
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 13  Youngsdale Place

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.438601,-2.936671

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   14 Albert Crescent   16 Albert Crescent   30 Albert Crescent   32 Albert Crescent   34 Albert Crescent   4 Victoria Street   6 Victoria Street   7 Victoria Street   8 Victoria Street   9 Victoria Street   10 Victoria Street   12 Victoria Street   14 Victoria Street   5 Youngsdale Place   7 Youngsdale Place   9 Youngsdale Place   11 Youngsdale Place   15 Youngsdale Place   12 Youngsdale Place   6 Youngsdale Place  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

2 Youngsdale Place1964



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 120 entries

1974 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M. A., 13 Youngsdale Place
1973 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 13 Youngsdale Place
1972 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 13 Youngsdale Place
1971 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 13 Youngsdale Place
1970 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 13 Youngsdale Place
1969 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 13 Youngsdale Place
1968 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 13 Youngsdale Place
1967 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 13 Youngsdale place
1966 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 13 Youngsdale place
1965 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 13 Youngsdale place
1964 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 2 Youngsdale place
1963 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 2 Youngsdale place
1962 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 2 Youngsdale place
1961 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A., 2 Youngsdale place
1960 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent. Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place
1958-59 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place
1957-58 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place
1956-57 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place
1955-56 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1954-55 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1953-54 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1952-53 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1951-52 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1950-51 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1949-50 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1948-49 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1947-48 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1946-47 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1942-43 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1942-43 dirWallace, Mrs John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1942-43 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1941-42 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1941-42 dirWallace, Mrs John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1941-42 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1940-41 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1940-41 dirWallace, Mrs John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1940-41 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1939-40 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1939-40 dirWallace, Mrs John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1939-40 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1938-39 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1938-39 dirWallace, Mrs John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1938-39 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1937-38 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1937-38 dirWallace, Miss Elizabeth W., M.A. (lady superintendent, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1937-38 dirWallace, Mrs John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1936-37 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1936-37 dirWallace, Mrs John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1935-36 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1935-36 dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1934-35 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1934-35 dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1933-34 dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1932-33 dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1931-32 dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1930-31 dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1929-30 dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1928-29 dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1928 Kelly dirWallace John, 2 Youngsdale place, E
1927-28 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1927-28 dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1926-27 dirWallace, John (iron merchant, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale pl., E. Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1925-26 dirWallace, John, (iron merchant, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale pl., E. Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1923-24 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1923-24 dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1922-23 dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place. East Newport
1921-22 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1921 Slater dirWallace John, 2 Youngsdale place, E
1920-21 dirWallace, John, manager, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1919-20 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1918-19 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1918-19 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1916-17 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1915-16 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1915-16 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1915 Slater dirWallace John. 2 Youngsdale place. E
1914-15 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1914-15 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1913-14 MacDonald dirWallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place
1913-14 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1912-13 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1911-12 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1911 Slater dirWallace John, 2 Youngsdale place, E
1910-11 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1909-10 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place. East Newport
1908-09 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1908 Tayside AnnualWallace, John, contractor, 2 Youngsdale Pl.
1908 Tayside AnnualCrichton, Francis R., Youngsdale Place.
1907-08 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place. East Newport
1907 Tayside AnnualWallace, John, contractor, 2 Youngsdale Pl.
1907 Slater dirWallace John, 2 Youngsdale Place, E
1906-07 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1905-06 dirWallace, John (contactor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1904-05 dirWallace, John (contractor, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1903-04 dirCrichton, Francis Rattray, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1903 Slater dirCrichton Francis E., 2 Youngsdale place Newport
1902-03 dirCrichton, Francis Rattray, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1901-02 dirCrichton, Francis Rattray, 2 Youngsdale place, East Newport
1899 Slater dirWebster Alexander John, 2 Youngsdale pl. E
1896 Slater dirMitchell Mrs. Youngsdale place, E
1895-96 dirMitchell, Mrs Ann, Youngsdale place
1893 Slater dirLawson Mr. Archibald, Youngsdale pl. E N
1892-93 dirLawson, Archibald (draper, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place
1891-92 dirLawson, Archibald (draper, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place
1890-91 dirLawson, Archibald (draper, Dundee), 2 Youngsdale place
1889-90 dirLawson, Archibald, draper, 2 Youngsdale place
1889 Slater dirM'Cheyne Mrs Mary, Youngsdale pl. Newport, Fife
1886-87 dirM'Cheyne, John (clothier, Dundee), Youngsdale place, West Newport
1885-86 dirM'Cheyne, John (clothier, Dundee), Youngsdale place, West Newport
1880-81 dirTurnbull, John, coal mercht., East station, Newport; h. Youngsdale place
1878-79 dirTurnbull, John, engineer and builder, Youngsdale place, East Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Webster, James B. Bank Agent Dundee Tenant of House Youngsdale Place
1879-1880 Voters Turnbull, J retired millwright Easter Newport
1878-1879 Voters Turnbull, John retired millwright Easter Newport


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 2 Youngsdale Place Wallace John 8
1911 2 Youngsdale Place Wallace John 8
1901 Youngsdale Place Webster Margaret 8View household
1891 6 Youngsdale Place Lawson Archibald 10View household
1881 Youngsdale Place Turnbull John 8View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 45 entries

1974-75185600House Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 149View details
1973-74185600House Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 149View details
1972-73185600House Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 149View details
1971-72185600House Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 149View details
1969-701856House Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 95View details
1968-691856House Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 95View details
1967-68694House Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 95View details
1966-67694House Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 95View details
1964-65694House Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 84View details
1961-622022House Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 84View details
1958-59875House & Garden Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 42View details
1957-58852House & Garden Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 42View details
1952-53826House & Garden Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 42View details
1947-48799House & Garden Elizabeth Wallace proprietor 42View details
1942-43785House & Garden Mrs Mary Ann Wallace proprietor 42View details
1940-41785House & Garden Mrs Mary Ann Wallace proprietor 42View details
1937-38798House & Garden Mrs Mary Ann Wallace proprietor 42View details
1935-36769House & Garden Mrs Mary Ann Wallace proprietor 42View details
1932-33752House & Garden John Wallace, contractor proprietor 42View details
1930-31750House & Garden John Wallace, contractor proprietor 42View details
1927-28741House & Garden John Wallace, contractor proprietor 42View details
1925-26722House & Garden John Wallace, contractor proprietor 42View details
1922-23695House & Garden John Wallace, contractor proprietor 34-13-4View details
1920-21671House & Garden John Wallace, contractor proprietor 28-2-6View details
1917-18669House & Garden Francis Rattray Crichton, retired, 8 Albion Place, Broughty Ferry John Wallace, contractor same 26View details
1915-16665House & Garden Francis Rattray Crichton, retired, 8 Albion Place, Broughty Ferry John Wallace, contractor same 26View details
1912-13531House & Garden Francis Rattray Crichton, retired, Greta Place, 53 Taylor's Lane, Dundee John Wallace, contractor same 26View details
1907-08511House & Garden Francis Rattray Crichton, clerk, 248 Blackness Rd, Dundee John Wallace, contractor same 26View details
1905-06500House and Garden Francis Rattray Crichton, clerk, 199 Perth Rd, Dundee John Wallace, contractor proprietor 25View details
1903-04491House and Garden Francis Rattray Crichton, clerk proprietor 24View details
1901-021088House and Garden Francis Rattray Crichton proprietor 24View details
1900-011071House and Garden Standard Property Investment Co, heritable creditors in possession per John Rattray, 50 Barrack St, Dundee James B Webster, bank agent, Dundee same 28View details
1899-001035House and Garden Standard Property Investment Co, heritable creditors in possession per John Rattray, 50 Barrack St, Dundee James B Webster, bank agent, Dundee same 28View details
1897-98979House and Garden Standard Property Investment Co, heritable creditors in possession per John Rattray, 51 South Tay St, Dundee James B Webster, bank agent, Dundee same 28View details
1896-97951House and Garden Standard Property Investment Co, heritable creditors in possession per John Rattray, 51 South Tay St, Dundee James B Webster, bank agent, Dundee same 28View details
1895-96914House and Garden Standard Property Investment Co, heritable creditors in possession per John Rattray, 51 South Tay St, Dundee Mrs Anne W Mitchell same 32View details
1894-95868House and Garden Standard Property Investment Co, heritable creditors in possession per John Rattray, 51 South Tay St, Dundee Mrs Anne W Mitchell same 32View details
1893-94844House and Garden Standard Property Investment Co, heritable creditors in possession per John Rattray, 51 South Tay St, Dundee Mrs Anne W Mitchell same 32View details
1892-93827House and Garden Standard Property Investment Co, heritable creditors in possession perJohn Rattray, 51 South Tay St, Dundee Archibald Lawson, clothier same 32View details
1891-92810House and Garden Standard Property Investment Co, heritable creditors in possession per D G Farquharson, Barrack St, Dundee Archibald Lawson, clothier same 32View details
1890-91763House and Garden Standard Property Investment Co, heritable creditors in possession per D G Farquharson, Barrack St, Dundee Archibald Lawson, clothier same 32View details
1889-90737House and Garden Standard Property Investment Co, heritable creditors in possession per D G Farquharson, Barrack St, Dundee Archibald Lawson, clothier same 32View details
1885-86701House and Garden William Kerr, solicitor Dundee for heritable creditors John McCheyne, clothier same 32View details
1881-82423House and Garden John Turnbull, engineer Said John Turnbull 38View details
1878-79403House and Garden John Turnbull, engineer Said John Turnbull 38View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 443  view details Youngsdale Field 16 pol 14 yd (Turnbull) 13 Youngsdale Pl


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1878.02619assent of Isabella Turnbull to loan by Standard Property Investment CoRatification by Isabella Brough Livingston / Turnbull wife of John Turnbull ... assenting to bond (4 Jul 1877) £500 ... over 16 pol 14 yd & dw ho, : W by Youngsdale St14 Jan 1878443
1877.02353Mann & Myles to John & Isabella TurnbullFeu con & disp by ... Mann & Myles to John Turnbull millwright Newport & spouse Isabella Brough Livingston / Turnbull of 16 pol 14 yd & dw ho t/on, : W by Youngsdale St, pt of 3.684 acres [copy of 1877.01930]8 Nov 1877417, 443
1877.01931loan by Standard Property Investment CoBond £500 & disp by John Turnbull to Standard Property Investment Co Ltd over 16 pol 14 yd & dw ho t/on, : W by Youngsdale St, pt of 3.684 acres4 Jul 1877443
1877.01930Mann & Myles to John & Isabella TurnbullFeu con & disp by ... Mann & Myles to John Turnbull millwright Newport & spouse Isabella Brough Livingston of 16 pol 14 yd & dw ho t/on, : W by Youngsdale St, pt of 3.684 acres4 Jul 1877417, 443

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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