
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Vicarsford Cemetery - The Lairs & the Stones

The Lairs:

For each lair, the surname of the purchaser is given. Lairs which had not been purchased before about 2021, or which are not available for sale, are not listed here. Lairs were frequently bought in pairs, sometimes in multiples. The information has been taken from a copy of the Cemetery Lair Plan kindly provided by Alan Reid.

The Gravestones:

For most of the stones, the text here is not a word-for-word transcript. There are only a few photographs here. However, Find A Grave has photos of nearly all the stones.

Lair purchasers and listings given up to early 2022. These pages will not be continually updated.


Display all lairs     or a single row:     B   C   D   E   F   G   H   J   K   L   M   N   O

Alternatively, the information can be searched by surname of purchaser, stone inscription, lair number or year of death.

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and   or  

Lair: B211

Show on Plan of cemetery
Isobel Patrick Hyslop died 26 March 1937 - 77 years, daughter of late Samuel Patrick; her son Maitland Hyslop died 10 November 1952 - 62 years; her daughter Catherine R Hyslop died 6 June 1956 - 67 years, wife of Alexander S Gray who was killed in action 22 July 1918; Ellen McNaughton wife of the above Maitland Hyslop died 24 February 1975 - 81 years
Gray, Alexander S L1918
Gray, Catherine R1956
Hyslop, Catherine R1956
Hyslop, Ellen1975
Hyslop, Isabel1937
Hyslop, Maitland1952
MacNaughton, Ellen1975
Patrick, Isabel1937
Patrick, Samuel



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