
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

House Names and Old Addresses

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Searching for J :     There are 55 records.

(any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

House NameOld AddressDatesCurrent address (& if demolished)
James Square 1 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 3 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 5 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 7 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 9 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 11 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 13 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 15 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 17 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 19 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 21 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 23 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 25 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 27 Gowrie StreetLocation
James Square 2 King StreetLocation
James Square 1 Queen StreetLocation
James Square 3 Queen StreetLocation
James Square 5 Queen StreetLocation
James Square 7 Queen StreetLocation
James Square 9 Queen StreetLocation
James Square 11 Queen StreetLocation
James Square 13 Queen StreetLocation
Japonica Cottage 62 West RoadLocation
Jasmine Cottage 1914-191526 King StreetLocation
Jesmond 29 Woodmuir TerraceLocation
Joiner's Workshop former Workshop, Woodhaven PierLocation
Juniper Cottage 189127 King StreetLocation
Just's Land [1] (Just's Land [1], West Road)Location
Just's Land [2] (Just's Land [2], West Road)Location
Just's Land [3] (Just's Land [3], West Road)Location
Just's Land [4] (Just's Land [4], West Road)Location
Just's Land [5] (Just's Land [5], West Road)Location
Justfield pre 1851ChesterhillLocation
Justfield 12 Shepherds RoadLocation
Justfield Villa 187112 Shepherds RoadLocation
10 James Squareto 189111 Queen StreetLocation could have been any of the Queen Street houses, now 1-11
11 James Squareto 189113 Queen StreetLocation
2 James Squareto 18913 Gowrie StreetLocation
2 James Squareto 18915 Gowrie StreetLocation
2 James Squareto 18917 Gowrie StreetLocation
2 James Squareto 18919 Gowrie StreetLocation
2 James Squareto 189111 Gowrie StreetLocation
2 James Squareto 189113 Gowrie StreetLocation
2 James Squareto 189115 Gowrie StreetLocation
2 James Squareto 189117 Gowrie StreetLocation
2 James Squareto 189119 Gowrie StreetLocation
2 James Squareto 189121 Gowrie StreetLocation
2 James Squareto 189123 Gowrie StreetLocation
3 James Squareto 189125 Gowrie StreetLocation
4 James Squareto 189127 Gowrie StreetLocation

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