
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 82  Tay Street

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.444238,-2.937824

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   6 Kerr Street   78 Tay Street   80 Tay Street   84 Tay Street   86 Tay Street   88 Tay Street   90 Tay Street   (Kempstane, Tay Street)   (Kempstane [2], Tay Street)   81 Tay Street  


1909-10 Finance Act - Valuation Office: Field Surveys

Reference no.      99


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)




Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 128 entries

1974 dirFeketey, A. F., 82 Tay Street
1973 dirFeketey, Mrs A., 82 Tay Street
1972 dirFeketey, Mrs A., 82 Tay Street
1971 dirFeketey, Mrs A., 82 Tay Street
1970 dirFekety, Mrs A., 82 Tay Street
1969 dirFekety, Mrs A., 82 Tay Street
1968 dirFekety, Mrs A., 82 Tay Street
1967 dirFekety, Mrs A., 82 Tay street
1966 dirFekety, Mrs A., 82 Tay street
1964 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street
1963 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street
1962 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street
1961 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street
1960 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street
1958-59 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street
1957-58 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street
1956-57 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street
1955-56 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street, East Newport
1954-55 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street, East Newport
1953-54 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street, East Newport
1952-53 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street, East Newport
1951-52 dirFekety, Mrs A., Tay street, East Newport
1950-51 dirFekety,Dr Alexander F., Scottish Research & Production Laboratories, Tay street, East Newport
1949-50 dirFeketey, Dr Alexander F., Scottish Research & Production Laboratories, Tay street, East Newport
1948-49 dirFeketey, Dr Alexander F., Scottish Research & Production Laboratories, Tay street, East Newport
1947-48 dirFekete, A. F., consulting engineer, Dunearn, Tay street, East Newport
1946-47 dirFekete, A. F., consulting engineer, Dunearn, Tay street, East Newport
1942-43 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn, E. N.
1941-42 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn, E. N.
1940-41 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn, E. N.
1940-41 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road
1939-40 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn, E. N.
1939-40 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road
1938-39 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn, E, N.
1938-39 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road
1937-38 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn. E. N.
1937-38 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road
1936-37 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn, E. N.
1936-37 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road
1935-36 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn. E. N.
1935-36 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road
1934-35 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn, E. N.
1934-35 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road, East Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn, E. N.
1933-34 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road, East Newport
1932-33 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road, East Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn, E, N.
1931-32 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road, East Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn, E. N.
1930-31 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road, East Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirSmith, D., Dunearn, E. N.
1929-30 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road, East Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirMillar, Wm. A., Dunearn, Tay st.
1928-29 dirSmith, David (draper, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road, East Newport
1928 Kelly dirMiller William A. Dunearn, E
1927-28 MacDonald dirMillar, Wm. A., Dunearn, Tay st.
1927-28 dirMillar, William A. (grocer, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road, E. Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirMillar, Wm. A., Dunearn, Tay st
1926-27 dirMillar, William A. (grocer, Dundee), Dunearn, Tayport road, E. Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirMillar, WM. A., Dunearn, Tay st.
1925-26 dirMillar, William A., grocer, Dunearn, Tayport road, East Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirMillar, Wm. A., Dunearn, Tay st.
1923-24 MacDonald dirMillar, Wm. A., Dunearn, Tay st.
1923-24 dirMillar, William A., grocer, Dunearn, Tayport road, East Newport
1922-23 dirMillar, William A., grocer, Dunearn, Tayport road. East Newport
1921 Slater dirMiller William, Dunearn, E
1920-21 dirMillar, William A., grocer, Dunearn, East Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirM'Pherson, R. H., Dunearn, Tay st.
1916-17 MacDonald dirM'Pherson, R. H., Dunearn, Tay st.
1915-16 MacDonald dirM'Pherson, R. H., Dunearn, Tay st.
1915-16 dirM'Pherson, R. H., engineer, Dunearn, Tayport road, East Newport
1915 Slater dirMcPherson Robert, Dunearn, Tayport rd. E
1914-15 MacDonald dirM'Pherson, R. H . Dunearn, Tay st.
1914-15 dirM'Pherson, R. H., engineer, Dunearn, Tayport road
1913-14 MacDonald dirM'Pherson, R. H., Dunearn, Tay st.
1913-14 dirM'Pherson, R. H., engineer, Dunearn, Tayport road
1912-13 MacDonald dirThomson, Mrs Jane, Dunearn, Tay st.
1912-13 dirM'Pherson, R. H., engineer, Dunearn, Tayport road
1911-12 MacDonald dirThomson, Mrs Jane, Dunearn, Tay st.
1911-12 dirM'Pherson, R. H., engineer, Dunearn, Tayport road
1911 Slater dirMcPherson Robert, Dunearn, Tayport rd. E
1910-11 MacDonald dirThomson, Mrs Jane, Dunearn, Tay st.
1910-11 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1909-10 MacDonald dirThomson, Mrs Jane, Dunearn, Tayport road
1909-10 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1908-09 MacDonald dirThomson, Mrs Jane, Dunearn, Tayport road
1908-09 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1908 Tayside AnnualThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn; Hon. President, [under Newport Young Women's Christian Association]
1908 Tayside AnnualThomson, Mrs Jane, Dunearn, E.
1907-08 MacDonald dirThomson, Mrs Jane, Dunearn, Tay st.
1907-08 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1907 Tayside AnnualThomson, Mrs Jane, Dunearn, E.
1907 Tayside AnnualThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn; Hon. President, [under Newport Young Women's Christian Association.]
1907 Slater dirThomson Mrs. Dunearn. E
1906-07 MacDonald dirThomson, Mrs Jane, Dunearn, Tay st.
1906-07 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1905-06 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1904-05 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1903-04 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1903 Slater dirThomson Mrs, Dunearn, E Newport
1902-03 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1901-02 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1900-01 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1899-00 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1899 Slater dirThomson Mrs. Dunearn, E
1898-99 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1897-98 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1896-97 dirThomson, Mrs James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1896 Slater dirThomson James, Dunearn, E
1895-96 dirThomson, James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1894-95 dirThomson, James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1893-94 dirThomson, James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1893 Slater dirThomson Mr. James, Dunearn, E N
1892-93 dirThomson, James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1891-92 dirThomson, James, Dunearn, Tayport road
1890-91 dirThomson, James, Dunearn, East Newport
1889-90 dirThomson, James (solicitor, Dundee), Dunearn, East Newport
1889 Slater dirThomson Mr James, Dunearn, East Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirThomson, James (solicitor, Dundee), Dunearn, East Newport
1887-88 dirThomson, James (solicitor, Dundee), Dunearn, East Newport
1886-87 dirThomson, James, Dunearn, East Newport
1886 Slater dirThomson James, Dunearn, E N
1885-86 dirThomson, James, Dunearn, East Newport
1884-85 dirThomson, James, Dunearn, East Newport
1882-83 dirThomson, James, Dunearn, East Newport
1882 Slater dirThomson Mr. James, Dunearn. E N
1880-81 dirThomson, James, merchant, Dunearn, East Newport
1878-79 dirThomson, James, merchant, Dunearn, East Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Female Voters Thomson, Mrs Jane Dunearn, Tay Street, Newport Proprietrix of House Tay Street
1879-1880 Voters Thomson, James retired architect Easter Newport
1878-1879 Voters Thomson, James retired architect Easter Newport


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Dunearn Miller William Alexande 10
1911 Tay Street, Dunearn McPherson Robert H 9
1901 Tay Street Thomson Jane M 10View household
1891 Dunearn Thomson James 11View household
1881 Dunearn Thomson James 12View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 45 entries

1974-75164300House Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 222View details
1973-74164300House Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 222View details
1972-73164300House Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 222View details
1971-72164300House Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 203View details
1969-701643House Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 130View details
1968-691643House Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 130View details
1967-68519House Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 130View details
1966-67519House Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 130View details
1964-65519House Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 95View details
1961-621527House Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 95View details
1958-59710House & Garden Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 72View details
1957-58687House & Garden Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 72View details
1952-53663House & Garden Mrs Annie F Feketey proprietor 72View details
1947-48639House & Garden Dr Alexander K Fekete proprietor 72View details
1942-43631House & Garden David Smith, 3 Murraygate, Dundee empty 72View details
1940-41631House & Garden David Smith proprietor 72View details
1937-38634House & Garden David Smith proprietor 72View details
1935-36609House & Garden David Smith proprietor 72View details
1932-33583House & Garden David Smith proprietor 75View details
1930-31577House & Garden David Smith proprietor 75View details
1927-28567House & Garden Janet wife of William A Millar, warehouseman said William A Millar 75View details
1925-26552House & Garden Janet wife of William A Millar, warehouseman said William A Millar 75View details
1922-23525House & Garden Janet wife of William A Millar, warehouseman said William A Millar 84View details
1920-21503House & Garden Janet wife of William A Millar, warehouseman said William A Millar 70View details
1917-18503House & Garden Trs of late Robert H McPherson, engineer per J & J Scrimgeour, solicitors, Dundee empty 70View details
1915-16498House & Garden Robert H McPherson, engineer empty 70View details
1912-13348House & Garden Robert H McPherson, engineer proprietor 70View details
1907-08330House & Garden Mrs Jane Thomson proprietor 70View details
1905-06316House and Garden Mrs Jane Thomson, widow proprietor 70View details
1903-04313House and Garden Mrs Jane Thomson, widow proprietor 70View details
1901-02903House and Garden Mrs Jane Thomson, widow proprietor 70View details
1900-01887House and Garden Mrs Jane Thomson, widow proprietor 70View details
1899-00853House and Garden Mrs Jane Thomson, widow proprietor 70View details
1897-98804House and Garden Mrs Jane Thomson, widow proprietor 70View details
1896-97778House and Garden Mrs Jane Thomson, widow proprietor 70View details
1895-96744House and Garden James Thomson, rtd. architect proprietor 70View details
1894-95698House and Garden James Thomson, rtd. architect proprietor 70View details
1893-94675House and Garden James Thomson, rtd. architect proprietor 70View details
1892-93661House and Garden James Thomson, rtd. architect proprietor 70View details
1891-92645House and Garden James Thomson, rtd. architect proprietor 70View details
1890-91611House and Garden James Thomson, rtd. architect proprietor 70View details
1889-90584House and Garden James Thomson, rtd. architect proprietor 70View details
1885-86551House and Garden James Thomson, rtd. architect proprietor 70View details
1881-82443House and Garden James Thomson, retired architect Said James Thomson 70View details
1878-79418House and Garden James Thomson, retired architect Said James Thomson 70View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 421  view details East Newport lots 10-12 (part) (Thomson) 82 Tay St


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1877.01514Mann & Myles to James ThomsonDisp by David Mann builder Newport presently residing there, & Thomas Myles builder there, residing Dundee to James Thomson, potato merchant, Dundee of pce grnd : N by t/p to Ferryport, : S by Kerr Street, pt of lot in feu granted 6 Mar 1874, pt of park immediately E of Newport26 Mar 1877349, 421

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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