Alex., Lethendybank, Hillpark terrace



Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Rockmount, Wormit Bain Alexander G 6
1911 Crosshill Terrace, Lethendybank Douglas Ethel 6



Valuation Roll entries      There are 31 entries

1974-75316300House Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain Ian G Bain 137View details
1973-74316300House Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain Ian G Bain 137View details
1972-73316300House Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain Ian G Bain 137View details
1971-72316300House Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain Ian G Bain 137View details
1969-703163House Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 85View details
1968-693163House Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 85View details
1967-681217House Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 85View details
1966-671217House Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 85View details
1964-651217House Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 77View details
1961-623802House Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 77View details
1958-591355House & Garden Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 43View details
1957-581332House & Garden Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 43View details
1952-531298House & Garden Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 43View details
1947-481261House & Garden Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 43View details
1942-431239House & Garden Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 43View details
1940-411238House & Garden Trs of late Alexander G Bain per Ian G Bain said Ian G Bain 43View details
1937-381257House & Garden Alexander G Bain, traveller proprietor 43View details
1935-361218House & Garden Alexander G Bain, traveller proprietor 43View details
1932-331193House & Garden Alexander G Bain, traveller proprietor 43View details
1930-311191House & Garden Alexander G Bain, traveller proprietor 43View details
1927-281180House & Garden Alexander G Bain, traveller proprietor 43View details
1925-261159House & Garden Alexander G Bain, traveller proprietor 43View details
1922-231129House & Garden Alexander G Bain, traveller proprietor 44View details
1920-211106House & Garden Alexander G Bain, traveller proprietor 34View details
1917-181103House Walter Scott, joiner, Gauldry Max Paulsen, merchant same 34View details
1915-161096House & Garden Walter Scott, joiner, Gauldry Max Paulsen, merchant same 34View details
1912-131130House Walter Scott, joiner, Gauldry Miss Gertrude Douglas, teacher same 32-10-0View details
1910-111118House Walter Scott, joiner, Gauldry Mrs Douglas same 32-10-0View details
1909-101105House Walter Scott, joiner, Gauldry Mrs Douglas same 32-10-0View details
1907-081092House Walter Scott, joiner, Gauldry Mrs Douglas same 32-10-0View details
1905-061069House Walter Scott, joiner, Gauldry Mrs Douglas same 30View details



Dean of Guild Plans:

AddressApplicantArchitectWorksDateNoteOld Ref
Wormit Walter Scott Six new semi-detached villas 2 June 1902 [14 - 24 Crosshill Terrace]DG/N/6/6 2 sheets 

Held at Fife Archives. See index page


Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 704  view details Wormit 228 pol 10 yd 10-30 Crosshill Tce Given the size of the feu, I think it extended E beyond 28 Crosshill Tce but wasn't developed at the time.


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1905.00508Walter Scott to Margaret Morris & Ann Tosh MorrisDisp by Walter Scott joiner Gauldry to Margaret Morris & Ann Tosh Morris ... of 17 pol 16.75 yd grnd & semi-detached villa t/on, : N & S by 25' roads, pt of 228 pol 10 yd of Wormit ... & allocation of feu duty by Henry S Wedderburn10 Apr 1905703, 704

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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