
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

House Names and Old Addresses

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Searching for K :     There are 138 records.

(any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

House NameOld AddressDatesCurrent address (& if demolished)
Keith Lodge 188540 West RoadLocation
Kemnay 193247 Naughton RoadLocation
Kemnay House 47 Naughton RoadLocation
Kempstane (Kempstane, Tay Street)Location
Kempstane [2] (Kempstane [2], Tay Street)Location
Kenleith 192212 Hillpark TerraceLocation
Kentallen 4 Riverside RoadLocation
Kevock Bank 194782 Riverside RoadLocation
Kilbrannan 19495 Albert CrescentLocation
Kilcraggan Lodge 8 Tayview TerraceLocation
Kildrummy 196954 Riverside RoadLocation
Kilgask 10 Gowrie StreetLocation
Kilmaurs 53 Kilmany RoadLocation
Kilnburn Bank 18 KilnburnLocation
Kilnburn Bank 194720 KilnburnLocation
Kilnburn House 32 Cupar RoadLocation
Kilnburn House 192234 Cupar RoadLocation
Kilnburn House 51 KilnburnLocation
Kilnburn Villas 189326 Cupar RoadLocation
Kilnburn Villas 189328 Cupar RoadLocation
Kilnburn Villas 189330 Cupar RoadLocation
Kilnburn Villas 192218 KilnburnLocation
Kilnburn Villas 192220 KilnburnLocation
Kilrenny 67 Kilmany RoadLocation
Kilrenny 11 Prospect TerraceLocation
Kilrenny 24 Tayview TerraceLocation
Kilry 195298 Tay StreetLocation
Kilry Cottage 195298 Tay StreetLocation
Kinbank 9 Bay RoadLocation
Kinbrae (Kinbrae, West Road)Location
Kinbrae Lodge (Kinbrae Lodge, West Road)Location
Kincraig from 189810 Mount Stewart RoadLocation
Kincraig to 189727 Naughton RoadLocation
Kincraig 2 Westwood TerraceLocation
Kindowrie 194757 Bay RoadLocation
Kinellan 16 Riverside RoadLocation
King Street Dairy 1894(former laundry, King Street)Location
King Street Laundry 1896-1900(former laundry, King Street)Location
Kingston 196726 King StreetLocation
Kinleith 12 Hillpark TerraceLocation
Kinnoull 12 Crosshill TerraceLocation
Kintyrie 39 Kilmany RoadLocation
Kinvarra 10 St Fort RoadLocation
Kirklea 82 Riverside RoadLocation
Kirkton House Kirkton HouseLocation
Kirktonbarns Cottages Kirktonbarns CottagesLocation
Kirktonbarns Farmhouse Kirktonbarns FarmhouseLocation
Kirwee House 1880s6 Wellgate StreetLocation
Kirwee House 1880s43 West RoadLocation
Kirwel House [should be Kirwee] 1880s6 Wellgate StreetLocation

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