
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 75  Tay Street

Street View Image

= Property still standing

Notes:      upper flat

Other properties at the same location : 77 Tay Street     


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.444004,-2.939058

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   68 Tay Street   70 Tay Street   72 Tay Street   74 Tay Street   76 Tay Street   77 Tay Street  


1909-10 Finance Act - Valuation Office: Field Surveys

Reference no.      101


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Tay Cliff
Tay Cliffe



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 106 entries

1974 dirSmith, Frank M., bookseller and stationer, 32 High Street, Tel. N. 3210: h. Taycliffe, 75 Tay Streetlocation 2
1973 dirSmith, Frank M., bookseller and stationer, 32 High Street, Tel. N. 3210; h. Taycliffe, 75 Tay Streetlocation 2
1972 dirSmith, Frank M., bookseller and stationer, 32 High Street, Tel. N. 3210; h. Taycliffe, 75 Tay Streetlocation 2
1971 dirSmith, Frank M., bookseller and stationer, 32 High Street, Tel. N. 3210; h. Taycliffe, 75 Tay Streetlocation 2
1970 dirSmith, Frank M., bookseller and stationer, 32 High Street, Tel. N. 3210; h. Taycliffe, 75 Tay Streetlocation 2
1969 dirWright, Mrs J. A., 75 Tay Street
1968 dirWright, Mrs J. A., 75 Tay Street
1967 dirWright, Mrs J. A., 75 Tay street
1966 dirWright, J. A., 75 Tay street
1965 dirWright, J. A., 75 Tay street
1964 dirWright, J. A., Taycliffe, Tay street
1963 dirWright, J. A., Taycliffe, Tay street
1962 dirWright, J. A., Taycliffe, Tay street
1961 dirWright, J. A., Taycliffe, Tay street
1960 dirWright, J. A., Taycliffe, Tay street
1958-59 dirWright, J. A., Taycliffe, Tay street
1957-58 dirWright, J. A., Taycliffe, Tay street
1956-57 dirWright, J. A., Taycliff, Tay street
1955-56 dirWright, J. A., Taycliff, Tay street. East Newport
1954-55 dirWright, J. A., Taycliff, Tay street, East Newport
1953-54 dirWright, J. A., Taycliff, Tay street, East Newport
1952-53 dirWright, J. A., Taycliff, Tay street, East Newport
1950-51 dirJaruga, Eugene, C.Ch. (chiropodist, Dundee), Tay Cliffe, Tay st.
1949-50 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road, East Newport
1948-49 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road
1947-48 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road
1946-47 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road
1942-43 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road
1941-42 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road
1940-41 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road
1939-40 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road
1938-39 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road
1937-38 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road
1936-37 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road
1935-36 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road
1934-35 MacDonald dirYoung, Jas., Tay st., E. N.
1934-35 dirRhodes, Misses, Taycliffe, Tayport road, East Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirYoung, Jas., Tay st., E. N.
1932-33 dirYoung, James, Taycliff, Tayport road; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1932-33 dirYoung, James, Taycliff, Tayport road, East Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirYoung, Jas., Tay st., E. N.
1931-32 dirYoung, James, baker and grocer, High street, East Newport; h. Taycliff, Tayport roadlocation 2
1930-31 MacDonald dirYoung, Jas., Tay st., E. N.
1930-31 dirYoung, James, baker and grocer, High street, East Newport ; h. Taycliff, Tayport roadlocation 2
1929-30 MacDonald dirYoung, Jas., Tay st., E. N.
1929-30 dirYoung, James, baker and grocer, High street, East Newport ; h. Taycliff, Tayport roadlocation 2
1928-29 MacDonald dirYoung, Jas., Tay st., E. N.
1928-29 dirYoung, James, baker and grocer, High street, East Newport ; h. Taycliff Tayport readlocation 2
1928 Kelly dirYoung James, Taycliffe, Tayport road, E
1927-28 MacDonald dirYoung, Jas., Tay st., E. N.
1927-28 dirYoung, James, baker and grocer, High street, East Newport ; h. Taycliff, Tayport roadlocation 2
1926-27 MacDonald dirYoung, Jas., Tay st., E. N.
1926-27 dirYoung, James, baker and grocer, High street, East Newport ; h. Taycliff, Tayport roadlocation 2
1925-26 dirYoung, James, baker and grocer, High street, East Newport ; h. Taycliff, Tayport roadlocation 2
1923-24 dirYoung, James, baker and grocer, High street, East Newport ; h. Taycliff, Tayport roadlocation 2
1921 Slater dirYoung James, Taycliffe, Tayport road., E
1915 Slater dirYoung James Taycliffe, Tayport road, E
1911 Slater dirYoung James, Taycliffe, Tayport road, E
1908 Tayside AnnualSmith, David, traveller, Tay Street.
1907-08 MacDonald dirSmith, David, Tay Cliffe, Tay st.
1907 Tayside AnnualSmith, David, traveller, Tay Street.
1907 Slater dirSmith David, Taycliffe, E
1906-07 MacDonald dirSmith, David, Tay Cliffe, Tay st.
1903-04 dirSmith, James L. (clothier, Dundee), Taycliff, Tayport road
1903 Slater dirSmith James L. Tay cliffe, E Newport
1902-03 dirSmith, James L. (clothier, Dundee), Taycliff, Tayport road
1901-02 dirSmith, James L. (clothier, Dundee), Taycliff, Tayport road
1900-01 dirSmith, James L, (clothier, Dundee), Taycliff, Tayport road
1899-00 dirSmith, A. B., grocer, West Newport ; h. Taycliff, East Newportlocation 2
1899-00 dirSmith, David (spiritdealer, Dundee), Taycliff house, Tayport road
1899-00 dirSmith, James L. (clothier, Dundee), Taycliff, Tayport road
1899 Slater dirSmith James L. Tay cliffe, E
1898-99 dirSmith, A. B., grocer, West Newport; h. Taycliff, East Newportlocation 2
1898-99 dirSmith, David (spiritdealer, Dundee), Taycliff house, Tayport road
1898-99 dirSmith, James L. (clothier, Dundee), Taycliff, Tayport road
1897-98 dirSmith, David (spiritdealer, Dundee), Taycliff house, Tayport road
1896-97 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, Tayport road
1896 Slater dirCarr Michael S. Tay Cliff house, E
1895-96 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, Tayport road
1894-95 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, Tayport road
1893-94 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, Tayport road
1893 Slater dirCarr Mr. Michael S., Tay Cliff House, E N
1892-93 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, Tayport road
1891-92 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, Tayport road
1890-91 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, E. Newport
1889-90 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, E. Newport
1889 Slater dirCarr Mr Michael S., Tay Cliff House, East Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Tay cliff house, E. Newport
1887-88 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, E. Newport
1886-87 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, E. Newport
1886 Slater dirCarr Michael S, Tay Cliff House, E N
1885-86 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, E. Newport
1884-85 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house, E. Newport
1882-83 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Tay cliff house, E. Newport
1882 Slater dirCarr Mr. Michael S., Tay Cliff House, E N
1880-81 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliffe house, E, Newport
1878-79 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Tay cliff house, East Newport
1878 Slater dirCarr Mr. Michael S. Tay Cliff House, E N
1877 Worrall dirCarr Mr. Michael S., Taycliff House
1876-77 dirCarr, M. S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff house. East Newport
1874-75 dirCarr, M. S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff House, East Newport
1873 Slater dirBrown Mr. Alexander, Tay Cliff House, Newport
1871-72 dirBrown, Alexander, Tay cliff House, East Newport
1871-72 dirCarr, Michael S. (warehouseman, Dundee), Taycliff House,
1869-70 dirCarr, Michael S., commercial traveller, Taycliff House, E. Newport
1867-68 dirCarr, Michael S., commercial traveller, Taycliff House, E. Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Smith, James L. Clothier Tay Cliff, East Newport Tenant of House Tay Cliff
1879-1880 Voters Carr, M S commercial traveller Easter Newport
1878-1879 Voters Carr, Michael Sinclair commercial traveller Easter Newport
1874 Voters Carr, M S commercial traveller
1873 Voters Carr, Michael Sinclair commercial traveller
1864-1865 Voters 7 September 1863 Henry, Alexander straw hat manufacturer, Dundee proprietor house and garden Easter Newport


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Taycliffe (main door) Young James 6
1911 Tay Street, Taycliff Young James 6
1901 Taycliffe Tay Street Smith James L 5View household
1891 Taycliff Carr Michael 7View household
1881 Taycliff Carr Michael S 7View household
1871 Tay Street Carr Michael 8View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 51 entries

1974-75159500House Frank M Smith proprietor 113View details
1973-74159500House Frank M Smith proprietor 113View details
1972-73159500House Frank M Smith proprietor 113View details
1971-72159500House Frank M Smith proprietor 113View details
1969-701595House Frank M Smith proprietor 73View details
1968-691595House Mrs Lilian M Wright proprietor 73View details
1967-68480House Mrs Lilian M Wright proprietor 73View details
1966-67480House Mr & Mrs James A Wright proprietor 73View details
1964-65480House Mr & Mrs James A Wright proprietor 66View details
1961-621614House Mr & Mrs James A Wright proprietor 66View details
1961-621524House (first floor flat) Robert F Hughes proprietor 60View details
1958-59729House & Garden James A Wright & spouse proprietor 42View details
1957-58706House & Garden James A Wright & spouse proprietor 42View details
1952-53680House & Garden James A Wright & spouse proprietor 42View details
1947-48655House & Garden Mary & Emmeline Rhodes proprietor 36-8-0View details
1942-43646House & Garden Mary & Emmeline Rhodes proprietor 36-8-0View details
1940-41646House & Garden Mary & Emmeline Rhodes proprietor 36-8-0View details
1937-38649House & Garden Mary & Emmeline Rhodes proprietor 36-8-0View details
1935-36622House & Garden Mary & Emmeline Rhodes proprietor 36-8-0View details
1932-33596House & Garden Trust Estate of James Young, baker per Douglas D Taylor CA, 4 High St, Dundee (trustee) Said James Young 36-8-0View details
1930-31592House & Garden James Young, baker proprietor 36-8-0View details
1927-28584House & Garden James Young, baker proprietor 36-8-0View details
1925-26568House & Garden James Young, baker proprietor 36View details
1922-23540House & Garden James Young, baker proprietor 36View details
1920-21518House & Garden James Young, baker proprietor 28View details
1917-18517House & Garden James Young, baker proprietor 28View details
1915-16512House & Garden James Young, baker proprietor 28View details
1912-13351House & Garden James Young proprietor 28View details
1907-08333House & Garden Daniel S Smith, clothier, Woodbine House, Newport David M Smith, traveller same 30View details
1905-06319House and Garden Daniel S Smith, clothier, Woodbine House, Newport David Smith, traveller same 30View details
1903-04316House and Garden Daniel S Smith, clothier, Woodbine House, Newport James L Smith, clothier same 30View details
1901-02906House and Garden Daniel S Smith, clothier, Woodbine House, Newport James L Smith, clothier same 30View details
1900-01890House and Garden Daniel S Smith, clothier, Woodbine House, Newport James L Smith, clothier same 30View details
1899-00856House and Garden Daniel S Smith, clothier, Woodbine House, Newport James L Smith, clothier same 30View details
1897-98808House and Garden Daniel S Smith, clothier empty 30View details
1896-97782House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman proprietor 30View details
1895-96748House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman proprietor 30View details
1894-95702House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman proprietor 30View details
1893-94679House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman, 10 Reform St, Dundee proprietor 30View details
1892-93665House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman, 10 Reform St, Dundee proprietor 30View details
1891-92649House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman, 10 Reform St, Dundee proprietor 30View details
1890-91615House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman proprietor 30View details
1889-90588House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman proprietor 30View details
1885-86555House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman proprietor 30View details
1881-82447House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman Said Michael Carr 30View details
1878-79422House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman Said Michael Carr 30View details
1875-76342House and Garden Michael Carr, warehouseman Said Michael Carr 30View details
1871-72304House and Garden Michael Carr & John Littlejohn Michael Carr, warehouseman 30View details
1867-68289House and Garden M. Sinclair Carr, commercial traveller, 5/8, and John Littlejohn, clothier, 3/8, pro indiviso Said Michael S. Carr 30View details
1865-66265House and Garden Alexander Henry, straw hat manufacturer, Dundee said Robert MacBeath Robert MacBeath, Supervisor 30View details
1864-65246House and Garden Alexander Henry, straw hat manufacturer, Dundee Charles Strachan, commercial traveller 25View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 228  view details East Newport lot 4a (IVa) 18 pol 22 yd on N side of road Newport - Ferryport (Brown, Carr / Littlejohn) 75-77 Tay St


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1880.06548John Littlejohn's share to Michael Sinclair CarrDisp by John Littlejohn, formerly clothier Dundee now assistant draper, Norwalk, Connecticut, America to Michael Sinclair Carr … of 3/8 of lands & others in feu to Henry Brown (8 Sep 1859) - 18 pol 22yd lot IVa on N side of road to Ferryport on Craig27 Dec 1880228
1880.06382Kerr / Black loan repaidDisch by Marion Isabella Kerr / Black, Greenock consent husband John Robert Black, MD Greenock, disburd bond (18 May 1866) £600 by Michael Sinclair Carr … now warehouseman, Dundee residing Taycliff House, Newport & John Littlejohn, clothier to exec. James Kerr over lands in feu to Henry Brown (8 Sep 1859) see also 1878.3185 - - 18 pol 22yd lot IVa on N side of road to Ferryport on Craig13 Nov 1880228
1878.03185Kerr loan transferred to Marion Isabella Kerr / BlackAssig by execs James Kerr, Col. in late Hon E I Co's Serv and sometime residing Broughty Ferry to Marion Isabella Kerr / Black wife of John Robert Black, MD, Greenock of bond (18 May 1866) £600 by Michael Sinclair Carr, commercial traveller, Dudhope St, Dundee & John Littlejohn, clothier, Dundee over 18 pol 22 yd lot IVa on N side of t/p (see feu to Henry Brown 8 Sep 1859)12 Jun 1878228
1877.01760Thain loan repaidDisch by attorney for assumed Trs under disp & assig in trust by Jean Welch or Thain wife of deceased James Thain … Dundee …disburd bond £200 (24 Nov 1869) by Michael Sinclair Carr commercial traveller … Dundee now Newport and John Littlejohn sometime clothier Dundee now furth of Scotland over lands etc described in feu to Henry Brown (8 Sep 1859) - 18pol 22yd lot IVa on N side of road to Ferryport18 May 1877228
1874.0380827 feus to Balmerino ChurchDisp by Berry, Tayfield to Trs Rev James Campbell, Minister of Balmerino and his successors of the following lands, pts of Tayfield (1) 17.75 pol Marytown; (2) 3 pieces lots 29, 30, 31 Marytown; (3) 2 roods Scots lot 26 Marytown; (4) 1 rood 23 falls 15 ells lots 27 & 28 Marytown; (5) 1 acre 34 falls grnd lot 20 S of Marytown; (6) 34 pol 20.5 yd of Gowrie Hill; (7) 32 pol 5 yd of Gowriehill; (8) 4 pol Gowrie Lane; (9) 72.25 pol lot 27 S of Marytown; (10) 37 pol Gardyne St lot 8; (11) 31 pol 20 yd Gardyne St lot 8; (12) 27.5 pol Gardyne St lot 7; (13) 34 pol 25 yd Gardyne St lot 7; (14) 45 pol 9 yd field of Seacraig; (15) 37 pol field of Seacraig; (16) 45 pol 25 yd field of Seacraig; (17) 36 pol 22 yd field of Seacraig; (18) 35 pol lot 5 E of Newport; (19) 54 pol lot 6 E of Newport; (20) 53 pol 18 yd lot 7 E of Newport; (21) 17 pol 14 yd lot 4b E of Newport; (22) 64 pol lot 21 E of Newport; (23) 52 pol 6 yd lot 8 E of Newport; (24) 53.5 pol lot 9 E of Newport; (25) 18 pol 22 yd lot 4a E of Newport; (26) 73 pol lot 28 S of Marytown; (27) 64 pol of Gowriehill; ... under burden of feu rights9 Nov 1874239, 167, 168, 169, 205, 261, 156, 3, 4, 333, 324, 331, 323, 330, 271, 274, 273, 272, 222, 223, 144, 145, 336, 322, 62, 228, 71, 342
1869.00886loan by Trs James Thain and Jean Welch / ThainBond £200 & disp security by Michael Sinclair Carr and John Littlejohn to Trs in succession of James Thain and Jean Welch / Thain of lands described in feu ch recorded 8 Sep 1859 by John Berry to Henry Brown (wherein described bldg. stance of 18 pol 22 yd lot IVa on plan on N side of road from E Newport to Ferryport) & bldgs t/on24 Nov 1869228
1866.01105loan by Execs James KerrExecutors James Kerr, Col. E I Co. Serv. get bond & disp £600 by Michael Sinclair Carr and John Littlejohn over pce grnd 18 pol 22 yd lot IVa on plan on N side of road from Newport to Ferryport18 May 1866228
1866.01104Alexander Henry to Michael Sinclair Carr (5/8) and John Littlejohn (3/8)Michael Sinclair Carr (5/8 parts) and John Littlejohn (3/8) pro indiviso reg disp to themselves by Alexander Henry … of pce grnd 18 pol 22 yd lot IVa on plan on N side of road from Newport to Ferryport (as described in feu ch to Henry Brown vol.7, 2646)18 May 1866228
1861.00340Henry Brown to Alexander HenryAlexander Henry regist disp to himself by Henry Brown consent Trs behoof his creditors of ground 18 pol 22 yd on N side of t/p Easter Newport to Ferryport lot IVa on plan, pt of park or field immed. E of Easter Newport5 Jun 1861228
1859.02646Tayfield to Henry BrownHenry Brown bookseller and stationer, Dundee, regist. feu ch to himself by J Berry, Tayfield of pce grnd 18 pol 22 yds on N side of road from Newport to Ferryport, lot IVa on ground plan8 Sep 1859228

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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