
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Mortcloth Payments

     There are 1428 records.

DateEntryClothAmount £:s:dSource
15 Jul 1664 Samfort Nairne, in Fyffe, depairted out of this life att his dwelling howse, and was interred the 17 of Jul. after, att his parish church, in the night season. Lamont's Diary p. 171
18 Oct 1696 Left by Alexander Walker tennant in Newtown and Laird of St Fort at his death for the releiffe of the poor of the parish of Forgan of monie 48:0:0 CH2/160/1 fol. 4v
22 Nov 1696 to the bedell for making 2 graves to some poor persons in the parish (6:6) CH2/160/1 fol. 5v
3 Jan 1697 To Robt. Lesly to help to pay his wife's buriall (1:10:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 6r
14 Mar 1697 to Hew Orrock for dead coffins making (4:0:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 7v
14 Mar 1697 to the beddell for making a poor mans grave (6:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 7v
14 Mar 1697 to Thomas Ramsay for making James Grant's coffine (3:0:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 7v
13 Jun 1697 to the beddell for making James Mars grave (10:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 8v
4 Jul 1697 to James Mars coffin making (2:16:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 8v
7 Nov 1697 William Lumbsden an Elder engadges to pay a poor lads coffine out of his own pocket CH2/160/1 fol. 11r
28 Nov 1697 to the bedall for making 2 poor folks graves (13:4) CH2/160/1 fol. 11v
29 May 1698 to the bedall for making Andrew Baxter's grave (5:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 13v
10 Feb 1699 to John Melvill wright for making Elspet Dixon coffin (3:0:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 18r
10 Feb 1699 to Christiane Lesly to help pay her father's buriall (4:0:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 18r
7 May 1699 to Thomas Ramsay wright for making a poor persons coffin (2:16:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 19r
13 Aug 1699 to James Adamson [beadle] for graves making (2:0:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 20v
27 Aug 1699 to John Melvill wright of rest owing to him for dead coffins (1:1:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 20v
21 Jan 1700 to James Clark's relicke (1:10:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 22r
9 Jun 1700 to Hew Orrocke wright for makin 2 dead coffins (4:16:0) CH2/160/1 fol. 23v
4 Jun 1704 to Isobel Ferney her coffin & grave (3:8:0) CH2/160/2 p. 8
3 Jul 1704 for Margaret Walkers coffin (2:13:4) CH2/160/2 p. 8
9 Sep 1705 for making Alexander Barclay's grave (6:8) CH2/160/2 p. 12
7 Jan 1709 [at Perth after trial at circuit court] John Martine, an old man CH2/160/2 p. 29
17 Feb 1709 to the bedle for making a grave for a poor woman (6:8) CH2/160/2 p. 29
5 Dec 1709 to a coffin for Elspeth Rob (3:0:0) CH2/160/2 p. 34
5 Feb 1710 to the bedle for making a grave to one of the poor of this parish (6:8) CH2/160/2 p. 35
22 May 1710 to a coffin to Margaret Smart (3:0:0) CH2/160/2 p. 36
17 Feb 1711 to the bedle for making a grave to a poor person (6:0) CH2/160/2 p. 39
17 Feb 1711 For whangs to the Mortcloath pock (0: 6:0) CH2/160/2 p. 9
12 May 1712 for Margaret Frazers coffin (3:0:0) CH2/160/2 p. 45
7 Jul 1712 Robert Leigns coffin (2:8:0) CH2/160/2 p. 46
25 May 1713 The price of the cloath Mortcloath cost the Session twentie pounds and it is appointed that it shall pay eighteen shillings each time it is imployed and two shillings to the bearers. CH2/160/2 p. 51
26 Apr 1714 Andrew Young's coffin (3:0:0) CH2/160/2 p. 55
10 Jan 1715 Jean Culberton's coffin and other necessities to her while living (4:0:0) CH2/160/2 p. 59
19 Mar 1716 for coffins to poor persons (5:6:8) CH2/160/2 p. 64
18 Jun 1716 This day the session called for a sight of their register and ....found that the clerk has neglected to insert the price of the fine velvet mortcloath that was bought by the session in October 1711 and so had not given the session credit for the same. The CH2/160/2 p. 66
18 Jun 1716 Nine ellns of fine black velvet at 12 pounds Scots the elln 108: 0:0 CH2/160/2 p. 66
18 Jun 1716 Six yards of black shallowen at 2/- per elln 7: 4:0 CH2/160/2 p. 66
18 Jun 1716 Four pounds of black silk at 12pd. per pd. 48: 0:0 CH2/160/2 p. 66
18 Jun 1716 For making the fringe 12:16:0 CH2/160/2 p. 66
18 Jun 1716 For making the Cloath 6: 0:0 CH2/160/2 p. 66
18 Jun 1716 For a pock and making the pock 3: 0:0 CH2/160/2 p. 66
18 Jun 1716 [Sum] (Scots 185: 0:0) CH2/160/2 p. 66
18 Jun 1716 This day the session also appoints the gain of the said mortcloath since it was bought to be insert in their Register, and the same amounts to the sum of £125:14:0 as is contained in a particular account of the same set down in another part of this book w £125:14:0 CH2/160/2 p. 67
18 Jun 1716 The said mortcloath paying according to appointment of the session four shillings sterling and six pence to the keeper, by all those for whom it is employed. CH2/160/2 p. 67
18 Jun 1716 Ane account of the velvet mortcloath since October 1711, the same paying 4/- ster [i.e. 2-8-0 Scots] besides 6 pence to the bearer. CH2/160/2 p. 272
[Oct 1711 - Jun 1716] Mary Stevenson 2:8:0 CH2/160/2 p. 272
[Oct 1711 - Jun 1716] Agnes Imrie 2:8:0 CH2/160/2 p. 272
[Oct 1711 - Jun 1716] Helen Orrock 2:8:0 CH2/160/2 p. 272
[Oct 1711 - Jun 1716] Agnes Orrock 2:8:0 CH2/160/2 p. 272

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Parish registers (OPR 431/2) are Crown copyright, General Register Office for Scotland. Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland.

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