
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

House Names and Old Addresses

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Searching for H :     There are 235 records.

(any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

House NameOld AddressDatesCurrent address (& if demolished)
Hainan 14 Hillpark RoadLocation
hall hall, Mount Stewart RoadLocation
Hallsteads 195245 Kilmany RoadLocation
Hamlet 19698 Strathblair AvenueLocation
Hankow 25 Westfield TerraceLocation
Harcourt Villa 19177 West RoadLocation
Harcourt House 19177 West RoadLocation
Harlaw Shiels (Harlowshiels, Old Places)Location
Harlowsheels (Harlowshiels, Old Places)Location
Harlowshiels (Harlowshiels, Old Places)Location
Harp Cottage 30 Tay StreetLocation
Harris Buildings 8a, West RoadLocation
Harris Buildings 8b, West RoadLocation
Harris Buildings 10 West RoadLocation
Harris Buildings (Graham Place [6], West Road)Location
Harris Buildings (Graham Place [5], West Road)Location
Harris Buildings (Graham Place [3], West Road)Location
Harris Buildings (Graham Place [1], West Road)Location
Harris Buildings part of 10, West RoadLocation
Harris Buildings (Graham Place [7], West Road)Location
Harris Buildings (Harris Land [1], West Road)Location
Harris Buildings (Harris Land [2], West Road)Location
Harris Buildings (Harris Land [3], West Road)Location
Harris Buildings (Harris Land [4], West Road)Location
Harris Buildings (Harris Land [5], West Road)Location
Harris Buildings (Graham Place [2], West Road)Location
Harris Buildings (Graham Place [4], West Road)Location
Harris Land 8a, West RoadLocation
Harris Land 8b, West RoadLocation
Harris Land 10 West RoadLocation
Harris Land part of 10, West RoadLocation
Harris Land [1] (Harris Land [1], West Road)Location
Harris Land [2] (Harris Land [2], West Road)Location
Harris Land [3] (Harris Land [3], West Road)Location
Harris Land [4] (Harris Land [4], West Road)Location
Harris Land [5] (Harris Land [5], West Road)Location
Havercroft 18 St Fort RoadLocation
Hawthorn Cottage (Hawthorn Cottage, 33, Queen Street)Location
Hay's Mill (Hay's Mill, Old Places)Location
Hays Mill (Hay's Mill, Old Places)Location
Hays Milne (Hay's Mill, Old Places)Location
Haysmiln (Hay's Mill, Old Places)Location
Hazel Bank Hazel Bank, West RoadLocation
Hazel Cottage 66 West RoadLocation
Hazelbank 15 Riverside RoadLocation
Hazelwood 21 Riverside RoadLocation
Heathbank 190553 Bay RoadLocation
Heathbank 18933 Wellpark TerraceLocation
Heathcote 16 St Fort RoadLocation
Heathfield House 54 West RoadLocation

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