
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 19  Wellgate Street

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.433285,-2.952096

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   5 Castle Brae   4 Hill Street   3 Station Path   2 Wellgate Street   4 Wellgate Street   6 Wellgate Street   15 Wellgate Street   17 Wellgate Street   21 Wellgate Street   23 Wellgate Street   1 Wellpark Terrace   3 Wellpark Terrace   5 Wellpark Terrace   7 Wellpark Terrace   9 Wellpark Terrace   11 Wellpark Terrace   13 Wellpark Terrace   41 West Road   43 West Road  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

Wellgate Park1917
22 Wellgate Street1964



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Wellgate Park 1907
Helenbank 1947



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 131 entries

1968 dirMcPherson, John, commercial artist, 19 Wellgate Street
1967 dirM'Pherson, John, commercial artist, 19 Wellgate street
1966 dirM'Pherson, John, commercial artist, 19 Wellgate street
1965 dirM'Pherson, John, commercial artist, 19 Wellgate street
1964 dirM'Pherson, John, commercial artist, Welwyn, 22 Wellgate street
1963 dirM'Pherson, John, commercial artist, Welwyn, 22 Wellgate street
1962 dirM'Pherson, John, commercial artist, Welwyn, 22 Wellgate street
1961 dirM'Pherson, John, commercial artist, Welwyn, 22 Wellgate street
1955-56 dirClark, Peter, secretary, 22 Wellgate street, West Newport
1954-55 dirClark, Peter, secretary, 22 Wellgate street, West Newport
1953-54 dirClark, Peter, secretary, 22 Wellgate street, West Newport
1952-53 dirClark, Peter, secretary, 22 Wellgate street, West Newport
1951-52 dirClark, Peter, secretary, 22 Wellgate street, West Newport
1950-51 dirClark, Peter, secretary, 22 Wellgate street, West Newport
1949-50 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1948-49 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1947-48 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1946-47 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1942-43 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1942-43 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1941-42 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1941-42 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1940-41 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1940-41 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1939-40 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1939-40 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1938-39 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1938-39 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1937-38 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1937-38 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1936-37 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1936-37 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport.
1935-36 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1935-36 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1934-35 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank. Wester Newport
1934-35 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1933-34 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1932-33 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1931-32 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1930-31 dirMitchell, Miss Yeaman, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1930-31 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgate street, West Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1929-30 dirMartin, Mrs, Helenbank, Wellgatepark, West Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1928-29 dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wellgatepark, West Newport
1928 Kelly dirMartin James R. Wellgate park, W
1927-28 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1927-28 dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wellgatepark, West Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1926-27 dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wellgate park, West Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1925-26 dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wellgate park, West Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1923-24 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1923-24 dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wellgate park, West Newport
1922-23 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park. West Newport
1921-22 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1921 Slater dirMartin James R. Wellgate park, W
1920-21 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1919-20 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1918-19 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1918-19 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1916-17 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1915-16 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1915-16 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1915 Slater dirMartin James R. Wellgate park, W
1914-15 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1914-15 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1913-14 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Helenbank, Wester Newport
1913-14 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1912-13 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Wellgate Park, Wester. Newport
1912-13 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1911-12 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Wellgate Park, Wester Newport
1911-12 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1911 Slater dirMartin James R. Wellgate park, W
1910-11 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Wellgate Park, Wester Newport
1910-11 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park. West Newport
1909-10 MacDonald dirMartin, James R, Wellgate Park, Wester Newport
1909-10 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park. West Newport
1908-09 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Wellgate Park, Wester Newport
1908-09 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1908 Tayside AnnualMartin, James R., Wellgate Park, W.
1907-08 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Wellgate Park, Wester Newport
1907-08 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park. West Newport
1907 Tayside AnnualMartin, James R., Wellgate Park, W.
1907 Slater dirMartin James R. Wellgate park, W
1906-07 MacDonald dirMartin, James R., Wellgate Park, Wester Newport
1906-07 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1905-06 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1904-05 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1903-04 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1903 Slater dirMartin James R. Wellgate park, W Newport
1902-03 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1901-02 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park, West Newport
1900-01 dirMartin, James R., Wellgate park. West Newport
1899-00 dirCongleton, Miss M. Hart (artist, Dundee), Wellgate park, W. Newport
1899-00 dirCongleton, Thomas (Sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport
1899 Slater dirCongleton Thomas, Wellgate park, W
1898-99 dirCongleton, Thomas (Sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport
1898-99 dirCongleton, Miss M. Hart (artist, Dundee), Wellgate park, W. Newport
1897-98 dirCongleton, Thomas (Sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport
1896-97 dirCongleton, Thomas (Sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport
1896 Slater dirCongleton Thomas, Wellgate park, W
1896 Slater dirCongleton David, Wellgate park, W
1895-96 dirCongleton, Thomas (Sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport
1894-95 dirCongleton, Thomas (Sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport
1893-94 dirCongleton, Thomas (Sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport
1893 Slater dirCongleton Mr. Thomas, Wellgate Park, W N
1892-93 dirCongleton, Thomas (Sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport
1891-92 dirCongleton, Thomas (solicitor and notary public, and sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport
1890-91 dirCongleton, Thomas (solicitor and notary public, and sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport
1889-90 dirCongleton, Thomas, solicitor and notary public, and sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire, Wellgate park. West Newport
1889 Slater dirCongleton Mr Thomas, Wellgate Park, West Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirCongleton, Thos., solicitor and notary public, Wellgate park, W. Newport
1887-88 dirCongleton, Thos., solicitor and notary public, Wellgate park, W. Newport
1886-87 dirCongleton, Thos., solicitor and notary public, Wellgate park, W. Newport
1886 Slater dirCongleton Thomas, Wellgate Park, W N
1885-86 dirCongleton, Thos., solicitor and notary public, Wellgate park, W. Newport
1884-85 dirCongleton, Thos., solicitor and notary public, Wellgate park, W. Newport
1882-83 dirCongleton, Thos., solicitor and notary public, Wellgate park, W. Newport
1882 Slater dirCongleton Mr. Thomas, Wellgate Park, W N
1880-81 dirCongleton, Thomas, solicitor, Wellgate park, West Newport
1878-79 dirCongleton, Thomas, solicitor and notary, Wellgate park, West Newport
1878 Slater dirCongleton Mr. Thomas, Wellgate Park
1877 Worrall dirCongleton Mr. Thos., Wellgate park
1876-77 dirCongleton, Thomas (solicitor, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport
1874-75 dirCongleton, Thomas (solicitor, Dundee), Wellgate park, West Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1879-1880 Voters Congleton, Thomas solicitor Wester Newport
1878-1879 Voters Congleton, Thomas solicitor Wester Newport
1874 Voters Congleton, Thomas writer


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Helenbank Martin James R 7
1911 Helenbank Martin James R see also 82 3
1911 Newburgh Road, Helenbank Gairdner Margaret D out of sequence, should follow 158. 4
1901 Wellgate Park Martin James R 7View household
1891 Congleton Thomas 8View household
1881 Wellgate Park Congleton Thomas 8View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 48 entries

1974-75240400House Alexander H Scott proprietor 153View details
1973-74240400House Alexander H Scott proprietor 153View details
1972-73240400House Alexander H Scott proprietor 153View details
1971-72240400House Francis B Scofield proprietor 153View details
1969-702404House Mr & Mrs Andrew Bennet proprietor 96View details
1968-692404House Mr & Mrs Andrew Bennet proprietor 96View details
1967-68992House John G McPherson proprietor 96View details
1966-67992House John G McPherson proprietor 96View details
1964-65992House John G McPherson proprietor 83View details
1961-623123House John G McPherson proprietor 83View details
1958-591233House & Garden Leslie Hanson proprietor 44-10-0View details
1957-581210House & Garden Leslie Hanson proprietor 44-10-0View details
1952-531176House & Garden Peter Clark proprietor 44-10-0View details
1947-481139House & Garden Mrs Harriette Martin proprietor 44-10-0View details
1942-431118House & Garden Mrs Harriette Martin proprietor 44-10-0View details
1940-411117House & Garden Mrs Harriette Martin proprietor 44-10-0View details
1937-381138House & Garden Mrs Harriette Martin proprietor 44-10-0View details
1935-361101House & Garden Mrs Harriette Martin proprietor 44-10-0View details
1932-331056House & Garden Mrs Harriette Martin proprietor 44-10-0View details
1930-311053House & Garden Mrs Harriette Martin proprietor 44-10-0View details
1927-281043House & Garden James R Martin proprietor 44-10-0View details
1925-261022House & Garden James R Martin proprietor 44-10-0View details
1922-23996House & Garden James R Martin proprietor 42-18-0View details
1920-21975House & Garden James R Martin proprietor 33View details
1917-18973House & Garden James R Martin proprietor 33View details
1915-16966House & Garden James R Martin proprietor 33View details
1912-13823House & Garden James R Martin proprietor 33View details
1910-11812House & Garden James R Martin proprietor 33View details
1909-10806House & Garden James R Martin proprietor 33View details
1907-08802House & Garden James R Martin proprietor 35View details
1905-06783House and Garden James R Martin proprietor 35View details
1903-04772House and Garden James R Martin proprietor 35View details
1901-02575House and Garden Mrs Jessie Congleton proprietor 35View details
1900-01563House and Garden Mrs Jessie Congleton proprietor 35View details
1899-00533House and Garden Thomas Congleton, sheriff clerk of Forfarshire proprietor 35View details
1897-98484House and Garden Thomas Congleton, sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire proprietor 35View details
1896-97461House and Garden Thomas Congleton, sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire proprietor 35View details
1895-96428House and Garden Thomas Congleton, sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire proprietor 35View details
1894-95395House and Garden Thomas Congleton, sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire proprietor 35View details
1893-94374House and Garden Thomas Congleton, sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire proprietor 35View details
1892-93363House and Garden Thomas Congleton, sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire proprietor 35View details
1891-92353House and Garden Thomas Congleton, sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire proprietor 35View details
1890-91326House and Garden Thomas Congleton, sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire proprietor 35View details
1889-90306House and Garden Thomas Congleton, sheriff-clerk of Forfarshire proprietor 35View details
1885-86281House and Garden Thomas Congleton, solicitor proprietor 35View details
1881-82187House and Garden Thomas Congleton, solicitor Said Thomas Congleton 38View details
1878-79191House and Garden Thomas Congleton, solicitor Said Thomas Congleton 42View details
1875-76183House and Garden Thomas Congleton, writer Said Thomas Congleton 36View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 394  view details Wellgate lot 9 W 25 pol 18 yd (Congleton) 19 Wellgate St An additional 5 pol 9 yd was added to the South after the line of the road (now Wellpark Tce West) was altered.


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1888.03404McLachlan loan transferrred to Alexander ElderAssig by Clementina McLachlan, Auchlishie, Kirriemuir , then 5 Atholl Place, Edinburgh, now 4 Rosebery Cresc, Edinburgh to Alexander Elder, baker, Elder's Place, South Road, Lochee of bond (13 Nov 1883) £500 by Thomas Congleton to Duncan McLachlan over (1) 25 pol 18 yd & semi-detached cottage t/on pt of Wellgate Park& (2) 5 pol 6 yd in Wellgate Park17 May 1888394
1888.03403McLachlan (Heron / Ramsay) loan transferred to Isabella J & Annie AitkenAssig by Clementina McLachlan, Auchlishie, Kirriemuir , then 5 Atholl Place, Edinburgh, now 4 Rosebery Cresc, Edinburgh to Isabella Jervis Aitken, Easter Kilmany & Annie Aitken, Easter Friarton, jointly o fbond (18 May 1874) £100 by Thomas Congleton to Catherine Heron / Ramsay over 25 pol 18 yd & semi-detached cottage t/on, in Wellgate Park, : S by 20' street, : N by 24' street, the W-most pt of land in feu ... Alexander Robertson ... 19 Aug 1873 ... & right to use a well17 May 1888394
1888.03402McLachlan (Heron / Stirling) loan transferred to Isabella J & Annie AitkenAssig by Clementina McLachlan, Auchlishie, Kirriemuir , then 5 Atholl Place, Edinburgh, now 4 Rosebery Cresc, Edinburgh to Isabella Jervis Aitken, Easter Kilmany & Annie Aitken, Easter Friarton, jointly of £300 of bond (18 May 1874) for £400 by Thomas Congleton to Mary Ann Heron / Stirling, & also 25 pol 18 yd & semi-detached cottage t/on, in Wellgate Park, : S by 20' street, : N by 24' street, the W-most pt of land in feu ... Alexander Robertson ... 19 Aug 1873 ... & right to use a well17 May 1888394
1887.01442McLachlan loan transferred to Clementina McLachlanNot Instr Clementina McLachlan, Auchlishie, Kirriemuir now 5 Atholl Place, Edinburgh as exec of brother Duncan McLachlan solicitor Dundee then Broughty Ferry of bond (13 Nov 1883) £500 by Thomas Congleton to Duncan McLachlan over (1) 25 pol 18 yd & semi-detached cottage t/on pt of Wellgate Park& (2) 5 pol 6 yd in Wellgate Park24 Jan 1887394
1887.01441Heron / Ramsay loan transferred to Clementina McLachlanNot Instr Clementina McLachlan, Auchlishie, Kirriemuir now 5 Atholl Place, Edinburgh as exec of brother Duncan McLachlan solicitor Dundee then Broughty Ferry of bond (18 May 1874) £100 by Thomas Congleton to Catherine Heron / Ramsay over 25 pol 18 yd & semi-detached cottage t/on, in Wellgate Park, : S by 20' street, : N by 24' street, the W-most pt of land in feu ... Alexander Robertson ... 19 Aug 1873 ... & right to use a well24 Jan 1887394
1887.01440Heron / Stirling loan transferred to Clementina McLachlanNot Instr Clementina McLachlan, Auchlishie, Kirriemuir now 5 Atholl Place, Edinburgh as exec of brother Duncan McLachlan solicitor Dundee then Broughty Ferry of £300 of bond (18 May 1874) for £400 by Thomas Congleton to Mary Ann Heron / Stirling, & also 25 pol 18 yd & semi-detached cottage t/on, in Wellgate Park, : S by 20' street, : N by 24' street, the W-most pt of land in feu ... Alexander Robertson ... 19 Aug 1873 ... & right to use a well24 Jan 1887394
1885.05818Heron / Ramsay loan transferred to Duncan McLachlanAssig by Catherine Heron / Ramsay, Broughty Ferry widow to Duncan McLachlan of bond (18 May 1874) £100 by Thomas Congleton over 25 pol 18 yd & semi-detached cottage t/on, in Wellgate Park, : S by 20' street, : N by 24' street, the W-most pt of land in feu ... Alexander Robertson ... 19 Aug 1873 ... & right to use a well16 May 1885394
1885.05817all remaining Heron / Stirling and Wilson / Bell loan transferred to Duncan McLachlanAssig by Mary Ann Heron / Stirling, Newport widow & mar con Trs William Wilson, farmer Charleston, Invergowrie & Rachel Bell to Duncan McLachlan, Beach Cresc, Broughty Ferry to extent of £300 of bond (18 May 1874) for £400 by Thomas Congleton solicitor residing Newport to said Mary A Heron / Stirling, & also 25 pol 18 yd & semi-detached cottage t/on, in Wellgate Park, : S by 20' street, : N by 24' street, the W-most pt of land in feu ... Alexander Robertson ... 19 Aug 1873 ... & right to use a well16 May 1885394
1884.04318Heron / Stirling loan partly transferred to Trs Mar. Con. William Wilson & Rachel BellAssig by Mary Ann Heron / Stirling, Newport widow to Mar Con Trs William Wilson, farmer Charlestown, Invergowrie & Rachel Bell of £150 of bond (18 May 1874) £400 by Thomas Congleton Newport over 25 pol 18 yd & semi-detached cottage t/on, in Wellgate Park, : S by 20' street, : N by 24' street, the W-most pt of land in feu ... Alexander Robertson ... 19 Aug 1873 ... & right to use a well5 Apr 1884394
1883.03691loan by Duncan McLachlanBond £500 & disp by Thomas Congleton to Duncan McLachlan, Broughty Ferry of (1) 25 pol 18 yd & ho t/on, pt of Wellgate Park, : S by 20' street, : N by 24' street; (2) 5 pol 6 yd in Wellgate Park13 Nov 1883394
1881.00261Heron / Stirling loan partly repaidDisch by Mary Ann Heron / Stirling, Newport widow disburd £100 of bond of £400 (18 May 1874) by Thomas Congleton over 25 pol 18 yd & semi-detached dw ho t/on, pt of Wellgate Park21 Mar 1881
1875.04989Trs Rev Thomas Just to Thomas Congleton - additional 5 poles 9 yd immediately to South, between lot 9 west & altered line of streetFeu con & disp by Trs Rev Thomas Just, consent Alexander Robertson plasterer Newport, to Thomas Congleton solicitor of 5 pol 9 yd grnd in Wellgate Park immediately S of W portion of lot 9 on feuing plan disponed by Alexander Robertson to Thomas Congleton & between it and the altered line of street 20' broad by which it is bounded on S29 Oct 1875394, 161
1874.03285loan by Catherine Heron / RamsayBond £100 & disp security by Thomas Congleton solicitor Newport to Catherine Heron / Ramsay, widow Broughty Ferry over 25 pol 18 yd grnd & semi-detached cottage t/on in Wellgate Park, : S by 20' street, : N by 24' street, the W-most portion of lands in feu between Rev Thomas Just & Alexander Robertson (19 Aug 1873)18 May 1874394
1874.03284loan by Mary Ann Heron / StirlingBond £400 & disp security by Thomas Congleton solicitor Newport to Mary Ann Heron / Stirling, widow Newport over 25 pol 18 yd grnd & semi-detached cottage t/on in Wellgate Park, : S by 20' street, : N by 24' street, the W-most portion of lands in feu between Rev Thomas Just & Alexander Robertson (19 Aug 1873)18 May 1874394
1874.03250Alexander Robertson to Thomas CongletonDisp by Alexander Robertson, plasterer Newport to Thomas Congleton solicitor Newport of 25 pol 18 yd grnd & semi-detached cottage t/on in Wellgate Park, : S by 20' street, : N by 24' street, the W-most portion of lands in feu between Rev Thomas Just & Alexander Robertson (19 Aug 1873), rights to well in subjects to E16 May 187481, 394

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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