
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 101  Tay Street

Street View Image

= Property still standing


Using the information here, it is impossible to be certain who lived in each property or part of the building before 1907. Other properties involved : 105 Tay Street      One possible interpretation is given below.


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.445579,-2.936553

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   95 Tay Street   96 Tay Street   97 Tay Street   98 Tay Street   99 Tay Street   103 Tay Street   105 Tay Street   (107 Tay Street)  


1909-10 Finance Act - Valuation Office: Field Surveys

Reference no.      325 (no transcripts on this site)


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Ellerslie 1891



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 123 entries

1953-54 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tay st. : Solicitors.
1953-54 dirSoutar, Miss Nancy Agnew, The Laurels, Tay street. : Solicitors.
1953-54 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tay street
1953-54 dirSoutar, Miss Nancy Agnew, solicitor, The Laurels, Tay street
1952-53 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tay st. : Solicitors.
1952-53 dirSoutar, Miss Nancy Agnew, The Laurels, Tay street : Solicitors.
1952-53 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tay street
1952-53 dirSoutar, Miss Nancy Agnew, solicitor, The Laurels, Tay street
1951-52 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1951-52 dirSoutar, Miss Nancy Agnew, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1951-52 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1951-52 dirSoutar, Miss Nancy Agnew, solicitor, The Laurels, Tayport road
1950-51 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1950-51 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1949-50 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1949-50 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1948-49 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1948-49 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1947-48 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1947-48 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1946-47 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1946-47 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1942-43 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1942-43 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1942-43 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1941-42 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1941-42 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1941-42 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1940-41 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1940-41 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1940-41 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1939-40 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1939-40 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1939-40 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1938-39 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1938-39 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1938-39 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1937-38 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1937-38 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1937-38 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1936-37 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1936-37 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1936-37 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1935-36 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1935-36 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport : Solicitors
1935-36 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road
1934-35 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1934-35 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1934-35 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport rd., E. Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1933-34 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1933-34 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tay port rd., E. Newport
1932-33 dirSoutar, Charles, The Laurels, Tayport road : Solicitors.
1932-33 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport rd., E. Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1931-32 dirSoutar, Chas., The Laurels, Tayport rd. : Solicitors.
1931-32 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road, East Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1930-31 dirSoutar, Chas., The Laurels, Tayport rd. : Solicitors.
1930-31 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road, East Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1929-30 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road, Fast Newport
1929-30 dirSoutar, Chas., The Laurels, Tayport rd. : Solicitors.
1928-29 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1928-29 dirSoutar, Chas., The Laurels, Tayport rd. : Solicitors.
1928-29 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road, East Newport
1928 Kelly dirSoutar Charles, The Laurels, E
1927-28 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1927-28 dirSoutar, Chas., The Laurels, Tayport rd. : Solicitors.
1927-28 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport rd., E. Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirSoutar, C., Laurels, Tay st., E. N.
1926-27 dirSoutar, Chas., The Laurels, Tayport rd. : Solicitors.
1926-27 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport rd., E. Newport
1925-26 dirSoutar, Chas., The Laurels, Tayport rd. : Solicitors.
1925-26 dirSoutar, Charles (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport rd., E. Newport
1923-24 dirGalt, Mrs J. G., The Laurels, Tayport road
1921-22 MacDonald dirFrench, W, Forrest, Newport : Solicitors
1921-22 MacDonald dirFrench, W. F., Laurels, Tay st.
1921 Slater dirFrench Wm. Forrest, Laurels, Tayport rd. E
1920-21 dirFrench, W. Forrest (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road, East Newport
1919-20 MacDonald dirFrench, W, Forrest, Newport : Solicitors
1919-20 MacDonald dirFrench, W. F., Laurels, Tay st.
1918-19 MacDonald dirFrench, W. F., Laurels, Tay st.
1918-19 MacDonald dirFrench, W, Forrest, Newport : Solicitors
1918-19 dirFrench, W. Forrest (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road, East Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirFrench, W. Forrest, Newport : Solicitors
1917-18 MacDonald dirFrench, W. F., Laurels, Tay st.
1916-17 MacDonald dirFrench, W. F., Laurels, Tay st.
1916-17 MacDonald dirFrench, W. Forrest, Newport : Solicitors
1915-16 MacDonald dirMummery, P. F., The Laurels
1915-16 dirFrench, W. Forrest (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, Tayport road, Nast Newport
1915 Slater dirFrench Wm. Forrest, Laurels, Tayport rd. E
1914-15 MacDonald dirMummery, P. F., The Laurels
1914-15 dirFrench, W. Forrest (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, East Newport
1913-14 MacDonald dirMummery, P. F., The Laurels
1912-13 MacDonald dirMorrison, F. H., The Laurels
1911-12 MacDonald dirMorrison, F. H., The Laurels
1910-11 MacDonald dirMorrison, F. H., The Laurels
1909-10 MacDonald dirMorrison, F. H., The Laurels
1909-10 dirMorrison, Frank H. (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, East Newport
1908-09 MacDonald dirMorrison, F. H., The Laurels
1908-09 dirMorrison, Frank H. (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, East Newport
1908 Tayside AnnualMorrison, Frank H., solicitor, The Laurels.
1907-08 dirMorrison, Frank H. (solicitor, Dundee), The Laurels, East Newport
1906-07 dirBuchan, William (H.M. inspector of factories, Dundee), The Laurels, East Newport
1904-05 dirHall, David, The Laurels, East Newport
1903-04 dirHall, David, The Laurels, East Newport
1903 Slater dirHall David, The Laurels. Tayport road Newport
1902-03 dirHall, David, The Laurels, East Newport
1901-02 dirBrown, John (assistant bank agent, Dundee), The Laurels, East Newport
1900-01 dirBrown, John (assistant bank agent, Dundee), The Laurels, East Newport
1899-00 dirBrown, John, assistant bank agent. The Laurels, East Newport
1899 Slater dirBrown Mrs. Laurels, E
1898-99 dirBrown, John, assistant bank agent, The Laurels, East Newport
1897-98 dirBrown, John, assistant bank agent, The Laurels, East Newport
1896-97 dirBrown, John, assistant bank agent, The Laurels, East Newport
1896 Slater dirHodge Rev. Thomas W., B.A. (Cong.), The Laurels. Elocation 2
1895-96 dirHodge, Rev. T. W., B.A., Newport Congregational Church; h. The Laurels, Tayport roadlocation 2
1894-95 dirHodge, Rev. T. W., B.A., Newport Congregational Church; h. The Laurels, Tayport roadlocation 2
1893-94 dirHodge, Rev. T. W., B.A., Newport Congregational Church; h. The Laurels, Tayport roadlocation 2
1893 Slater dirHodge Rev. Thomas W., Craighead, E N
1891-92 dirBeattie, James (merchant, Dundee), Craighead, Tayport road
1890-91 dirBeattie, James (merchant, Dundee), Craighead, East Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Brown, John Bank Agent Craighead, East Newport Tenant of House Craighead


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 The Laurels French William Forrest 8
1911 Tayport Road, The Laurels Mummery Edith M 7
1901 Tay Street Brown John 8View household
1891 Ellerslie Beattie James 8View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 42 entries

1974-75161000House Dr John Gordon jun John Gordon 140View details
1973-74161000House Dr John Gordon jun John Gordon 140View details
1972-73161000House Dr John Gordon jun John Gordon 140View details
1971-72161000House Dr John Gordon jun proprietor 140View details
1969-701610House Dr John Gordon jun proprietor 93View details
1968-691610House Dr John Gordon jun proprietor 93View details
1967-68494House Dr John Gordon jun proprietor 93View details
1966-67494House Dr John Gordon jun proprietor 93View details
1964-65494House Dr John Gordon jun proprietor 83View details
1961-621627House Dr John H Stephens, 1 Davidson Gdns, Glasgow W4 proprietor 83View details
1958-59743House & Garden Dr John H Stephens, 1 Davidson Gdns, Glasgow W4 proprietor 45View details
1957-58720House & Garden Dr John H Stephen, 1 Davidson Gdns, Glasgow W4 proprietor 45View details
1952-53695House & Garden Nancy A Soutar per Soutar & Reid, solicitors, 13 Ward Rd, Dundee Charles Soutar, solicitor 45View details
1947-48670House & Garden Nancy A Soutar per Soutar & Reid, solicitors, 13 Ward Rd, Dundee Charles Soutar, solicitor 45View details
1942-43661House & Garden Helen M, wife of Charles Soutar, solicitor per Soutar & Reid, solicitors, 7 Ward Rd, Dundee said Charles Soutar 45View details
1940-41661House & Garden Helen M, wife of Charles Soutar, solicitor per Soutar & Reid, solicitors, 7 Ward Rd, Dundee said Charles Soutar 45View details
1937-38664House & Garden Helen M, wife of Charles Soutar, solicitor per Soutar & Reid, solicitors, 7 Ward Rd, Dundee said Charles Soutar 45View details
1935-36637House & Garden Helen M, wife of Charles Soutar, solicitor per Soutar & Reid, solicitors, 7 Ward Rd, Dundee said Charles Soutar 45View details
1932-33611House & Garden Helen M, wife of Charles Soutar, solicitor per Ross & Soutar, solicitors, 7 Ward Rd, Dundee said Charles Soutar 45View details
1930-31606House & Garden Helen M, wife of Charles Soutar, solicitor per Ross & Soutar, solicitors, 7 Ward Rd, Dundee said Charles Soutar 45View details
1927-28598House & Garden Helen M, wife of Charles Soutar, solicitor per Ross & Soutar, solicitors, 11 Whitehall St, Dundee said Charles Soutar 45View details
1925-26582House & Garden Helen M, wife of Charles Soutar, solicitor per Ross & Soutar, solicitors, 11 Whitehall St, Dundee said Charles Soutar 45View details
1922-23552House & Garden Annie E M Galt, Brooklyn, Newport Proprietor (empty £22-10-0) same 45-5-7View details
1920-21530House & Garden Miss Isabella Christie William F French, solicitor same 35View details
1917-18529House & Garden Miss Isabella Christie William F French, solicitor same 32View details
1915-16524House & Garden Miss Isabella Christie William F French, solicitor same 32View details
1912-13616House & Garden Miss Isabella Christie Percy F Mummery, traveller same 35View details
1907-08596House & Garden Miss Isabella Christie, Craigation Frank H Morrison, solicitor same 35View details
1905-06586House and Garden Miss Isabella Christie, Craigation, East Newport empty 35View details
1903-04577House and Garden Misses Mary & Isabella Christie, Craigation, East Newport per J Findlay jun, 69 Reform St, Dundee David Hall, retired farmer same 35View details
1901-021176House and Garden James Christie, Craigation, East Newport John Brown, bank agent same 35View details
1900-011159House and Garden James Christie, blacksmith, 89 Wallwood Rd, Leytonstone, London, E John Brown, bank agent same 35View details
1899-001121House and Garden James Christie, blacksmith, 89 Wallwood Rd, Leytonstone, London, E John Brown, bank agent same 35View details
1897-981059House and Garden James Christie, blacksmith, 89 Wallwood Rd, Leytonstone, London, E John Brown, bank agent same 35View details
1896-971026House and Garden James Christie, blacksmith, 89 Wallwood Rd, Leytonstone, London, E John Brown, bank agent same 35View details
1895-96981House and Garden James Christie, blacksmith, Wallwood Rd, Leytonstone, London, E per John Harris, solicitor, 23 HighSt, Dundee Rev Thomas W Hodge same 35View details
1894-95934House and Garden James Christie, blacksmith, Wallwood Rd, Leytonstone, London, E per John Harris, solicitor, 23 HighSt, Dundee Rev Thomas W Hodge same 35View details
1893-94908House and Garden James Christie, blacksmith, Wallwood Rd, Leytonstone, London, E per John Harris, solicitor, 23 HighSt, Dundee Rev Thomas W Hodge same 35View details
1892-93887House and Garden James Christie, blacksmith, London per John Harris, solicitor, 23 High St, Dundee Rev Thomas W Hodge same 35View details
1891-92866House and Garden James Christie, blacksmith, 64 Walker St, Limehouse, London James Beattie, merchant same 35View details
1890-91821House and Garden James Christie, blacksmith, 64 Walker St, Limehouse, London James Beattie, merchant same 35View details
1889-90793House and Garden James Christie, blacksmith, c/o John Melville, Tay Tce, E Newport empty 17-10-0View details Value half year



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 511  view details Craighead lots 5 & 6 (west pt) 73 pol 25 yd (Christie) 101-105 Tay St


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1889.04445Clydesdale Bank to James ChristieFeu con & disp by Clydesdale Bank to James Christie, 64 Walker St, Limehouse, London of 73 pol 25 yd grnd, : N by the sea, : S by t/p to Tayport, the W-most part of lots 5 & 6 of Craighead ... rights to use of spring16 Jan 188967, 511

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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