
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 66  Tay Street

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.443241,-2.939774

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   60 Tay Street   62 Tay Street   64 Tay Street   68 Tay Street   35 Union Street  


Information and Photographs on Other Sites (open in a new window)

Seacraig, 66 Tay Street, Newport-On-Tay     source: Listed Building - Historic Environment Scotland


1909-10 Finance Act - Valuation Office: Field Surveys

Reference no.      81      82


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Seacraig Cottage



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 96 entries

1974 dirPaterson, A. T., 66 Tay Street
1973 dirPaterson, A. T., 66 Tay Street
1972 dirPaterson, A. T., 66 Tay Street
1971 dirBlack, Miss, 66 Tay Street
1970 dirBlack, Miss, 66 Tay Street
1969 dirBlack, Miss, 66 Tay Street
1968 dirBlack, Miss, 66 Tay Street
1967 dirBlack, Miss, 66 Tay street
1966 dirBlack, Miss, 66 Tay street
1965 dirBlack, Misses, 66 Tay street
1964 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tay street
1963 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tay street
1962 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tay street
1961 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tay street
1960 dirBlack, Misses Seacraig, Tay street
1958-59 dirBlack, Misses Seacraig, Tay street
1957-58 dirBlack, Misses Seacraig, Tay street
1956-57 dirBlack, Misses Seacraig, Tay street
1955-56 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tay street, East Newport
1954-55 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tay street, East Newport
1953-54 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tay street, East Newport
1952-53 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tay street, East Newport
1951-52 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road, East Newport
1950-51 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road, East Newport
1949-50 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road, East Newport
1948-49 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road
1947-48 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road
1946-47 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road
1942-43 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road
1941-42 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road
1940-41 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road
1939-40 dirBlack, Misses. Seacraig, Tayport road
1938-39 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road
1937-38 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road
1936-37 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road
1935-36 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road
1934-35 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road, East Newport
1933-34 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road, East Newport
1932-33 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road, East Newport
1931-32 dirBlack, Misses, Seacraig, Tayport road, East Newport
1930-31 dirBlack, Mrs, Seacraig, Tayport road, East Newport
1929-30 dirBlack, Mrs James, Seacraig, Tayport road, East Newport
1928-29 dirBlack, Mrs James, Seacraig, Tayport road, East Newport
1928 Kelly dirBlack Mrs. Seacraig cot. Tayport road, E
1927-28 dirBlack, Mrs James, Seacraig, Tayport road, East Newport
1921 Slater dirBlack Mrs. Seacraig cot. Tayport read, E
1915-16 MacDonald dirBlack, Mrs, Seacraig, Tay st.
1915 Slater dirBlack Mrs. Seacraig cot. Tayport road, E
1914-15 MacDonald dirBlack, Mrs, Seacraig, Tay st.
1913-14 MacDonald dirBlack, Mrs, Seacraig, Tay st.
1911 Slater dirBlack Mrs. Seacraig cot. Tayport road, E
1908 Tayside AnnualBlack, Mrs Mary, Tay Street.
1907 Tayside AnnualBlack, Mrs Mary, Tay Street.
1907 Slater dirBlack Mrs. Seacraig, E
1904-05 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1903-04 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1903 Slater dirAllardice John, Sea Craig, E Newport
1902-03 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1901-02 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1900-01 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1899-00 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1899 Slater dirAllardice John, Sea Craig, E
1898-99 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1897-98 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1896-97 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1896 Slater dirAllardice John. Sea Craig, E
1895-96 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1894-95 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1893-94 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1893 Slater dirAllardice Mr. John, Sea Craig, E N
1892-93 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1891-92 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, Tayport road
1890-91 dirAllardice, John, Seacraig, East Newport
1889-90 dirAllardice, Miss, Seacraig, East Newport
1889 Slater dirAllardice Mr John, Sea Craig, East Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirAllardice, Miss, Seacraig, East Newport
1887-88 dirAllardice, Miss, Seacraig, East Newport
1886-87 dirAllardice, Miss, Seacraig, East Newport
1886 Slater dirAllardice John, Sea Craig, Tay St
1885-86 dirAllardice, Miss, Seacraig, East Newport
1884-85 dirAllardice, Miss, Seacraig, East Newport
1882-83 dirAllardice, Miss, Seacraig, East Newport
1882 Slater dirAllardice Miss Margaret, Sea Craig
1880-81 dirAllardice, Miss, Seacraig, East Newport
1878-79 dirAllardice, Miss, Seacraig, East Newport
1878 Slater dirAllardice Mr. John, Sea Craig
1877 Worrall dirAllardice Mr. John, Tay st
1876-77 dirAllardice, Miss, Seacraig, East Newport
1874-75 dirAllardice, Miss, East Newport
1873 Slater dirAllerdice Misses -, West Newport[not West Newport]
1871-72 dirAllardice, Miss, Seacraig, East Newport
1869-70 dirAllardice, Miss, East Newport
1867 Slater dirAllardice Mr. John, Newport
1866 Fife dirAllardice, John, E Newport
1862 Fife dirAllardice, Archibald, E Newport
1845 Dundee dirAllardice, Archibald, Seacraig Cottage, Newport, Fife



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Allardice, John Seacraig, Newport Proprietor of House Seacraig


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Seacraig Cottage Black Mary 6
1911 Tay Street, Seacraig Black Mary 8
1901 Tay Street Allardice John 6View household
1891 Seacraig Allardice John 8View household
1881 Seacraig Cottage Allardice Margaret 8View household
1871 Tay Street Allardice Margaret 9View household
1861 1 Tay Street Allardice Archibald 8View household
1851 Thain James View household
1841 Marytown Village Carmichael James View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 92 entries

1974-75165200Garage Anthony T Paterson proprietor 14View details
1974-75165100House Anthony T Paterson proprietor 159View details
1973-74165200Garage Anthony T Paterson Charles R Hendry, 18 Queen Street 14View details
1973-74165100House Anthony T Paterson proprietor 159View details
1972-73165200Garage Anthony T Paterson proprietor 14View details
1972-73165100House Anthony T Paterson proprietor 159View details
1971-72165200Garage Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Charles R Hendry, 18 Queen Street 14View details
1971-72165100House Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 131View details
1969-701652Garage Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Charles R Hendry, 18 Queen Street 8View details
1969-701651House Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 85View details
1968-691652Garage Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Charles R Hendry, 18 Queen Street 8View details
1968-691651House Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 85View details
1967-68527House Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 85View details
1967-68528Garage Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Charles R Hendry, 18 Queen Street 8View details
1966-67528Garage Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Charles R Hendry, 18 Queen Street 8View details
1966-67527House Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 85View details
1964-65528Garage Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Charles R Hendry, 18 Queen Street 7View details
1964-65527House Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 74View details
1961-621518House Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 74View details
1961-621519Garage Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Charles R Hendry, 18 Queen Street 7View details
1958-59702House & Garden Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 29-5-0View details
1958-59703Garage Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Charles R Hendry, 18 Queen Street 6View details
1957-58679House & Garden Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 29-5-0View details
1957-58680Garage Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Charles R Hendry, 18 Queen Street 6View details
1952-53656Garage Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Charles Bowman, 11 Robert Street 6View details
1952-53655House & Garden Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 29-5-0View details
1947-48631House & Garden Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 29-5-0View details
1947-48632Garage Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Charles Bowman, 11 Robert Street 6View details
1942-43623House & Garden Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 29-5-0View details
1942-43624Stable Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee unlet 6View details
1940-41623House & Garden Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 29-5-0View details
1940-41624Stable Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee H R Clements, c/o Miss Kidd, Kerr Street 6View details
1937-38626House & Garden Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 29-5-0View details
1937-38627Stable Helen A & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Alexander Young, motor mechanic, 4 Tay Terrace 6View details
1935-36601House & Garden Helen A, Jemima B & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 29-5-0View details
1935-36602Stable Helen A, Jemima B & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Alexander Young, motor mechanic, 3 Tay Terrace 6View details
1932-33575House & Garden Helen A, Jemima B & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 29-5-0View details
1932-33576Stable Helen A, Jemima B & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee unlet 6View details
1930-31569House & Garden Helen A, Jemima B & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee proprietor 29-5-0View details
1930-31570Stable Helen A, Jemima B & Rachel M Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Alexander Taylor, Woodside 6View details
1927-28559House & Garden Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Mrs Mary Black 29-5-0View details
1927-28560Stable Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee David McEwan 4-13-6View details
1925-26545Stable Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee David McEwan same 4-13-6View details
1925-26544House & Garden Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Mrs Mary Black 29-5-0View details
1922-23517Stable Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee David McEwan same 4-12-6View details
1922-23516House & Garden Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Mrs Mary Black 29-5-0View details
1920-21495House & Garden Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Mrs Mary Black 22-10-0View details
1920-21496Stable Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee David McEwan same 6View details
1917-18494House & Garden Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Mrs Mary Black 22-10-0View details
1917-18495Stable Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee empty 6View details
1915-16490Stable Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee empty 6View details
1915-16489House & Garden Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Mrs Mary Black 22-10-0View details
1912-13330Stable Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Pearl Steam Laundry Co Ltd, Dundee same 6View details
1912-13329House & Garden Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Mrs Mary Black 22-10-0View details
1907-08312House & Garden Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Mrs Mary Black same 24View details
1907-08313Stable Reps of James Black per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Pearl Steam Laundry Co Ltd, Dundee same 6View details
1905-06299House and Garden James Black, retired proprietor 27View details
1903-04296House and Garden John Allardice proprietor 27View details
1901-02886House and Garden John Allardice proprietor 27View details
1900-01869House and Garden John Allardice proprietor 27View details
1900-01870Laundry John Allardice empty 5View details
1899-00835House and Garden John Allardice proprietor 27View details
1899-00836Laundry John Allardice empty 5View details
1897-98788House and Garden John Allardice proprietor 27View details
1897-98789Stable John Allardice John Leng jun. same 5View details
1896-97762House and Garden John Allardice proprietor 27View details
1896-97763Stable John Allardice John Leng jun. same 5View details
1895-96729Stable John Allardice John Leng jun same 5View details
1895-96728House and Garden John Allardice proprietor 27View details
1894-95683Stable John Allardice Alexander Scott, bank agent same 5View details
1894-95682House and Garden John Allardice proprietor 27View details
1893-94660Stable John Allardice Alexander Scott, banker same 5View details
1893-94659House and Garden John Allardice proprietor 27View details
1892-93646Stable John Allardice Alexander Scott, banker same 5View details
1892-93645House and Garden John Allardice proprietor 27View details
1891-92630Stable John Allardice Alexander Scott, banker same 5View details
1891-92629House and Garden John Allardice proprietor 27View details
1890-91596Stable Reps of late Miss Margaret Allardice per John Allardice Alexander Scott, banker same 5View details
1890-91595House and Garden Reps of late Miss Margaret Allardice per John Allardice said John Allardice 27View details
1889-90568House and Garden Miss Margaret Allardice proprietor 27View details
1889-90569Stable Miss Margaret Allardice Alexander Scott, banker same 5View details
1885-86537Stable Miss Margaret Allardice Alexander Scott, banker same 5View details
1885-86536House and Garden Miss Margaret Allardice proprietor 27View details
1881-82428House and Garden Miss Allardice Said Miss Allardice 27View details
1878-79408House and Garden Miss Allardice Said Miss Allardice 27View details
1875-76330House and Garden Miss Allardice Said Miss Allardice 25View details
1871-72296House and Garden Miss Allardice Miss Allardice 25View details
1867-68278House and Garden Miss Allardice Charles Mill 25View details
1865-66261House and Garden Miss Allardice Said Miss Allardice 22View details
1864-65243House and Garden Miss Allardice Said Miss Allardice 22View details
1860-61211House and Garden Trustees of children of Archibald Allardice Archibald Allardice 22View details
1855-56126House 3 of the children of Archibald Allardice, Maryton Mrs. Leslie said Mrs. Leslie 20View details Mrs Leslie has left this house



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 117  view details Maryton lot 12 29 falls 22 ells (McGrigor, Bruce, Carmichael, Allardice) 66 Tay St


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1891.00060James Allardice's 1/3 share to John AllardiceExtract Decr of sp serv by Sheriff Substitute of Fife & Kinross of John Allardice residing Seacraig, Newport as heir to brother James Allardice residing there, son of Archibald Allardice sometime bookseller Dundee thereafter residing there of 1/3 pro indiviso of 29 falls 22 ells lot 12 of Maryton19 Jan 1891117
1890.07193Margaret Allardice's part to John AllardiceNot Instr by John Allardice, Seacraig, Newport of following in so far as dec Margaret Allardice daughter of Archibald Allardice bookseller was infeft - 29 falls 2 ells lot 12 of Marytown ... will of Margaret Allardice7 Nov 1890117
1890.07153Robert Alexander Allardice's 1/3 part to John AllardiceDisp by Robert Alexander Allardice, Amboy, Illinois, USA to John Allardice, Seacraig, Newport of 1/3 share of 29 falls 2 ells grnd no. 12 of Marytown ...22 Oct 1890117
1890.07152Robert Allardice's part to Robert Alexander AllardiceExtract decr of sp serv by Sheriff Substitute of Fife of Robert Alexander Allardice, Amboy, Illinois, USA heir of father Robert Allardice, merchant Calcutta, son of dec Archibald Allardice bookseller Dundee in 1/3 share of 29 falls 2 ells grnd no. 12 of Marytown ...22 Oct 1890117
1862.01451apportionment of feu dutues by Church of ScotlandTrs General Assembly of Church of Scotland grant deed of appointment of trust declaring the following plots - plots 1st - 24th described in disp (11 Nov 1862) - held by them for payment out of the rents, feu duties, etc thereof of the annual sum of £80 to minister of parish of Ardallie, and surplus rents etc to Treasurer, Church of Scotland, for endowments of chapels of ease (see 01395)24 Nov 186295, 102, 147, 148, 112, 113, 157, 117, 146, 100, 153, 194, 150, 165, 152, 202, 149, 75, 67
1862.01395Tayfield to Church of Scotland (feu duties, rents) [1-21 Marytown, 22-23 south of Marytown, 24 Craighead, 25-43 St Phillans]Trs General Assembly of Church of Scotland regist disp to themselves by John Berry, Tayfield of the following lands & others, pts of lands of Inverdovat, Craighead & Causewayhead, viz (1) 3 cottages in village of Marytown (now Easter Newport); pce grnd with the 2 cottages t/on on E side of E-most of said 3 cottages; self-contained cottage with attics & garden grnd; 19 falls 5 yd (22 pol 29 yd) grnd with the 2 cottages t/on on S side of road Newport - Ferryport, being all pts of subjects described in the title deeds as 2 roods 4 falls 24 ells grnd pt of lands of Seacraig etc and therein descr as marked no. 1 & no. 2 on a plan; [lot 3 not mentioned - ? public house]; (2) 42 falls 17 ells (1 rood 13 pol 12 yd) grnd no. 4 on said plan & erections t/on; (3) 52 falls 10 ells grnd no.5 on said plan & ho etc t/on; (4) 52 falls 10 ells (1 rood 25 pol 28 yd) grnd no. 6on said plan & ho etc t/on; (5) 41 falls 31 ells grnd no. 7 on said plan; (6) 2 pces grnd extending to 1 rood 30 falls 34 ells nos. 8 & 9 on said plan & houses t/on; (7) E-most half with the houses etc t/on, and W-most half of 2 pces grnd 80 falls 29 ells no. 10 & 11 on said plan; (8) 29 falls 22 ells grnd lot no. 12 on plan; (9) 35 falls and (10) 35 falls grnd nos. 13 & 14 on plan; (11) 40 falls 4 ells grnd no. 15 on plan & bldgs t/on; (12) 40 falls 4 ells grnd no. 16 on certified copy of said plan; [lot 17 missing - ? owned by Gibb, vintner]; (13) 40 falls 4 ells grnd no. 18 on plan; (14) 35 falls (41 pol 4 yd) grnd no. 19 on certified copy of plan & ho etc t/on; (15) 49 falls 14 ells grnd no. 20 on plan & houses etc t/on; (16) 40 falls 4 ells grnd lot 21 on cert. copy of plan; (17-20) 4 pces grnd 40 falls 4 ells each nos. 22, 23, 24, 25; (21) 49 falls 14 ells grnd no. 26 all on said plan & houses t/on;
(22) 1 rood 34 falls 18 ells grnd no. 39 on a plan; (23) 3 roods 38 falls 15 ells (4 rood 39 pol & 14 sq yd) grnd to the S thereof with quarry therein, being all pts of lands of Seacraig;
(24) 10 acres 32 falls of lands of Craighead & houses t/on;
(25) lot of 41.66 pol and (26) lot of 42 pol grnd marked no. 1 & 2 of street called Hillside Crescent on a ground plan; (27) lot of 44 pol (28) lot of 34 pol and (29) lot of 35 pol 16 yd grnd nos. 3, 4 & 5 on said ground plan; (30) lot of 44 pol grnd no. 6 on said ground plan on which a ho or cottage has now been erected; (31)lot of 44 pol grnd forming lot 7 & pt of lot 8 on said plan; (32) lot of 39 pol 16 yd pt of lot 8 & pt of lot 9 on plan; (33) 39 pol 16 yd composed of stance marked no. 10 & pt of stance marked no. 9 on said plan; (34-41) lots of 29 pol 28 yd, 33 pol 4 yd, 28 pol 26 yd, 22 pol 14 yd, 22 pol 14 yd, 22 pol 12 yd, 25 pol 23 yd, 30 pol 21 yd of grnd lots 11, 12, 13,14,15,16,17,19 on said plan; (42) lot of 30 pol 7 yd grnd no. 20 on plan & ho etc t/on; (43) 58 pol 15 yd forming 2 lots marked no. 21 & 22 on said plan, being all pts of park or pce grnd bewteen village of Easter Newport & t/p Newport - Cupar, & teinds ... reserving the feu rights …
[43 plots listed, but 1863.02082 refers to 45 plots - which is correct? Were lots 3 and 17 added later?]
11 Nov 186295, 102, 147, 148, 112, 113, 157, 117, 146, 100, 153, 194, 150, 165, 152, 202, 149, 75, 67, 243, 292, 291, 287, 288, 311, 289, 312, 308, 247, 256, 278, 285, 286, 284, 72, 204, 207, 290
1855.03218Gregory loan repaidTrs David Gregory grant discharge to Robert Allardice of bond & disp (Mar 1830) £100 by William McGrigor & John Jack to Trs William Black & declare 29 falls 22 ells of Maryton & ho t/on disburdened (see 960)13 Mar 1855117
1854.02901annuity from Helen, Margaret & Mary JamiesonHelen, Margaret & Mary Jamieson seised 2/3 parts shares pro indiviso of 29 falls 22 ells grnd & bldgs no.12 on plan of Maryton in security of an annuity of £14 on bond by Robert Allardice, recently of Calcutta, East Indies, presently residing at Heath Park, Blairgowrie & Margaret Allardice residing Craighead, Newport7 Oct 1854117
1852.00960loan transferred to Trs D GregoryTrs David Gregory get assig to bond & disp £100 (2 Mar 1830) by William McGregor & John Jack over 29 falls 22 ells & dw ho t/on in Maryton (see 878)25 Mar 1852117
1852.00878loans transferred to new TrsTrs William Black get deed of assump by surviving trustee containing Assig to (1) bond & disp £550 (13 Aug 1830) by John Rogers, Northfield secured over field of land of old called North Common now called Northfield & houses etc t/on (see v2, 5652); & (2) bond & disp £100 (2 Mar 1830) by William McGrigor & John Jack secured over 29 falls 22 ells & dw ho etc t/on in Maryton (see v4, 1462)20 Feb 1852209, 117
1844.01462Trs J Carmichael to Allardice familyMargaret, Robert & James Allardice, children of Archibald Allardice, late bookseller, Dundee, now residing there seised 29 falls 22 ells lands of Seacraig in Marytown & ho etc t/on - under burden of £100 in bond & disp by William McGrigor to Tr William Black, 2 Mar 1830; - on disp by Tr, consent commiss on sequest est James Carmichael jun, lately engineer now commission agent residing Newport, said James Carmichael jun & said Archibald Allardice (see v2, 5307)3 Apr 1844117
1838.03846A & C Bruce to James CarmichaelJames Carmichael seised 29 falls 22 ells & bldgs t/on in Marytown on disp by Alexander Bruce & his spouse Catherine Craigie3 Aug 1838117
1833.01102William McGrigor to Alexander & Catherine BruceAlexander Bruce seised 29 falls 22 ells lands of Seacraig & houses t/on in Maryton on disp by William McGrigor, tailor, formerly at Maryton, and Catherine Craigie his spouse seised eod. die in liferent of said subjects propriis manibus of said Alexander Bruce18 Mar 1833117
1830.05318Scotscraig to William McGrigorWilliam McGrigor, tailor, Maryton seised 29 falls 22 ells land of Seacraig in Maryton on feu ch by Robert Dalgleish, Scotscraig13 Mar 1830117, 250sasine extract
1830.05307loan by William Black to William McGrigor & John JackTrs William Black seised 29 falls 22 ells land & ho etc t/on in Maryton in security of £100 on bond & disp by William McGrigor, tailor, Maryton & John Jack, shipmaster, Dundee9 Mar 1830117

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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