
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 5  Station Brae

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.439853,-2.93582

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   2 Albert Crescent   4 Albert Crescent   6 Albert Crescent   8 Albert Crescent   10 Albert Crescent   1 Kilgask Street   2 Kilgask Street   3 Kilgask Street   4 Kilgask Street   7 Station Brae   8 Station Brae   9 Station Brae   10 Station Brae   11 Station Brae   12 Station Brae   (former coal office [1], Station Brae)   (former coal office [2], Station Brae)   (Coal Depot [3], Station Brae)   (field at station, Station Brae)   1 Struan Place   2 Struan Place   3 Struan Place   4 Struan Place   1 Struan Street   2 Struan Street   3 Struan Street   4 Struan Street  

Earlier use of the site :   (field at station)     


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

1 Station Road



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 43 entries

1967 dirKay, Miss Y., 5 Station brae
1966 dirKay, Miss Y., 5 Station brae
1965 dirKay, Miss Y., 5 Station brae
1964 dirKay, Miss Y., 1 Station road
1963 dirKay, Miss Y., 1 Station road
1962 dirKay, Miss Y., 1 Station road
1961 dirKay, Miss Y., 1 Station road
1960 dirKay, Miss Y., 1 Station road
1958-59 dirKay, Miss Y., 1 Station road
1957-58 dirKay, Miss Y., 1 Station road
1956-57 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road
1955-56 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1954-55 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1953-54 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1952-53 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1951-52 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1950-51 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1949-50 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1948-49 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1947-48 dirKay, David T., grocer, 1 Station road, East Newport
1946-47 dirKay, David T., grocer, 1 Station road, East Newport
1942-43 dirKay, David T., grocer, 1 Station road, East Newport
1941-42 dirKay, David T., grocer, 1 Station road, East Newport
1940-41 dirKay, David T., grocer, 1 Station road, East Newport
1939-40 dirKay, David T., grocer, 1 Station road, East Newport
1938-39 dirKay, David T. grocer, 1 Station road, East Newport
1937-38 dirKay, David T., grocer, 1 Station road, East Newport
1936-37 dirKay, David T., grocer, 1 Station road, East Newport
1936-37 dirPendred, Victor W. J., B.Com., (lecturer, Dundee), 1 Station road, East Newport
1935-36 dirPendred, Victor W. J., B.Com. (lecturer, Dundee), 1 Station road, East Newport
1935-36 dirKay, David T., grocer, 1 Station road, East Newport
1934-35 dirKay, David T., grocer, 1 Station road, East Newport
1933-34 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1932-33 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1931-32 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1930-31 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1929-30 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1928-29 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1927-28 dirKay, David T., 1 Station road, East Newport
1926-27 dirKay, David T., Station road, East Newport
1925-26 dirKay, David T., Station road, East Newport
1923-24 dirKay, David T., Station road, East Newport
1922-23 dirKay, D. T., Station road



Census records



Valuation Roll entries      There are 23 entries

1974-75156200House Newport-on-Tay Town Council per Chamberlain John Berry 119View details
1973-74156200House Newport-on-Tay Town Council per Chamberlain John Berry 99View details
1972-73156200House Newport-on-Tay Town Council per Chamberlain John Berry 99View details
1971-72156200House Newport-on-Tay Town Council per Chamberlain John Berry 99View details
1969-701562House Newport-on-Tay Town Council per Chamberlain John Berry 55View details
1968-691562House Newport-on-Tay Town Council per Chamberlain John Berry 55View details
1967-68461House Newport-on-Tay Town Council per Chamberlain John Berry 55View details
1966-67461House Newport-on-Tay Town Council per Chamberlain Yvonne Kay 55View details
1964-65461House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport-on-Tay per burgh chamberlain Yvonne Kay 53View details
1961-621413House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport-on-Tay per burgh chamberlain Yvonne Kay 53View details
1958-59653House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport-on-Tay per burgh chamberlain Yvonne Kay 36View details
1957-58628House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport-on-Tay per burgh chamberlain David T Kay 36View details
1952-53599House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain David T Kay 33View details
1947-48575House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain David Kay, traveller 30View details
1942-43571House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain David Kay, traveller 28View details
1940-41569House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain David Kay, traveller 28View details
1937-38573House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain David Kay, traveller 28View details
1935-36558House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain David Kay, traveller 28View details
1932-33531House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain David Kay, traveller 28View details
1930-31525House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain David Kay, traveller 28View details
1927-28517House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain David Kay, traveller 28View details
1925-26502House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain David J Kay, traveller same 28View details
1922-23481House Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain David J Kay, traveller same 28View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 334  view details Newport field at East Station 115 pol 21 yd (0.770 acres) Struan St, Kilgask St, 5-11 Station Brae


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1920.00700Tayfield to Newport Town Council[not the correct abridgement number - it will be around this reference; abridgement not recorded by me] [Tayfield to Newport Town Council - field at East Newport Station, 0.770 acres, 115 pol 21 yd, £265]1920334

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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