
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

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Searching for T :     There are 293 records.

(any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

House NameOld AddressDatesCurrent address (& if demolished)
T.S. Mars (T.S. Mars, Woodhaven Pier)Location
Taan Bungalow 195251 Kilmany RoadLocation
Taepeng 195798 Tay StreetLocation
Tarrig Mor 19671 Glenleven DriveLocation
Tay Bridge Cottage 27 Bay RoadLocation
Tay Bridge Works (former Tay Bridge Works, Naughton Road)Location
Tay Cliff 75 Tay StreetLocation
Tay Cliff 77 Tay StreetLocation
Tay Cliffe 75 Tay StreetLocation
Tay Cliffe 77 Tay StreetLocation
Tay Cottage 192298 Tay StreetLocation
Tay Cottage 1875(house on site of Royal Hotel, Tay Street)Location
5 Tay Street 188124 Tay StreetLocation
Tay View 41 West RoadLocation
Tay View Cottage 19072 Tayview TerraceLocation
Taybank 59 Bay RoadLocation
Taybank 2 Tay StreetLocation
Taybank Cottage 1891(Coronation Garden, 64, West Road)Location
Taybrae Cottage (16 Boat Brae)Location
Taycliff 75 Tay StreetLocation
Taycliff 77 Tay StreetLocation
Taycliffe 19055 Beechwood Tce EastLocation
Taycliffe 12 Birkhill AvenueLocation
Taycrag 19 Riverside RoadLocation
Tayfield 1967house at Tayfield, High RoadLocation
Tayfield Cothouse 1 1861(Tayside Cottages [NE], Boat Road)Location
Tayfield Cothouse 2 1861(Tayside Cottages [mid], Boat Road)Location
Tayfield Cothouse 3 1861(Tayside Cottages [SW], Boat Road)Location
Tayfield Estate Office 4 High StreetLocation
Tayfield House Tayfield House, High RoadLocation
Tayfield Mains [1] Tayfield Mains [1]Location
Tayfield Mains [2] Tayfield Mains [2]Location
Tayfield Mains [3] Tayfield Mains [3]Location
Tayfield North Lodge Tayfield North Lodge, High RoadLocation
Tayfield Offices 1967house at Tayfield Offices, High RoadLocation
Tayfield Smithy (Tayfield Smithy, Cupar Road)Location
Tayfield Smithy (former smithy, Victoria Street)Location
Tayfield South Lodge Tayfield South Lodge, High RoadLocation
Taygrove 113 Tay StreetLocation
Taygrove 115 Tay StreetLocation
Taygrove 117 Tay StreetLocation
Taymount 1960s1 Hill CrescentLocation
Taymount 2 Prospect TerraceLocation
Taymount 4 Prospect TerraceLocation
Tayside 1871(Tayside Cottages [mid], Boat Road)Location
Tayside 1871(old St David's Inn, Boat Road)Location
Tayside 1871(Tayside Cottages [NE], Boat Road)Location
Tayside 1871(Tayside Cottages [SW], Boat Road)Location
Tayside 1871(part of old St David's Inn, Boat Road)Location
Tayside 55 Cupar RoadLocation

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